Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
To start with, I would like to thank the President for her address and it has been my good fortune that I have had the opportunity to thank the Presidents for their addresses many times before. But this time, I also want to congratulate Madam President besides thanking her. The President in her visionary speech has guided all of us and crores of countrymen. Her presence as the Head of the Republic is historic and is also an occasion of great inspiration for crores of sisters and daughters of the country.
There is no doubt that Hon’ble Madam President has increased the pride of the tribal society. But today, the feeling of self-esteem and confidence in the tribal society has increased after so many years of independence and this House and the country will also be grateful to her for this achievement. The President in her address drew a blueprint of the country’s journey from 'Sankalp’ (resolutions) to ‘Siddhi’ (achievement) very well which was accountable to the country as well as very inspiring.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir, all the Hon’ble members took part in the discussion, presented their own figures and arguments according to their propensity and tendency. One also comes to know about the capacity, ability, understanding and intention of the members by listening to those arguments. These are evidently clear. And the country also takes note of it. I express my heartfelt gratitude to all the Hon’ble members for taking part in the discussion. But yesterday, I saw supporters of some members were overjoyed after their speeches. They might have had a very sound sleep in the night and probably some of them might not have been able to wake up today. There is a very good saying for such people:
ये कह-कहकर हम दिल को बहला रहे हैं,
ये कह-कहकर के हम दिल को बहला रहे हैं, वो अब चल चुके हैं,
वो अब चल चुके हैं, वो अब आ रहे हैं।
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
Some members even left the House in the middle of the President’s address and an important leader of the House has even insulted Her Excellency the President. We have seen their hatred towards the tribal community and what their thinking is towards our tribal society. But when such remarks were made in front of the TV, then their true feeling of hatred became evident. However, it is a matter of satisfaction that an attempt was made to wriggle out of the situation by writing a letter (to the President).
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
When I was listening to the motion of thanks on the President's Address, I felt some members accepted many things by choosing to remain silent. It appeared as if no member had any issue with the President’s address as nobody criticized her. What did the President say? I am quoting her. The President in her address said that India, which once depended on others for the resolution of most of its problems, is today becoming the medium to solve the problems of the world. The President also said that the basic facilities, for which a large population of the country waited for decades, have been made available to them in these years. The country is finally getting freedom from mega scams and corruption in government schemes. From the debate of policy paralysis, today the country is being recognized for fast development and far-sighted decisions. I am quoting this paragraph from the address of the President. Earlier, I was apprehensive that some people here would certainly object and protest such remarks by the President. But I am happy that nobody objected to her address and welcomed it. Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir, I am grateful to 140 crore countrymen that the President’s address has been approved by the House. What can be a matter of greater pride than this?
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir! Banter, criticism, etc., are part of the House. But we should not forget that there is a proud opportunity before us as a nation and we are enjoying proud moments. All the points mentioned in the entire address of the President are an occasion for the celebration of 140 crore countrymen and the country has celebrated it.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir! There is a sense of confidence and pride in the country the way it handled the situation arising out of the terrible pandemic in 100 years, the ongoing war and a divided world.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir! Life without challenges is nothing. Challenges are part of life. But the spirit of 140 crore countrymen is more powerful than the challenges. The potential of 140 crore countrymen is stronger than the challenges. There is an atmosphere of instability in many countries due to the pandemic, a divided world and the devastation caused by the war. There is very high inflation and severe unemployment in several countries in our neighbourhood. Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir, which Indian would not be proud that the country became the 5th largest economy in the world even in these circumstances? Today, there is positivity, hope and trust about India in the whole world. And Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir, it is also a matter of pleasure that today India has got the opportunity to preside over the G-20, a group of prosperous countries of the world.
