The Modi Kurta has a legendary following among people but this widely acclaimed ‘style statement’ that it has become has very simple origins.
On the origins of the ‘Modi Kurta’ the Prime Minister said:
“My work with the RSS and BJP not only meant excessive travelling, but also uncertain and punishing schedules. And, as someone who always washed his own clothes, I realized that washing a full sleeved Kurta was tougher and more time consuming so I decided to cut his Kurtas into half sleeved ones.”
Thus the Modi Kurta was born!
As time progressed, particularly in the recent few years the Modi Kurta has become famous world over. Other merchandise like ‘Modi Masks’, caps, t-shirts, badges even chocolates have been seen time and again but nothing is as popular as the Modi Kurta- crisp and colourful, simple and elegant.
It is part of an endeavour to collect stories which narrate or recount people’s anecdotes/opinion/analysis on Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi & his impact on lives of people.