Development and heritage are equally important for a country like India: PM Modi

Published By : Admin | February 10, 2023 | 20:27 IST
Quote“I am not here as Prime Minister but as a family member who has been associated with this family for four generations”
Quote“On the parameters of adapting to changing times and development, Dawoodi Bohra Community has proved itself. Institution like Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah is a living example of this”
Quote“The country is taking the resolutions of Amrit Kaal forward with reforms like the new National Education Policy”
Quote“Modern education system with an Indian ethos is the priority of the country”
Quote“Speed and scale of educational infrastructure is witness to the fact that India is going to become the pool of that young talent which is going to shape the world.”
Quote“Our youth are primed for real-world problems and are actively finding solutions”
Quote“Today, the country is standing with the job creators and a system of trust is being created”
Quote“Development and heritage are equally important for a country like India”

His Holiness Syedna Mufaddal ji, Chief Minister of Maharashtra Eknath Shinde ji, Deputy Chief Minister Devendra ji, all other dignitaries present in this event!

Being present amongst you all is like homecoming or being with the family for me. And I have watched your video today but I want to make a complaint regarding the film and would like you to make some changes. You have repeatedly addressed us as 'Honourable Chief Minister' and 'Honourable Prime Minister'. But I am a member of your family; neither I am the Prime Minister here nor I am the Chief Minister. Perhaps very few people have had the fortune like I do. I have been associated with this family for 4 generations and all four generations have visited my house. Very few people have such a fortune and that is why I am uncomfortable with the titles of 'Chief Minister' and the 'Prime Minister' used again and again in the film. I am a member of your family and every time I get the opportunity to come here as a family member, I am on the ninth cloud! Any community, any society or organization is identified with the fact that how much it maintains its relevance according to time. The Dawoodi Bohra community has always proved itself true to this test of change and development over time. Today the expansion of an important centre of education like Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah is a living example of the same. I congratulate every person associated with the organization for starting the Mumbai branch and the 150-year-old dream has come true. You have fulfilled it. My heartiest congratulations to you! I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.



There would hardly be anyone who does not know that my relationship with the Dawoodi Bohra community is very old. No matter where I go around the world, that love keeps getting showered on me. And I always say one thing. Syedna Saheb was probably 99 years old. I went to him with devotion. At the age of 99 he was teaching children! That incident still inspires me so much. What a great commitment Syedna Saheb had to train the new generation! He was sitting and teaching children even at the age of 99. And I believe that 800-1000 children were studying together. That scene always inspires my heart. While living in Gujarat, we have worked with each other very closely. We have taken forward many creative endeavours together. And I still remember we were celebrating the centenary year of Syedna Sahib. And we had a huge gathering in Surat and I was there too. There, Syedna Sahib told me - "You tell me what work I should do?" I said, "Who am I to tell you about the work?" But he was insisting a lot, so I said, "see, there is always a water crisis in Gujarat, you must do something about it". And even today after so many years, the people of the Bohra community are engaged wholeheartedly in the work of water conservation. I am fortunate and that is why I say that I feel proud of the fact that the community has shown how society and the government can become each other's strength with examples like the water conservation campaign and the fight against malnutrition. And whenever I have had the opportunity to have discussions with His Holiness Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin Sahib, his activities and cooperation have been a guide for me in a way. I used to get a lot of energy. And when I went to Delhi from Gujarat, you took over the throne. That love is still there and that cycle continues. The affection that His Holiness Dr. Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin Saheb and all of you gave me in the Indore programme is priceless to me.


Not only in the country, as I said, even when I go abroad, several of my Bohra brothers and sisters already come and wait for me at the airport. Even if I land at 2 am, 2-5 families already are there at the airport. I tell them - why did you take so much trouble in such cold weather? Why do you bother? They would say - "You have come here, so we had to come". No matter which corner of the world he might be in, no matter which country he might be in, his love and concern for India is always visible in his heart. Your feelings and this love draw me to you again and again.



Some efforts and some successes are such that hold decades-old dreams behind them. I know that the expansion of Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah in the form of a Mumbai branch was a dream of His Holiness Syedna Abdul Qadir Najmuddin Sahab, decades ago. At that time the country was under colonial rule. Such a big dream in the field of education was an important thing in itself. But the dreams, with right thinking, are bound to be fulfilled. Today, when the country is starting its journey towards the 'Azadi Ka Amritkaal', the importance of this contribution of the Bohra community in the field of education increases even more. And when I think of 75 years of independence, I must mention one thing and I request you all that whenever you go to Surat or Mumbai, do visit Dandi once; it was the turning point. But more importantly, for me, before the Salt Satyagraha in Dandi, Gandhi ji had stayed in your house in Dandi, and when I became the Chief Minister, I had made a request to Syedna Sahib. I told Syedna Sahib that I had a big desire in my heart. Without a second thought, that huge bungalow in front of the sea was given to me and today a beautiful memorial has been built there in the memory of Dandi Yatra. Those memories of Syedna Sahib have become immortal with Dandi Yatra. Today, we have reforms like the New National Education Policy in the country. Many old and present Vice-Chancellors are sitting here. All of them have been my friends. Women and daughters are getting new opportunities for modern education. Aljameya-tus-Saifiyah is also moving forward with this mission and resolutions that we are taking forward in the 'Amritkaal'. Your curriculum also remains upgraded according to modern education, and your thinking also remains completely updated. Particularly, the contribution of this institution towards women's education is giving a new impetus to social change.