This is a matter of pride for the country. It is a matter of pride for 140 crore countrymen. But I think, maybe, some people are not happy. None among the 140 crore countrymen can feel bad about this development. Those who are feeling anguished should introspect.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
Today every reliable organization of the world, all the experts who have deep understanding of the world affairs and who can also predict the future have a lot of hope, faith and a certain amount of enthusiasm towards India. What is the reason behind this? It is not just like that. Why is the entire world looking towards India with such great hope today? There is a reason behind this. The answer to this lies in the stability that has come in India, in India's global credibility, in India's growing capability and in the new possibilities being created in India.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
Let me explain the changes that are happening in our everyday life with examples. You see, there has been instability in India for two-three decades. Today there is stability, there is political stability, there is also a stable government and there is a decisive government, and therefore, the trust of the people is natural. A decisive government, a government with an absolute majority, has the ability to take important decisions in the interest of the nation. And this is the government which is carrying out reforms not out of compulsion but out of conviction. And we are not going to back out, but will continue with the same agenda. We will continue to look after the needs of the country as per the demand of the time.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
I would like to refer to another example. Made in India vaccines were developed during the Corona period. India launched the world's largest vaccination campaign, and not only that, it provided free vaccines to crores of its citizens. Moreover, we provided medicines and vaccines to more than 150 countries where it was needed during this period of crisis. And today there are many countries of the world which proudly thank and praise India for this initiative. Similarly, you should pay attention to the third aspect. The world is taking note of the speed with which India's digital infrastructure has been developed during this period of crisis and the country has moved towards modernity. Recently, I was in Bali for the G-20 Summit. There was tremendous applause for Digital India all around. And there was a lot of curiosity as to how the country was going about it? The major countries of the world, the rich countries of the world, wanted to provide financial help to their citizens during the Corona period. They used to print currency notes but could not distribute. This is a country which deposits lakhs of crores of rupees in the accounts of the countrymen in a fraction of a second. Thousands of crores of rupees get transferred in no time. There was a time when the country yearned for even smaller technology. The country is experiencing a major change today. The country is moving forward with great strength in the field of technology. The major countries of the world could not even issue vaccination certificates. Today, our vaccination certificate is available on our mobile phone within seconds due to CoWIN. This is our strength.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
New possibilities are emerging in India. The entire world was shaken due to disruptions in the supply chain during the Corona period. Today India is moving towards with full force to fill that gap. Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir, it would take a long time for many to understand this feat. Today India is emerging as a manufacturing hub in this direction and the world sees its prosperity in the prosperity of India.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
Some people who are drowned in despair are unable to digest the progress of this country. They do not see the achievements of the people of India. It is the result of faith in the efforts of 140 crore countrymen that India is leaving its mark in the world. Some people are unable to see the achievements which are result of the hard work of the people of India.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
About 90,000 start-ups have been established in the country in the last nine years and today we have reached the third position in the world of start-ups. Today a huge start-up ecosystem is prevalent even in Tier 2, Tier 3 cities of the country. It has reached every nook and corner of India. It is becoming the identity of India's most valuable youth.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
In such a short time and during the critical period of Corona, 108 unicorns have been set up. And the value of one unicorn is more than 6-7 thousand crore rupees. This has been achieved by the youth of this country.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
Today India has become the second largest country in the world in mobile phone manufacturing. The domestic air traffic has reached number three position in the world. Energy consumption is considered a parameter of progress. Today, India has reached the third position in energy consumption in the world. We have reached the fourth position in the world in terms of renewable energy capacity. Nobody considered us seriously as far as sports are concerned. Today Indian players are proving their mettle at every level in the world of sports.
