Chief Minister Shri Narendra Modi today announced that all the 67 Acts prevailing in Gujarat with the name ‘Bombay..Act', will now be known as ‘Gujarat..Act'. The announcement came as a gift on the conclusion of golden jubilee year of the state.
Gujarat assembly, on March 28, 2011, passed a special bill to alter the name of the Acts that begin with the word ‘Bombay'. Gujarat Governor Dr.Shrimati Kamla gave approval to the amendment and the same was published as ‘The Gujarat Short Titles (AMENDMENT) ACT 2011 (GUJARAT ACT NO. 15 OF 2011)' in the extraordinary gazette of Gujarat government. Now onwards, all the 67 of such Acts will be mentioned as ‘Gujarat..Act' in the government machinery.
“Bombay Land Revenue Code 1879”, for example, will now be known as “The Gujarat Land Revenue Code 1879”, Chief Minister said exuding faith that people will receive the amendment with the sense of dignity.