His Excellency,
The Prime Minister of Bhutan, my brother Dasho Tshering Tobgay ji, Chairman of Soul Board Sudhir Mehta, Vice Chairman Hansmukh Adhia, giants of the industrial world, who have been successful in giving leadership in their lives, in their respective fields, I see many such great people here, and I also see my young colleagues here, for whom the future is waiting.
There are some events which are very close to the heart, and today's event is one such event. For nation building, development of better citizens is essential. Nation building starts from individual development, world from people, world from people, if one wants to attain any height or achieve greatness, then the beginning starts from the people only. Development of the best leaders is vital in every sector, and the need of hour. And therefore, the establishment of The School of Ultimate Leadership is a very important and very big step in the development journey of developed India. It is not just that the name of this institute has 'SOUL' in it, it is going to become the soul of India's social life, and we are well acquainted with it, we hear it again and again - Atma, if we look at this SOUL in that sense, then it makes us feel the soul. I heartily congratulate all the colleagues associated with this mission; all the great people associated with this institute. Very soon a huge campus of The School of Ultimate Leadership is going to be ready near Gift City. And just now when I was coming among you, the Chairman Shri showed me its complete model, showed me the plan, I really think that it will take leadership from the point of view of architecture as well.
Today, when The School of Ultimate Leadership – SOUL is taking the first big step of its journey, you have to remember what is your direction, what is your goal? Swami Vivekananda had said- “Give me a hundred energetic young men and women and I shall transform India.” Swami Vivekananda wanted to transform India by taking it out of slavery. And he believed that if he had 100 leaders, he could not only make India independent but also make it the number one country in the world. With this will power, with this mantra, we all and especially you have to move ahead. Today every Indian is working day and night for a developed India of the 21st century. In such a situation, in a country of 140 crore people, we need the best leadership in every sector, in every vertical, in every aspect of life. Not just political leadership, the School of Ultimate Leadership has a huge scope to prepare 21st century leadership in every sphere of life. I am confident that such leaders will emerge from the School of Ultimate Leadership who will waive their flag not only in the country but also in the institutions of the world, in every field. And it is possible that a youth coming out after taking training from here may achieve a new position in politics.
When a country progresses, natural resources play a role, but human resources play an even bigger role. I remember when the movement for the separation of Maharashtra and Gujarat was going on, we were children at that time, but at that time there was a discussion that what will Gujarat do by separating? It has no natural resources, no mines, no coal, nothing, what will it do? There is no water, it is a desert and there is Pakistan on the other side, what will they do? And at the most these Gujaratis have salt, what else do they have? But look at the power of leadership, today that Gujarat is everything. The common people there had this power, they didn't sit and cry that this is not there, that is not there, this is not there, that is not there, oh whatever is there is that. There is not a single diamond mine in Gujarat, but 9 out of 10 diamonds in the world are those which are touched by some Gujarati. What I mean to say is that not only resources, the biggest power is in human resources, in human capability, in manpower and what is called leadership in your language.
In the 21st century, we need resources that can lead innovation and channelize skills. Today we see how important skills are in every field. Therefore, the field of leadership development also needs new skills. We have to take this work of leadership development forward at a very fast pace in a very scientific manner. Your institute, SOUL, has a very important role in this direction. I am happy to know that you have also started working on this. Although formally this may appear to be your first event today, I was told that for the effective implementation of the National Education Policy, workshops have been held for State Education Secretaries, State Project Directors and other officials. A Chintan Shivir has been organized for leadership development among the staff of the Chief Minister's Office of Gujarat. And I can say that this is just the beginning. We have to see Soul become the best leadership development institute in the world. And for this, we have to work hard also.
Today India is emerging as a global power house. To ensure that this momentum and speed increases in every field, we need world class leaders, international leadership. Leadership institutions like SOUL can prove to be game changers in this. Such international institutions are not only our choice but our necessity. Today India also needs energetic leaders in every sector who can find solutions to global complexities and global needs. Those who, while solving problems, keep the country's interest at the top priority on the global stage. Those whose approach is global but an important part of their thinking is also local. We have to prepare such individuals who move forward with an Indian mind, understanding the international mind-set. Who are always ready for Strategic Decision Making, Crisis Management and Futuristic Thinking. If we have to compete in International Markets, Global Institutions, then we need such leaders who have an understanding of International Business Dynamics. This is the work of the SOUL, your scale is big, scope is big, and the expectations from you are also as high.
One thing will always be useful for all of you, in the times to come, leadership will not be limited to just power. Only those who have the capabilities of innovation and impact will be in the leadership roles. Individuals of the country will have to emerge according to this need. SOUL will be an institution that develops Critical Thinking, Risk Taking and Solution Driven Mindset in these individuals. In the times to come, such leaders will emerge from this institution who will be ready to work amidst Disruptive Changes.
