Gujarat Chief Minister Shri Narendra Modi today directed the authorities to hold workshops to implement the 'Vanbandhu Kalyan Yojna' special package of Rs.15,000-crore for all round development of about 75-lakh forest-dwellers in 43 talukas in 12 predominantly tribal districts in the state.

Presiding over the state-level implementation committee of the project, he wished this unique project aimed at qualitative improvement of tribal people over the years becomes a model for other states to emulate.

Others who attended the meeting included Finance Minister Shri Vajubhai Vala, Forest Minister Shri Mangubhai Patel, Minister of State for Forest Shri Jashwantsinh Bhabhor, Parliamentary Secretary Shri Harshad Vasava, Chief Secretray Shri A.K. Joti and senior officers.

Shri Modi recalled how it started with spending about Rs.6,500-crore in the Tribal Sub-Plan between 1974 and 2001. Another Rs.18,000-crore was spent during the following decade. The Vanbandhu Kalyan Yojna is a unique project which sought to improve the educational qualification and employability of the tribal people to enable them to be partners of the state's progress.

He directed the authorities to form teams and fan out to tribal talukas, stay with the tribal people, co-ordinate actions between different departments, explain the benefits of the package and spare no efforts to ensure its successful implementation. The action plan was condensed in 10-point programme.

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