After PM Modi launched the ‘She Inspires Us’ campaign to honour inspiring women, Arifa Jaan from Kashmir took over the Prime Minister’s accounts to share her life story with everyone. Arifa is an artisan from Kashmir, who worked extensively to revive Namda craft.

She shared about her first business activity, which was participating in an exhibition of handmade items in New Delhi. She said the exhibit attracted a good clientele and a turnover.

Thanking PM Modi for the ‘She Inspires Us’ campaign, Arifa says that the gesture has boosted her morale and it'll help her to work harder for the betterment of craft as well as the artisans all over Kashmir.

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Share your ideas and suggestions for 'Mann Ki Baat' now!
January 05, 2025

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will share 'Mann Ki Baat' on Sunday, January 26th. If you have innovative ideas and suggestions, here is an opportunity to directly share it with the PM. Some of the suggestions would be referred by the Prime Minister during his address.

Share your inputs in the comments section below.