Youth can play a leading role in the fight against corruption & black money: PM

Published By : Admin | January 12, 2017 | 18:09 IST
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Many-many Congratulations to my young friends, all the dignitaries present on the dais on the occasion of 21st youth festival. Though in person I am not with you in Rohtak for lack of time but the view of occasion is making me evident that this occasion has now matured as a 21 year young man. The beaming faces of my young friends coming from across the nooks and corner of this country are look like as the festival of light is being celebrated along with your celebrations.

Today is National Youth Day and birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda. I greet the youth of this nation on this very occasion. Swami Vivekananda is one of the finest example of achieving a number of things in a short span of life. He lived a very short life. Swami Vivekananda was a source of unlimited motivations. In his words- “For now our nation calls for youth with strong nerves as well as young ones having strong will power”.

Swami Vivekananda wanted to groom such young generation that was caring as well as mutually trust worthy having no discrimination. Youth is one who without worrying for his past, works for his future goals. Likewise what you all do today becomes.

Friend, today more than 80 crore country men are below the age of 35 years. Treading the path of Swami Vivekananda has the potential of launch of an era that can make India a World Leader.

For all my friends who are at present in Rohtak, this Haryana land is very inspiring. This land of Haryana is of Vedas, Upnishads, Geeta. This land is of brave ones especially the working hero’s as well of famers and soldiers. This is the land of sacred Saraswati. The initiatives of continually marching ahead can be learned from this soil by understanding and safeguarding of own culture.

I am happy to note that this time the theme of this Youth Festival is “YOUTH FOR DIGITAL INDIA”. Youth will be trained in day –to- day Digital Transactions in this festival. My fervent appeal to all the youth present here to train at least 10 persons in their neighbourhood after getting trained from here. In creating a CASHLESS Economy you all have a bigger role. This will be one of your important contribution in the country in getting rid of black money and corruption.

Daughter has been chosen as Logo of this festival. We affectionately named her “MHAARI LAADO”. Through this festival the effort to enhance awareness about “Beti Bachaao Beti Padhaao” is appreciable. Central Government launched this campaign from Haryana itself. This campaign has seen wide ranging impacts here. Things have begun to change. SEX RATIO too have changed remarkably. For this I specially congratulate people of Haryana. This shows that when people decides than impossible can be attained. I am sure Haryana soon will attain a point of pride for this nation.

Youth of Haryana is contributing in a big way in shaping the future of this state. The youth of Haryana have given this country the accolade and proud moments by winning medals in many international sports events for ever.

For attaining new developmental heights more contribution from youth is a dire necessity. The aim of India is to enable our youth in skill and potential for making this century as an Indian Century.

Friends, National Youth Festival are a platform of showcasing your talent. You have come from different cultural backgrounds will have a chance of mutual interaction and assimilation with the diverse culture of this nation. This the real meaning of Ek Bharat- Shreshtha Bharat. Just now we have seen a march past by the cultural troupes from all States and Union Territories.

Ek Bharat- Shreshtha Bharat is an attempt to garland the cultural diversity of nation in one string. This is one spirit despite language divide, diverse food, varied life style and distinguished culture. It is- Indian ness and we all are proud of it.

Interaction between young ones from one state with other will be a new experience. It will pave way for mutual understanding and respect for each other. Assimilation and living together dispels many misgivings and one comes to know that difference of food habits and linguistic divides are superficial things. Insight further make things transparent and makes clear that our values, our human nature and our thinking are alike.

Friends, under Ek Bharat- Shreshtha Bharat two different states have been brought together for One Year partnership. This year Haryana have entered in a partnership with Telangana. Action Points have been drawn for the possible mutual cooperation on a number of subjects. I hope Youth from Telangana will have something very special to learn in Haryana.

Ek Bharat- Shreshtha Bharat is not merely a scheme. It is being pushed forward as a mass movement and this will become a full success only when the youth will support it wholeheartedly.

