QuoteDistributes about 70,000 appointment letters to newly inducted recruits in various Government departments and organizations
Quote“The entire world is eager to partner with India in its growth journey today”
Quote“Today, India is known for its political stability which means a lot in today’s world. Today, the Government of India is recognized as a decisive government. Today, the government is known for its progressive economic and social decisions”
Quote“Government schemes have multiplier effect for the welfare of the citizens”
Quote“Days of ‘rate card’ for jobs have gone, the present government is focussed on ‘safeguard’ of the future of youth”
Quote“Language was misused to divide now the government is making language a strong medium of employment”
Quote“Now the government is reaching the homes of the citizens by taking its services to the doorstep”


These national level 'Rozgar Melas' or job fairs have become the new identity of the NDA and BJP government. Today once again more than 70 thousand youngsters have received appointment letters. I am glad that the BJP-ruled state governments are also organizing such Rozgar Melas in all the BJP-ruled states from time to time. This is a very crucial time for those who are getting government jobs these days.

The period of 'Azaadi Ka Amritkaal' has just begun. You have the target of making India a developed nation in the next 25 years. You have to work hard not only for the present but also towards the brighter future of the country. I congratulate and convey my best wishes to all the youngsters and their families who have received the appointment letters today.



Today, new job opportunities are constantly being created in both private and public sectors in India. A large number of our youngsters are also looking into self-employment prospects. Mudra Yojana, which provides financial assistance without bank guarantee, has helped crores of youngsters. Campaigns like Start Up India, Stand Up India have further enhanced the potential of the youth. These youngsters, who received assistance from the government, are now themselves providing jobs to many youngsters.

The way the youth have been given government jobs on a large scale in the past years under this campaign, is also unprecedented. Major government-job-providing organizations like SSC, UPSC and RRB in the country have given jobs to a greater number of youths through these arrangements than ever before. And this has also been mentioned in the video which was shown a short while back.

The emphasis of these institutions has also been on making the examination process transparent, systematic and simple. Earlier, the entire cycle to complete the recruitment process through examinations used to take a year or 1.5 years to complete and if there was a court case, then two or even five years would be wasted in the process. But now the whole cycle and all the processes are being completed in a transparent manner just within a few months.



Today the whole world is ready to walk with us in our journey towards development. Never before has there been such trust in India and such belief in our economy. You are already aware that, on the one hand there is a global recession and a severe pandemic like Corona all over the world, and on the other hand the global supply chain is breaking down due to war. So many challenges are visible all over the world. And my young friends, you should pay attention to this - despite all these problems, India is taking its economy to a new height.

Today, the world's top companies are coming to India for manufacturing. Today India's foreign exchange reserves are at a record level. When such a large amount of foreign investment flows in, production increases, industries expand, new industries are established, exports rise; and naturally this work cannot be done without new youngsters. And that's why employment opportunities grow very fast.

Just a short while ago, Dr. Jitendra Singh ji was giving a detailed description line by line about how the decisions of our government have created lakhs of new opportunities in the private sector. But I want to put forth an example before you of the automobile sector. The contribution of this sector in the country's GDP is more than 6.5%. In the last few years, the automotive industry of India has taken a major leap.

Today, the export of passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles from India to many countries of the world is increasing. Moreover, the export of our Three-Wheelers-Two-Wheelers is also increasing significantly. 10 years ago, this industry was around Rs 5 lakh crore. Today this industry has made a jump from 5 lakh crores to more than 12 lakh crores. Electric Mobility is also continuously expanding in India. The automobile sector is also getting a strong boost with the PLI scheme of the Government of India. Moving forward at a faster pace, such sectors are creating new employment opportunities for lakhs of youngsters.


India today is a more stable, more secure and a stronger country than it was a decade ago. Political corruption, disturbances in schemes, misuse of public money had become the identity of all the previous governments. Today India is known for its political stability. Political stability matters a lot in the world.

Today the Government of India is identified with its bold decisions; a decisive government. Today the Government of India is being recognized for its economic and progressive social reforms. Global agencies are constantly declaring and predicting and saying with confidence that whether it is construction of highways or railways, or the matter of Ease of Living or Ease of Doing Business, India has been performing far better than the previous governments.

Over the years, India has invested lakhs of crores of rupees in its physical infrastructure and social infrastructure. This investment of lakhs of crores of rupees has also created crores of employment opportunities. Now let me give an example of social infrastructure, which is a subject related to our social life; and that is water. For water, we have started the Jal Jeevan Mission. About Rs 4 lakh crore are allocated towards the Jal Jeevan Mission.

When this mission was launched, out of every 100 households in the rural areas only 15 households had piped water supply. This is an average figure. Out of 100 houses, 15 houses used to get piped water. Today, due to the Jal Jeevan Mission, piped water supply is available for sixty-two (62) households out of every 100 and the work is still going on at a fast pace. Today, there are 130 districts of the country where tap water is available in every village and every house, and it is not a small area.

And friends,

People's time has also been saved as clean potable water is now reaching them. More importantly, they are protected from serious diseases now. Potable drinking water is like a great medicine to ensure good health. A study revealed that when piped water started reaching every household, 4 lakh deaths due to diarrhoea could be avoided or 4 lakh lives were saved. That is, the Jal Jeevan Mission saved the lives of 4 lakh people.

This study also said that more than Rs 8 lakh crore could be saved by the poor of the country after clean potable water reached every house. That is, the money of the poor and the middle-class families is being saved. Earlier they had to spend this money for arranging water and for the treatment of water-borne diseases. Another major benefit of Jal Jeevan is that it will save a lot of time for women.