We have to create such leaders who work to set trends, not to make trends. In the coming times, when we will promote new leadership from Diplomacy to Tech Innovation, then India's influence and impact in all these sectors will increase manifold. That is, in a way, India's entire vision, entire future will depend on a strong leadership generation. That is why we have to move forward with global thinking and local upbringing. We have to make our governance, our policy making world class. This will be possible only when our policy makers, bureaucrats, entrepreneurs will be able to frame their policies by linking them with global best practices. And institutions like SOUL will have a very big role in this.
I have said earlier also that if we want to make India developed, then we will have to move ahead at a fast pace in every field. It is said in our scriptures-
यत् यत् आचरति श्रेष्ठः, तत् तत् एव इतरः जनः।।
That is, ordinary people follow the way a great man behaves. Therefore, such leadership is necessary, which reflects India's national vision in every aspect and conducts accordingly. In future leadership, both the steel and spirit required for building a developed India have to be produced, that should be the aim of the SOUL. After that, the necessary changes and reforms will keep coming on their own.
We have to create this steel and spirit in public policy and social sectors too. We have to prepare leadership for many emerging sectors like Deep-Tech, Space, Biotech, Renewable Energy. We also have to create leadership for conventional sectors like Sports, Agriculture, Manufacturing and Social Service. We not only have to aspire but also achieve excellence in every sector. Therefore, India will need such leaders who develop new institutions of global excellence. Our history is full of glorious stories of such institutions. We have to revive that spirit and this is not difficult either. There are examples of many countries in the world who have done this. I understand that there are lakhs of such friends sitting in this hall and those who are listening to us and watching us outside, all of them are capable. This institute should also be a laboratory of your dreams and your vision. So that the generation after 25-50 years from today remembers you with pride. They can take pride in the foundation that you are laying today.
As an institute, the resolve and dreams of crores of Indians should be very clear to you. The sectors and factors that are both a challenge and an opportunity for us should also be clear to you. When we move forward with a common goal and work together, the results are amazing. The bond forged by a shared purpose is stronger than blood. It unites minds, it fuels passion and it stands the test of time. When the Common Goal is big, when your purpose is big, leadership also develops, Team spirit also develops, people dedicate themselves to their Goals. When there is a common goal, a shared purpose, then the best capacity of every individual also comes out. And not only this, he also increases his capabilities with great determination. And in this process a leader develops. He tries to acquire the capability which he does not have, so that he can reach higher.
When there is a shared purpose, an unprecedented feeling of team spirit guides us. When all people walk together as co-travellers of a shared purpose, a bonding develops. This process of team building also gives birth to leadership. What better example of shared purpose can there be than our freedom struggle? Our freedom struggle created leaders not only in politics but also in other sectors. Today we have to relive the same spirit of the freedom movement. Taking inspiration from that, we have to move forward.
There is a very beautiful saying in Sanskrit:
अमन्त्रं अक्षरं नास्ति, नास्ति मूलं अनौषधम्। अयोग्यः पुरुषो नास्ति, योजकाः तत्र दुर्लभः।।
That is, there is no such word from which a mantra cannot be made. There is no such herb from which a medicine cannot be made. There is no person who is incompetent. But everyone needs a planner who can use them at the right place and give them the right direction. The role of the SOUL is also that of a planner. You also have to turn words into mantras, herbs into medicine. There are many leaders sitting here too. You have learnt and honed these skills of leadership. I read somewhere- If you develop yourself, you can experience personal success. If you develop a team, your organization can experience growth. If you develop leaders, your organization can achieve explosive growth. These three sentences will always help us remember what we have to do, we have to contribute.
Today, a new social system is being formed in the country, which is being shaped by the young generation that was born in the 21st century, that was born in the last decade. This is going to be the first generation of a truly developed India, the Amrit generation. I am confident that this new institute will play a very important role in preparing the leadership of this Amrit generation. Once again, I wish you all the best.
It is a very happy coincidence that today is the birthday of the King of Bhutan and this occasion is happening here. And the Prime Minister of Bhutan has come here on such an important day and the King of Bhutan has played a very important role in sending him here, so I express my heartfelt gratitude to him too.
If I had the time, I would have stayed here for these two days because some time ago I had attended a programme of Viksit Bharat in which many of you youngsters were there, so I was here for almost the whole day, met everyone, was chatting, I got to learn a lot, got to know a lot, and today it is my good fortune that I am seeing that all the leaders sitting in the first row are those who have achieved new heights of success in their lives. This is a big opportunity for you to meet, sit and talk with all of them. I do not get this good fortune because when I meet them, they bring some work or the other. But you will get to know and learn a lot from their experiences. They are great achievers in their own fields. And they have given so much time for you people, this is what makes me feel that I see a very bright future for this institution named SOUL. When such successful people sow seeds, that Banyan tree will also produce leaders who will achieve new heights of success. With full confidence, I once again express my gratitude to everyone who has given time, has increased capability, has given strength. I have many dreams and expectations for my youth and I always have this feeling within me that I should keep doing something or the other for the youth of my country every moment. I keep looking for opportunities and today once again I have got that opportunity. My best wishes to the youth.
Thank you very much.