O.N.G.C accepts the Suggestion of the Chief Minister: Special mechanism to address the Issues of Farmers

O.N.G.C-G.S.P.C Flagship Petrochemical Project at PCPIR-Dahej

O.N.G.C Chairman calls on the Chief Minister


Chairman O.N.G.C, Shri Radheshyam Sharma had a very fruitful dialogue with the Chief Minister Shri Narendrabhai Modi today. He called on the Chief Minister and discussed about bright possibilities of expanding the base of partnership in the strategic sectors like petroleum, energy and petrochemicals. Gujarat is making giant strides in the petroleum and energy sectors, also emerging as the Petro -capital of the country.

Chairman O.N.G.C praised the prodigious efforts and innovative initiatives of the Chief Minister to promote research and development in Petro-Energy. Appreciating the cooperation and positive attitude of the C.M, he expressed his keen desire to participate in the Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) project, based on Russian –German Technology.

Chief Minister outlined the opportunities in Coal bed Methane (CBM) development and research in North Gujarat, and the tremendous possibilities in non conventional energy, particularly Wind and Solar Hybrid Energy, Solar Energy, Wind Power Energy and Geo-Thermal Energy.

Considering the progressive policy initiatives of the State Government, he expressed his keenness to make partnership in the sectors.

He expressed his confidence that the upcoming PCPRI project, jointly implemented by GSPC and ONGC may convert Gujarat as the Flagship Petroleum Sector of the nation. He informed the Chief Minister about the various facets of strategic partnership.

Elaborating the 11th Five Year Plan and its development agenda, Shri Radheshyam Sharma said that against the outlay of Rs 4200 Crores in the 10th Plan, the outlay has been doubled in the 11th Plan, that is Rs 8200 Crores. He accepted the insightful suggestions made by the Chief Minister to honour corporate social responsibility in Petroleum and Energy sector. He also welcomed the recommendations in Skill - Management and Technical Education for Oil and Gas Industries, Science City Theme Pavilion.

Chief Minister asserted the need to create a special cell to address the issues of the farmers, which was accepted by the Chairman-O.N.G.C. Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority would jointly undertake a project with ONGC to tackle the issues of Oil and Gas Leakage, pollution and the crisis management. Shri Sharma assured that the Mangrove Progect at the Bay of Cambay would be implemented very soon.

General Manager ONGC, M.D. GSPC Shri J.Pandeyan, Principal Secretary to the C.M Shri K. Kailashnathan attended the meeting.

Information Bureau, Government of Gujarat, Date: 20/12/2008


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Your Excellency राष्ट्रपति धरमबीर गोकुल जी,

First Lady श्रीमती बृंदा गोकुल जी,
उप राष्ट्रपति रोबर्ट हंगली जी,
प्रधान मंत्री रामगुलाम जी,
विशिष्ट अतिथिगण,

मॉरिशस के राष्ट्रीय दिवस समारोह में मुख्य अतिथि के रूप में एक बार फिर शामिल होना मेरे लिए सौभाग्य की बात है।

इस आतिथ्य सत्कार और सम्मान के लिए मैं राष्ट्रपति जी का हार्दिक आभार व्यक्त करता हूँ।
यह केवल भोजन का अवसर नहीं है, बल्कि भारत और मॉरीशस के जीवंत और घनिष्ठ संबंधों का प्रतीक है।

मॉरीशस की थाली में न केवल स्वाद है, बल्कि मॉरीशस की समृद्ध सामाजिक विविधता की झलक भी है।

इसमें भारत और मॉरीशस की साझी विरासत भी समाहित है।

मॉरीशस की मेज़बानी में हमारी मित्रता की मिठास घुली हुई है।

इस अवसर पर, मैं - His Excellency राष्ट्रपति धरमबीर गोकुल जी और श्रीमती बृंदा गोकुल जी के उत्तम स्वास्थ्य और कल्याण; मॉरीशस के लोगों की निरंतर प्रगति, समृद्धि और खुशहाली की कामना करता हूँ; और, हमारे संबंधों के लिए भारत की प्रतिबद्धता दोहराता हूँ

जय हिन्द !
विवे मॉरीस !