All of you who got jobs in this 'Rozgar Mela' can understand that there is a huge multiplier effect of each and every scheme formulated by the government. I have placed before you the example of the Jal-Jeevan Mission. In the same way, now that you have entered the government system, you will work hard to achieve every target of your department and make every government scheme a success at a rapid pace. This is my belief in you as well as my expectation from you.


This employment campaign going on in the country is a proof of both transparency and good governance. We all have seen how dynastic political parties in our country promoted nepotism in every system. Speaking of government jobs, these dynastic parties used to promote nepotism, favouritism and corruption. These dynastic parties have betrayed crores of youth of the country.

After the formation of our government in 2014, there has been transparency in recruitment examinations and nepotism is also coming to an end. Lakhs of youngsters have benefitted from the abolition of interviews in the recruitment to Group C and Group D posts in the central government. On the one hand there are sincere efforts of our government while on the other hand there is nepotism. I want my youth to understand this completely because some things are coming to the surface on the basis of facts.

You must have seen the media reports one or two days back; a lot was seen in the newspapers and on TV. In one of the states the scam related to 'Cash for Jobs' has raised a lot of concerns for the youth of my country. So, what exactly is the system in that state? There are 'rate cards' for every post in the government job sector. For example, when you go to a hotel for food, there is a rate card, similarly there is a 'rate card' for every job post. And the poor are being looted with this system. And how is it? If you want a sweeper job, then you will have to pay this particular rate as a bribe for getting that job. If you want a driver's job then this rate will be applicable to get the driver's job; if you want a clerk's job, or a teacher's job, or a nurse's job then there are specific rates applicable to you. Just imagine! The 'Rate Card' is being used in that state for every post and the cut money is prevalent there. Where will the youth of the country go? These selfish political parties make 'rate cards' for Jobs.

Now a few days ago, another case came to light. A railway minister had got the lands of poor farmers written off in lieu of giving them jobs i.e. 'Land for job system'. That case is also being investigated by the CBI. It is going on in the court.

Brothers and sisters,

You have two things in front of you - on the one hand, there are parties that are dynastic, those parties that promote nepotism, loot the youth of the country in the name of giving jobs through corruption, the parties that have job rate cards and rate cards for everything and take cut money; while on the other hand, we are working to safeguard the bright future of the youth. Rate cards shatter your ability, your potential and your dreams. We are committed to safeguard you and to live for your dreams. We work to fulfil your resolutions. We are committed to safeguarding your every wish, aspiration, and aspirations of your families. Now the country will decide whether the future of the youth of the country will depend on the rate cards or will it flourish safely under the safeguard system.


On one hand these dynastic parties snatch away the opportunities of growth and progress from the common man of the country; while on the other hand, we are creating new opportunities daily for the common man of the country.


Some political parties in our country have made language a weapon to make people fight against each other and to break the country, but we are making language a medium to give employment to people and empower them. Our government is making sure that if someone wants to fulfil his dream, then no language should become a hurdle for him. The Government of India is laying emphasis on using mother tongue for the recruitment tests and the entrance exams. So, the sons and daughters of my country and our youth are reaping the maximum benefit out of it. By conducting the examination in the regional language, the youth have got an opportunity to prove their mettle easily.


In today's India which is rapidly making strides, the government systems and the way government employees work is also changing rapidly. There was a time when the ordinary citizens of the country had to visit government offices time and again to avail services. Today, the government is taking all its services to the doorstep of the citizens of the country. Now our government is working relentlessly by understanding the expectations of the people and the needs of the regions. Our priority is to ensure that various government offices and departments are working while being sensitive towards the public.

Getting access to government services and facilities has become very easy now through several mobile apps and digital services. The Public Grievance System is also being continuously strengthened. Amidst these changes, you too have to work with full sensitivity towards the citizens of the country. You have to take these reforms further. And besides this, always try to maintain the tendency to continuously learn something new.

Entry into the government services cannot be the end of your life's ambitions. You have to go beyond this and achieve new heights. New dreams, new resolutions, new potential should emerge in your lives. And for this, the government has created a new facility through the online portal called iGoT. Recently, its user base has crossed the 10-lakh mark.

Take full advantage of the courses available on this online portal. It will be very useful for your job. New avenues will open up for you to make further progress. And friends, I want to see you beyond this place. If you move forward, the country also moves forward. These 25 years are meant for your progress and also for the progress of the country.


In the journey of the next 25 years of Amritkaal, let us walk shoulder to shoulder together and move forward at a fast pace in the direction of realizing the vision of a developed India. I once again congratulate you and your families.

Thank you very much!

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78వ స్వాతంత్ర్య దినోత్సవ వేళ ఎర్రకోట ప్రాకారం నుంచి ప్రధాన మంత్రి శ్రీ నరేంద్ర మోదీ ప్రసంగం

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Prime Minister expresses concern over earthquake in Myanmar and Thailand
March 28, 2025

The Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi expressed concern over the devastating earthquakes that struck Myanmar and Thailand earlier today.

He extended his heartfelt prayers for the safety and well-being of those impacted by the calamity. He assured that India stands ready to provide all possible assistance to the governments and people of Myanmar and Thailand during this difficult time.

In a post on X, he wrote:

“Concerned by the situation in the wake of the Earthquake in Myanmar and Thailand. Praying for the safety and wellbeing of everyone. India stands ready to offer all possible assistance. In this regard, asked our authorities to be on standby. Also asked the MEA to remain in touch with the Governments of Myanmar and Thailand.”