Today India is moving forward in every field, including education. Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir, it is a matter of pride that the number of people enrolled in higher education has crossed four crores for the first time in the country. Not only this, there is parity in the participation of daughters. The number of engineering, medical or professional colleges is increasing rapidly in the country. Our sons and daughters have performed brilliantly in the Olympics and the Commonwealth Games.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
There are so many achievements that I can count for others. The President has also mentioned several such achievements in her address. There is hope all around the country. The country is full of confidence. It is a country that moves with dreams and resolutions. But here are some people who are drowned in despair. Kaka Hathrasi has made a very important comment for such people:
'आगा-पीछा देखकर क्यों होते गमगीन, जैसी जिसकी भावना वैसा दीखे सीन'।
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
After all, this disappointment is not without any reason. There is a reason behind it. First of all, people’s repeated verdicts! What is the reason behind this despair which does not let them sleep peacefully? India’s economy was in a shambles before 2014 i.e., during the 2004-2014 period. Inflation remained in double digits in 10 years. And hence, if something good happens, despair reflects among those who promised to remove unemployment.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
Once two friends went hunting in the forest and they started taking a stroll after keeping their guns in their vehicle. They started stretching themselves as they had to go further in the forest. They thought they would be able to sight a tiger and hunt him if they went further down the forest. On the contrary, the tiger appeared there to their surprise. They were outside the vehicle and their guns were in the vehicle. They did not know what to do? So, they showed their gun licence to the tiger. They have also done similar as far as unemployment is concerned by enacting laws. These are their tactics and this is how they wash off their hands from any issue. The period between 2004 and 2014 has been the decade of most scams in the history of independence. Terrorist attacks continued in every corner of India from Kashmir to Kanyakumari in those 10 years of the UPA government. Every citizen was insecure. Announcements used to be made everywhere not to touch any unknown objects and stay away from such unknown objects. The country had become a victim of violence from Jammu-Kashmir to the North East in those 10 years. India's voice on the global platforms became so weak in those 10 years that the world was not even ready to pay attention to India.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
The reason behind their disappointment is that today the potential of the country is being recognized, the potential of 140 crore countrymen is blossoming. The country had the potential earlier also. But they squandered that opportunity between 2004 and 2014. Turning every opportunity into crisis became the hallmark of the UPA government. During the booming era of information technology, it got itself trapped in 2G (scam). It again turned opportunity into a crisis. In the midst of the Civil Nuclear Deal, it was trapped in the Cash for Vote (scam). These were the games played by them.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
The Commonwealth Games took place in 2010. It was a great opportunity for India to showcase its youth potential to the world. But once again they turned opportunity into crisis and the entire country became infamous in the world due to the CWG scam.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
Energy has its own importance in the development of any country. And when there was a need for discussion in the world towards the growth of India's energy power, it became infamous for the massive blackout in the second decade of this century. Those days of blackouts became the center of discussion all over the world. The coal scam came into the limelight.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
There were so many terrorist attacks on the country. No one can forget the 2008 attacks. But it did not have the ability to take terrorism head on, did not have the strength to challenge it and as a result, the terrorists got emboldened and the innocent people of the whole country were bleeding for ten years. Such were those days.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
When there was an opportunity to prove its prowess on LoC and LAC, those in power got embroiled in the defence deals and helicopter scam.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
Such issues kept emerging when the country was in dire need.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
India will be remembered as the lost decade for the period before 2014 and it cannot be denied that the decade of 2030 will be India's decade for the entire world.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
I acknowledge the importance of criticism in a democracy. And I always believe that India is the Mother of Democracy and democracy has been in our veins for centuries. And that's why I always believe that criticism in a way is the ‘Shudhi (purification) Yagna’ for the strength, promotion and the spirit of democracy. We see the criticism in this form. But unfortunately, I have been waiting for many years for someone to come forward to make a critical analysis (of the government) so that it benefits the country. But they wasted nine years in criticism and allegations. They did nothing except make false allegations and abuses. Such is the situation that they blame EVMs if they lose elections. They abuse the Election Commission if they lose elections. What is this? If the decision in the court is not in your favor, then abuse and criticize the Supreme Court.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
If corruption cases are being investigated, then you abuse the investigating agencies. If the army shows its prowess and creates a new confidence in the people of the country, then criticize, abuse and accuse the army.
