The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today replied to the motion of thanks on the President’s Address in the Lok Sabha. He thanked the various Members of the House, for adding vigour into the debate, and sharing insightful points.
Stating that there is something very special about 'Jan Shakti' – people’s power – the Prime Minister said that it is due to this 'Jan Shakti' that a person born in a poor family can become the Prime Minister of India.
The Prime Minister said that there are many people like him, who may not have had the opportunity to die for the nation during the freedom struggle, but who, being born in free India, are living for, and serving the nation. Stating that faith in Jan Shakti will give good results, he called upon the Members to understand and appreciate the inherent strength of our people, and take India to newer heights.
Explaining the rationale behind the advancement of the budget date, the Prime Minister said this would ensure better utilization of funds. Similarly, he said that the transport sector in the country now requires a comprehensive approach, which is possible by having just one Union Budget.
The Prime Minister expressed satisfaction at the change of discourse since he assumed office – stating that from a time when the discussion was on how much money is lost through scams, the discussion is now on how much black money has been recovered.
The Prime Minister declared that his struggle is for the poor, and this struggle to give the poor their due, will continue. He said that this Government does not see everything from the prism of elections, and the interests of the nation are supreme for the Government.
Comparing demonetization to the Swachh Bharat Mission, the Prime Minister said it is a movement to clean India from corruption and black money.
Responding to criticism of frequent changes in the rules related to demonetization, the Prime Minister said that this was done to stay a step ahead of those who wanted to find loopholes in the exercise. He noted that rules for MNREGA were also changed over a thousand times.
The Prime Minister said steps like crop insurance have been taken in a way that facilitates and benefits farmers.
The Prime Minister also praised the nation’s armed forces, and said that they are fully capable of defending the nation.
Various members of the House added vigour into the debate & shared insightful points. I thank the MPs for their participation: PM
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 7, 2017
How can someone see 'SEVA' or any positive virtue in the word 'SCAM' : PM @narendramodi in the Lok Sabha
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 7, 2017
There is something very special about 'Jan Shakti' : PM @narendramodi
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 7, 2017
We remember how democracy was under threat from 1975 to 1977, when opposition leaders were jailed, newspaper freedom curtailed: PM
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 7, 2017
It is due to this 'Jan Shakti' that the person born to a poor family can become the Prime Minister of India: PM @narendramodi
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 7, 2017
There are many people like me, who could not die for the nation during the freedom struggle but we are living for India & serving India: PM
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 7, 2017
Somewhere on the way, 'Jan Shakti' was forgotten. We do not accept this: PM @narendramodi in the Lok Sabha
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 7, 2017
Let us understand & appreciate the inherent strength of our people & take India to newer heights. Faith in Jan Shakti will give results: PM
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 7, 2017
I had said it from the Red Fort- every Prime Minister has contributed to the nation: PM @narendramodi in the Lok Sabha
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 7, 2017
I was surprised that there were some who made cleanliness also a political issue. Why can't we work together on ushering a Swachh Bharat: PM
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 7, 2017
When Rail budget was first presented, the transport sector was different. Now things are different & a more comprehensive look is needed: PM
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 7, 2017
From Day 1, we have been clear- we are ready for a discussion on demonetisation but some were more keen on TV bytes & not debates: PM
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 7, 2017
पहले होता था – कितना गया, अब होता है – मोदी जी कितना लाये...this is how discourse has changed after we have assumed office: PM @narendramodi
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 7, 2017
It does not matter how big you are, you will have to give back what belongs to the poor. My fight is for the poor: PM @narendramodi
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 7, 2017
My fight is for the poor and giving the poor their due. This fight will continue: PM @narendramodi
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 7, 2017
आप कितने भी बड़े क्यों न हो, आपको गरीबों के हक का लौटना पड़ेगा। मैं गरीबों के लिए लड़ता रहा हूँ और आगे भी लड़ता रहूँगा: PM @narendramodi
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 7, 2017
We do not see everything from the prism of elections. The interests of the nation are supreme for us: PM @narendramodi
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 7, 2017
When can you have an operation? When the body is healthy. The economy was doing well and thus our decision was taken at the right time: PM
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 7, 2017
Like Swachh Bharat, the decision on demonetisation is a movement to clean India (from corruption and black money): PM @narendramodi
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 7, 2017
नोटबंदी के दौरान एक तरफ देश को लूटने वाले लोग थे और दूसरी तरफ ईमानदारी का प्रयास किया जा रहा था: PM @narendramodi
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 7, 2017
क्या कारण रहा जो मनरेगा जैसे पोपुलर कार्यक्रम के नियमों में 1035 बार परिवर्तन करना पड़ा? देश जानना चाहता है: PM @narendramodi
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 7, 2017
आज बदलाव अचानक नहीं आए हैं, योजनाबद्ध तरीके से लाए जा रहे हैं और इस दिशा में भागीरथ प्रयास किये जा रहे हैं: PM @narendramodi
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 7, 2017
Now, middlemen no longer enjoy the benefits they did. We have stopped the corruption and loot: PM @narendramodi
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 7, 2017
पहले गरीबों का हक़ छीना जाता था लेकिन हमने टेक्नोलॉजी और आधार के प्रयोग से लीकेज को दूर करते हुए गरीबों को उनका हक़ दिलाया है: PM
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 7, 2017
Why was it that there were crop insurance schemes earlier but farmers were not keen to avail of the benefits: PM @narendramodi
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 7, 2017
हमने हमारे किसानों के हक़ की रक्षा के लिए फसल बीमा योजना को बेहतर बनाया: PM @narendramodi
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 7, 2017
हमने रोजगार की संभावनाओं को बढ़ाने के लिए नीतियों पर बल दिया। कई योजनाओं के माध्यम से नौजवानों के लिए रोजगार के अवसर बनाने का काम किया: PM
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 7, 2017
हमारी देश की सेना का हम जितना गुणगान करें, उतना कम है। हमारी सेना इस राष्ट्र की रक्षा के लिए पूर्ण रूप से सामर्थ्यवान है: PM @narendramodi
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 7, 2017