In the field of education, India was once the centre of universities like Nalanda and Takshashila. People from all over the world used to come here to study and learn. If we want to bring back the glory of India, we need to bring back that glory of education as well. That is why, today the modern education system moulded in the Indian style is the priority of the country. We are working at every level for the same. You must have seen; a record number of universities have also opened up in the last 8 years. A field like medical education is a popular trend among the youth; and also keeping in view the need of the country, we are opening medical colleges in every district. You see, between 2004 and 2014, 145 medical colleges were opened in the country. While more than 260 medical colleges have been opened between 2014 and 2022. In the last 8 years, one University and two colleges have been opened every week in the country and it is a matter of great joy. The speed and scale are a testimony to the fact that India is going to become the pool of that young generation, which will give a direction to the future of the world.


Mahatma Gandhi used to say that- education should be in line with the circumstances around us, only then its significance can remain intact. That is why the country has made another important change in the education system. This change is- giving importance to the local language in the education system. We just saw the way our friends discussed the values of life through poetry in Gujarati. Being a Gujarati, I was able to capture that sentiment inherent in the words. I could feel the power of mother tongue.


During the period of slavery, the British had made English a standard for education. Unfortunately, even after independence, we carried that inferiority complex. The greatest loss was faced by the children of our poor, dalits, backward and weaker sections. Despite having talent, they were thrown out of the competition only on the basis of language. But now, fields like medical and engineering can also be studied in the local language. Similarly, according to the Indian needs, the country has made many other reforms. Over the years, we have worked on the patent eco-system and made it easy to file patents. Today, more patents are being filed in institutes like IIT, IISc than ever before. Today, technology is being used extensively in the field of education. That's why learning tools are being used in schools. Now the youth are being prepared for not only bookish knowledge but also for skill, technology and innovation. As a result, our youth are getting ready for the problems of the real world. They are finding solutions to these problems.



In any country, both its education system and its industrial ecosystem need to be strong. Both the institute and the industry complement each other. These two lay the foundation for the future of the youth. The people of Dawoodi Bohra community are very active and successful especially in business. In the last 8-9 years, you have seen historical reforms in the direction of 'Ease of Doing Business' and have felt its impact. During this period, the country abolished 40,000 compliances and decriminalized hundreds of provisions. Earlier, entrepreneurs were harassed with such laws. This affected their businesses. But today, the government is standing with the job creators and providing full support to them. An unprecedented atmosphere of trust has been created in the last few years. We have brought Jan Vishwas Bill to reform 42 Central Acts. To instill confidence in businessmen, we have come up with the ‘Vivad se Vishwas’ scheme. Many steps have been taken in this budget also like reforming tax rates. This will bring more money in the hands of employees and entrepreneurs. These changes will create various opportunities for the youth who are dreaming of becoming job creators.



Both development as well as heritage are important for India as a country. This has also been the specialty of every sect, community and ideology in India. That is why, today the country is moving forward on the path of development with a confluence of tradition and modernity. On the one hand modern physical infrastructure is being built in the country, while at the same time the country is also investing in social infrastructure. Today we are not only living the ancient shared tradition of festivals, but also making payments through modern technology for shopping during festivals. You must have seen, in this budget, an announcement has also been made to digitize ancient records with the help of new techniques. And I was just now looking at our handwritten Puranas which are centuries old. And the Government of India has a major scheme. So, I urged the government to digitize everything. It will be useful for the coming generations. I would like all societies, all sects to come forward to carry forward such efforts. If there are any related ancient texts, those should be digitized. Recently I visited Mongolia. There were some handwritten documents from the time of Lord Buddha in Mongolia. Now it was lying there. So I asked them to give it to me so that I could digitize it. And we have done that work. Every tradition, every faith is a strength. Youth should also be associated with this campaign. The Dawoodi Bohra community can play a crucial role in it. Similarly, be it environmental protection or popularizing millets, today India is leading a massive campaign on these subjects around the whole world. You can also take a pledge to take these campaigns to the people to increase public participation. This year India is also presiding over an important global forum like G-20. The people of the Bohra community, who are spread abroad, can act as brand ambassadors of India in front of the world on this occasion. I am sure you will discharge these responsibilities with the same gusto as you always have. The Dawoodi Bohra community has been playing a significant role in reaching the goal of a developed India. And I am completely confident that it will continue to play the same role. With this wish and belief, I once again wish you all the very best on this auspicious occasion. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to come here on this occasion. Syedna Sahib has held a special love. Even though the Parliament was going on, it was equally important for me to be here and that is why I got the privilege of coming today to seek your blessings. I once again thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you very much.

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PM Modi pays tribute to Shree Shree Harichand Thakur on his Jayanti
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In a post on X, he wrote:

"Tributes to Shree Shree Harichand Thakur on his Jayanti. He lives on in the hearts of countless people thanks to his emphasis on service and spirituality. He devoted his life to uplifting the marginalised and promoting equality, compassion and justice. I will never forget my visits to Thakurnagar in West Bengal and Orakandi in Bangladesh, where I paid homage to him.

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