Whenever there is news of economic development of the country and if all the institutions of the world praise India's economy, then abuse RBI, abuse India's economic institutions.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
We have seen the bankruptcy of some people in the last nine years. Compulsive criticism has replaced constructive criticism and compulsive critics are engrossed in it.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
A lot was said in the House about the agencies probing corruption and I noticed that many people in the opposition were raising their voices in this regard.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
I believed the election results of the country would definitely bring these people on one platform, but that did not happen. However, these people should thank ED that they are on one platform now. The ED has brought these people on one platform which the voters of the country could not do.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
Some people here have a big craze for Harvard. The same was said during the Corona period. The Congress had then said that there would be a case study in Harvard regarding the damages caused to India due to Corona. And there was a mention of Harvard University in this House yesterday. Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir, Harvard University has carried out a very important study in the last few years. I would like to inform the House about the study which has been completed. The topic of the study is the ‘Rise and Decline of India’s Congress Party’. And I am sure that besides Harvard University, other important universities of the world are also going to make a study on the decline of the Congress party and those who are behind its decline.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
Dushyant Kumar has made a very good description of such people. What Dushyant Kumar has said fits very well with such people. He said:-
‘तुम्हारे पाँव के नीचे, कोई जमीन नहीं,
कमाल ये है कि फिर भी तुम्हें यकीन नहीं’।
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
Since these people are accustomed to such mundane things, they do not even remember that they contradict themselves in the process. I hope they will correct the contradiction within themselves by proper introspection. Since 2014, they have been cursing continuously, cursing on every occasion, that India is becoming weak, nobody is listening to India and India has no voice in the world. They said so many things in the past and what are they saying now? Now they say that India has become so powerful that it is threatening other countries to make decisions in its favour. First of all, decide whether India has become weak or strong.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
Any existent organization which is rooted to the ground tries to understand the pulse of the masses. It tries to learn from them and makes changes accordingly. But those who are arrogant and think that they have all the knowledge and their approach is right believe that they will find a way by abusing Modi. They see a future for themselves by maligning Modi with false accusations. Now 22 years have passed and they continue with this misconception.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
This faith in Modi is not due to newspaper headlines or television images. It is because I have spent my life, every moment of it, for the people of the country, for its bright future.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
The trust that the countrymen have on Modi is beyond their understanding. Will the 80 crore countrymen of my country, who are getting free rations, even trust these people who make false allegations against me?
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
Now even the poorest of the poor get ration anywhere in the country due to the One Nation One Ration Card. How will he believe your lies, your false allegations?
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
How will the 11 crore farmers in whose account money is deposited thrice a year under the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi believe your abuses and false allegations?
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
More than 3 crore people who were forced to live on the footpath and in slums have got pucca houses. Why would they believe your abuses and lies?
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
Nine crore people have got free gas connections. How will they accept your lie? Similarly, 11 crore sisters have got respect, they have got toilets. How will they believe your lies?
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
75 years have passed since independence. Eight crore families have got tap water now. How will those mothers believe your lies, mistakes and abuses? The Ayushman Bharat Yojana has helped two crore families and saved their lives. Modi has come to their rescue in their difficult times. How will they accept your abuses?
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
Your abuses and allegations will have to pass through these crores of Indians, whom you forced to live in distress for decades.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
Some people are engaged in damaging a lot just only for the welfare of themselves and their families. They live for themselves and their family. Modi is a member of the 25 crore countrymen’s families.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
The blessings of 140 crore countrymen are my biggest ‘suraksha kavach’ (safety shield). And you can never breach this safety shield with the weapons of abuse and lies. It is a shield of trust which you can’t breach with these weapons.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
You would remember the settlements you had left unattended only during elections. Today all the facilities, be it road, electricity, water, and over and above the 4G connectivity is also available there.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
The whole country is proud when they see a President from a tribal community. The whole country is full of praise. Today, men and women of the tribal communities who sacrificed their lives for the motherland and led the freedom struggle are being remembered. ‘Adivasi Gaurav Diwas’ (Tribal Pride Day) is being celebrated today. And we are proud that such a great representative of our tribal tradition, a woman is leading the country as the President. We have given them their rights.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
