During the dark days of Emergency, Narendra Modi was actively involved in underground movement against the excesses meted out by the Congress government. Narrating an interesting encounter from 1975, Rohit Agrawal, a resident of Gujarat said, “Narendra Kaka evaded police by disguising himself as a Sardarji.”
Mr. Agrawal recounted the instance when Narendra Modi was stepping out of his house dressed as a Sardar and right at that moment police personnel had come searching for him. Agrawal said that just not the policemen but nobody in his house too could for at once recognise him as Narendra Modi.
Rohit Agrawal said, “In 1975, when Indira Gandhi had imposed Emergency, Narendra Kaka was staying disguised as Sardarji with us in Madhu Kunj, our home that time. Once he was stepping out dressed as Sardarji and policemen approached him and asked – Where does Narendra Modi live? Modi replied I don’t know. You may go inside and enquire. Narendrabhai let the police in and left on scooter with my brother. Not just the policemen, even we were deceived by Narendra Modi’s appearance.”
— Modi Story (@themodistory) March 29, 2022
Do you know how Narendra Modi evaded police during emergency?
Rohit Agrawal from Gujarat narrates an interesting encounter.
For more: https://t.co/9iulCar3rR
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It is part of an endeavour to collect stories which narrate or recount people’s anecdotes/opinion/analysis on Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi & his impact on lives of people.