PM Modi addresses public meetings at West Bengal’s Bardhaman, Kalyani and Barasat

PM Modi addresses public meetings at West Bengal’s Bardhaman, Kalyani and Barasat

April 12th, 11:59 am

PM Modi addressed three mega rallies in West Bengal’s Bardhaman, Kalyani and Barasat today. Speaking at the first rally the PM said, “Two things are very popular here- rice and mihi dana. In Bardhaman, everything is sweet. Then tell me why Didi doesn't like Mihi Dana. Didi's bitterness, her anger is increasing every day because in half of West Bengal's polls, TMC is wiped out. People of Bengal hit so many fours and sixes that BJP has completed century in four phases of assembly polls.”

بنگلہ دیش کے قومی دن کے پروگرام کے موقع پر وزیر اعظم کے خطاب کا متن

بنگلہ دیش کے قومی دن کے پروگرام کے موقع پر وزیر اعظم کے خطاب کا متن

March 26th, 04:26 pm

PM Modi took part in the National Day celebrations of Bangladesh in Dhaka. He awarded Gandhi Peace Prize 2020 posthumously to Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. PM Modi emphasized that both nations must progress together for prosperity of the region and and asserted that they must remain united to counter threats like terrorism.

وزیر اعظم نے قومی دن کے پروگرام میں شرکت کی

وزیر اعظم نے قومی دن کے پروگرام میں شرکت کی

March 26th, 04:24 pm

نئی دلّی ، 26 مارچ / وزیر اعظم جناب نریندر مودی نے بنگلہ دیش کے اپنے دو روزہ دورے کے موقع پر معزز مہمان کے طور پر بنگلہ دیش کے صدر ہز ایکسی لینسی جناب محمد عبد الحامد ، بنگلہ دیش کی وزیر اعظم ہر ایکسی لینسی شیخ حسینہ ، شیخ مجیب الرحمٰن کی چھوٹی بیٹی شیخ ریحانہ ، مجیب برس کی قومی تقریبات کمیٹی کے چیف کوآرڈینیٹر ڈاکٹر کمال عبد الناصر چودھری اور دیگر معززین کے ساتھ بنگلہ دیش کی آزادی کی گولڈن جوبلی تقریبات میں شرکت کی ۔ یہ تقریب تاج گاؤں کے نیشنل پریڈ اسکوائر میں منعقد ہوئی ۔ اس میں بنگلہ دیش کے بابائے قوم بنگ بندھو شیخ مجیب الرحمٰن کی یومِ پیدائش کی صد سالہ تقریب بھی منعقد ہوئی ۔

National Education Policy shifts focus from ‘what to think’ to ‘how to think’: PM Modi

August 07th, 10:28 am

PM Modi addressed a Conclave on National Education Policy said that the NEP would serve as the foundation of the India of 21st century and give our youth the education and skillset they require. In the recent years, PM Modi remarked that there had not been major changes in education and thus the values of curiosity and imagination were not given the thrust. “We moved towards a herd community. The mapping of interest, ability, and demand was needed”, he added.

PM Modi addresses Conclave on National Education Policy

August 07th, 10:27 am

PM Modi addressed a Conclave on National Education Policy said that the NEP would serve as the foundation of the India of 21st century and give our youth the education and skillset they require. In the recent years, PM Modi remarked that there had not been major changes in education and thus the values of curiosity and imagination were not given the thrust. “We moved towards a herd community. The mapping of interest, ability, and demand was needed”, he added.