We are seeing this for the first time. It is also true. We all have the same experience, it's not just mine, it is yours too. We all know that when a mother is empowered, the entire family is empowered. If the family is strong then the society becomes strong and only then the country becomes strong. And I am satisfied that our government has got the good fortune to serve the mothers, sisters and daughters the most. We have made genuine efforts to solve their every small problem. We have focused on that with great sensitivity.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
Sometimes the joke is being made of the Prime Minister. What kind of Prime Minister is this? He talks about toilets from Red Fort. It was taunted. Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir, this toilet, this ‘izzat ghar’, is a matter of respecting these mothers and sisters and is for their convenience and security. Not only this, people even question when I talk about sanitary pads.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
In the absence of sanitary pads, the poor sisters and daughters suffered humiliation and would often fall prey to diseases. Mothers and sisters had to spend many hours of the day in the smoke. Their life revolved around the smoke in their kitchens. We have got this good fortune to get rid of those poor mothers and sisters from smoke. Their entire life used to be spent in getting water and in the queues for kerosene. Today, we have got the satisfaction of liberating mothers and sisters from those troubles.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
Had we allowed this situation to continue, perhaps no one would have asked us why Modi ji didn't do this or that, because you had brought the country into such a situation that it could not get out of it. The country was engulfed in such despair. We got rid of smoke through Ujjwala Yojana, provided water through the Jal Jeevan Mission and worked for the empowerment of sisters. We connected nine crore sisters with self help groups. From mining to defence, opportunities have been opened up for mothers and sisters and daughters. Our government has accomplished the task of opening these sectors for them.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
Let us be aware of this fact that vote bank politics has sometimes caused a big blow to the country's potential. And the result of that is that what should have happened in the country several years ago got delayed. You see, the middle class was completely neglected for a long time. Nobody took care of them. He was resigned to his fate that there is nobody to take care of him and he has to do everything on his own. He would spend his entire energy. But our NDA government has recognized the honesty of the middle class and provided security to them. Today our hard working middle class is taking the country to new heights. I give you an example of how much the middle class has benefited from various schemes of the government. I am referring to GB data. Today the era has changed. It is an era of the online world. Today everyone has a mobile phone in his hand. Some people have a mobile phone even if their pockets are torn.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir, the cost of GB data was Rs. 250 before 2014. Today it is only 10 rupees. Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir, a citizen in our country uses 20 GB on an average. If I apply that calculation, then on an average a person saves Rs. 5,000.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
Jan Aushadhi stores have gained attraction across the country today. A senior citizen in a middle class family suffering from diabetes has to spend around two to three thousand rupees every month on medicines. The medicines which cost 100 rupees in an open market are available at 10-20 rupees in Jan Aushadhi Kendras. Today, the middle class families have saved 20,000 crore rupees due to cheap medicines available in Jan Aushadhi Kendras.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
It is a dream of every middle class family to own a house and we have made arrangements for home loans in urban areas. With the enactment of RERA, we have liberated those middle class families whose hard earned money used to be parked unnecessarily for years in some projects by some elements. It has created a new trust among them and now they find it easy to build their own house.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
Every middle class family has a plan in their mind for the future of their children, for their higher education. The increase in the number and seats of medical, engineering and professional colleges has addressed the aspirations of the middle class. He has started believing that a bright future is ensured for his children.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
If the country has to move forward, then there is no other option but to take India towards modernity. And it is the demand of the time. We cannot waste time anymore. And that is why we have paid a lot of attention to the infrastructure. You must also agree to the fact that India was once known for infrastructure and architecture long before the period of slavery. Everything was destroyed during the period of slavery. It was hoped that the country would return to the same period after independence, but that time also passed and nothing was done. We could not do what should have happened, the speed with which it should have happened, the scale with which it should have happened. Today a huge change can be seen in this decade. Be it roads, sea routes, trade, waterways, the transformation of infrastructure is visible in every sector today. Record investment is being made on Highways, Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir. The new generation of the country is now experiencing wide roads, highways and expressways in India. We are working in the direction to ensure good highways and expressways of global standards in India. Earlier, we were more than satisfied with the railway infrastructure created during British rule.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
We continued to live off on whatever was left by the British. And what was the identity of the Railways? Over-crowding, accidents and delays defined the Indian Railways. The delays had become synonymous with the Railways. There was a time when railway accidents happened every month. What is the situation now? The demand for Vande Bharat trains is on the rise. Every MP writes a letter demanding Vande Bharat train in his constituency. Today, railway stations are being transformed. Today, airports are being transformed. There were 70 airports in the country in 70 years and we have built 70 airports in just nine years. Waterways are also being developed in the country. Today transportation is taking place on waterways. Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir, we are moving forward by laying emphasis on modern infrastructure so that the country moves towards modernity.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
