Governor kamla Beniwal on Wednesday eulogised the Narendra Modi government by describing it as the 'best model of governance and development' in the country. She showered the praise while addressing the State Legislative Assembly on the first day of the month-long Budget Session.
She said that a financial assistance of Rs 2,700 crore to over 20 lakh beneficiaries in the rural and poor pockets of urban centres through the Garib Kalyan Melas was one of the best models of 'good governance'.
'The Chief Minister is wholeheartedly engaged in giving momentum to the development in various sectors. The initiatives, planning and achievements of Gujarat in the various sectors have not only been acclaimed, but also awarded by the Government of India,' she said.
She mentioned the United Nations Public Service Award-2009 bestowed on the state for quality testing of water, State Agricultural Leadership Award-2009 granted by journal Agriculture Today for innovative agricultural development, and the Best Mass Transit System Award 2009 given by the Union Ministry of Urban Development as instances. She further said that the government had 'instilled a sense of security 'among the people with the crime rate decreasing by 8.12 per cent.
She added that the 'praiseworthy' industrial progress of the state during the unprecedented global meltdown was a result of the government’s foresighted strategies. The Governor said the national and international investors spending their money during such situations reflected the faith and confidence of investors in the industrial policies of the state.
She pointed out that the state had the privilege to construct the Sardar Sarovar Dam and the longest network (18,875 kms) of canals carrying Narmada water to the parched lands of Rajasthan as well. Beniwal said the state’s agricultural growth was 10 per cent, much above the national average.
Source: Indian Express