During my public life in the last four-five decades, I have visited several villages of the country. I have spent four-five decades in the villages as part of a family. I have had the opportunity to interact with families of every section. Therefore, I am familiar with the sentiments of every part of society in India. And I can say on the basis of my experience and with great confidence that the common man of India is full of positivity. Positivity is part of his nature and his culture. Indian society tolerates negativity, but does not accept it; it is not its nature. The nature of the Indian community is cheerful, a dreamy society. It is a society that follows the path of honesty. Today I would like to say that those who are sitting here with the dream that they would get an opportunity again to sit in the treasury benches should think 50 times and reconsider their ways. In a democracy, you also need to introspect. Aadhaar has become the most important part of digital transactions today. You had termed it as baseless and criticized it. Even the courts were not spared to discourage its implementation. What all was not said regarding the GST? But today, GST has played a big role in the turnaround of the economy of India and making the life of common man easy. There was a time when HAL was criticized and several important forums were misused. Today, HAL has become the biggest helicopter manufacturing hub in Asia, where Tejas airplanes are being made in hundreds. Today the Indian Army has placed orders worth thousands of crores of rupees with the HAL. India’s vibrant defence industry is coming of age. Today India has started exporting defence products. Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir, every youth of India is proud today and they have no expectation from people drowned in despair.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
You are fully aware that time has proved that those who once used to sit in the treasury benches have failed even after they were dislodged. Today the country is making success with distinction. Therefore, it is the need of the hour that people drowning in despair should introspect about themselves with a cool mind.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
There was also a mention of Jammu-Kashmir. Those who have visited Jammu-Kashmir recently must have found that they can visit Jammu-Kashmir freely.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
In the second half of the last century, I had also taken a yatra in Jammu and Kashmir and had taken a pledge to unfurl the Tricolour at Lal Chowk. Terrorists had then put up posters challenging anybody to unfurl the Tricolour at Lal Chowk. It was 24th January and I had said this at a gathering in Jammu. I am talking about the last century. And then I had thrown a challenge to the terrorists that I would reach Lal Chowk at 11 a.m. on 26th January without any security and without wearing any bullet-proof jacket.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
And when the Tricolor was hoisted in Srinagar's Lal Chowk, I told the media personnel that generally Indian cannons salute when the Tricolour is hoisted in India on 15th August and 26th January every year. I said that this time even the enemy country is saluting, firing bullets and bursting guns and bombs when I was hoisting the Tricolour at Lal Chowk.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
There is peace in Jammu-Kashmir today. You can go there peacefully and in hundreds. Jammu-Kashmir has made several records after so many decades as far as tourism is concerned. Today, the festival of democracy is being celebrated in Jammu and Kashmir.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
Today there are successful programs of ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ in every house of Jammu-Kashmir. There are some people who feared that peace would be disturbed in Jammu-Kashmir if Tricolour was hoisted there. Interestingly, the same people are participating in the Tiranga Yatra there.
And Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
There was news in some newspapers which nobody paid attention to. Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir, this news came at a time when these people were trying to hog the limelight on TV. At the same time, cinema theatres were running house full after several decades and separatists were nowhere to be seen. This has also been noticed by several foreign countries.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
Just now our friend and our hon’ble member commented on the North-East. I would request him to visit the North-East once and see the difference between the North-East of your era and the North-East of today's era. There are modern wide highways and there is a comfortable rail journey. You can also go by plane to any corner of the North-East comfortably. As we are celebrating 75 years of independence, I can proudly claim that about 7,500 people who had taken to arms have surrendered in the last nine years. They have joined the mainstream leaving behind the path of separatism.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
Today lakhs of families in Tripura have got pucca houses. I had the opportunity to participate in their happiness. I had talked about the ‘HIRA’ (Highways, I-ways, Railways and Airways) scheme in Tripura. Today, this ‘HIRA’ is being successfully implemented in the land of Tripura. Tripura has become a partner in India's development journey at a fast pace.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
I know it takes a lot of guts to even hear the truth. Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir, it takes a lot of patience even to listen to false and dirty allegations and I congratulate all those in treasury benches who have shown the patience to listen to dirty allegations. They deserve congratulations. But the country is watching those who do not have the guts to listen to the truth and are drowned in despair.
Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
There may be political differences, there may be differences in ideologies, but this country is immortal. Let's move forward to celebrate 100 years of independence in 2047 when we will make a developed India. Let’s follow with a dream, let’s follow with a resolution with full potential. And my request to all those who want to make political mileage by repeatedly invoking the name of Gandhi is to read Gandhi for once. Mahatma Gandhi had said: The protection of other’s rights lies in your duties. Today we are witnessing a fight between duties and rights. The country has seen such imprudence perhaps for the first time.
And therefore Hon’ble Mr. Speaker Sir,
I once again greet and thank the Hon’ble President. Today the country is on the move with new enthusiasm, new faith and new resolve.
Thank you very much!