Young friends this year is being observed as the birth centenary year of Pundit Deen Dayal Upadhyay. He gave the basic mantra Chairaveti- Chairaveti (Move on-move on) to the youth. Means, don’t stop but move on continuously for nation building.

In the age of technology the young ones need focussing on 3 “C”s. For me 3 “C”s means COLLECTIVITY, CONNECTIVITY and CREATIVITY…. . COLLECTIVITY, until we are united and assimilated by dispelling inequality. Collective force is unmatched. The second one is CONNECTIVITY. It’s a new age technology that has made the world very small. The entire world is in your hands. CONNECTIVITY is need of the hour. Through CONNECTIVITY and technology we will enrich human values also. The third one I have mentioned is CREATIVITY which enshrines new thoughts and new INNOVATIONs solving old problems by new approach. This is what we expect from younger generation. When CREATIVITYs decimates, innovation and advancements also halts. So CREATIVITYs should be given as much as opportunities.

So communicate and get connected with each other. Learn being collectively responsible and work on new ideas. Don’t leave your thoughts by merely terming them too small or timid or thinking what others will say on these thoughts. Remember, new and big thoughts have always seen rejections at initial stages. The system that prevails always opposes new ideas. But I hope every such opposition is bound to subside before the youth of our country.

Friends, more than fifty years ago what Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay said on Integral Humanism (Ekaatm Maanav vad), do have an important message for the young ones of the nation. Deen Dayal Upadhyay had given a clarion call for nation building in and countering the corruption. He said then:

“We will have to eradicate many customs and will have to go for many reforms. We will do what is required for the fostering of our people and national integrity and will remove the obstacles. We need not cut a sorry figure for the type of physique given to us by the almighty but any kind of abs is in body requires timely surgery. Live and healthy organs should not be chopped off. But we will put an end to the persisting untouchability and discrimination within the society which is proving lethal to the nation if, people doesn’t consider other persons alike them”.

The call by Pandit ji still holds ground. Still there prevails untouchability, corruption, black money, illiteracy and malnutrition in the country. The young ones will have to use their entire energy for the eradication of such maladies. Recently the government has pounced heavily against black money and corruption. The immense support given by my young friends for this action is a glaring evidence of your indomitable desire for the eradication of such evils from within the society.

So when I say my country is changing, then these are your efforts behind it. Thousands and lakhs of youth are confronting social disparities and challenges in their own style. Not only this, they are coming froth with such new ideas that I cannot stop myself bowing before them. Just some days ago I had referred to one little daughter in “Man Ki Baat” who gave the idea of giving mango plant saplings as a return gift to guests coming in marriage ceremonies. What an amazing idea to conserve the environment?

Similarly in one area people were confronting with the shortage of dustbins. So youth there clubbed advertising with dustbins. Now you will find there dustbin at almost every place carrying advertisements. Now there dustbin is called adbin.

Now there are some young ones who paddled cycles in relay format to complete the nearly 6 thousand kilometre long “Golden Quadrilateral Challenge” in 10 days. They had a very attractive motto- “Follow the Rules & India will Rule”.

Such energy enriched youths are present in every nook and corner of our country. Someone is producing electricity from the small rivulets flowing down the hills, someone is crafting house making goods from the garbage and waste material, someone is engaged in providing medical facility to remote areas using technology, and someone is busy in water conservation measures for farmers in drought prone areas. Such millions of youth are toiling hard 24 hours for nation building.

For such energetic young ones I once again repeat the message of Swami Vivekannda- Stand up, get awaken and don’t stop till your goal is attained.

Stand up means vitalise your body, make body energetic and keep the body fit. Sometimes people gets up but they are not awake. So they are unable to judge the things as well as the situation. So it is necessary to get awakened after standing up. Don’t stop till the goal is attained….also carries a message. The concept of goal should be clear first of all.

Not only this, if the destination is not chosen then how one will take the destination bound vehicle? So when the goal is set, make continuous relentless efforts until it is achieved.

Friends, you are present here as country’s intellectual power. Today creative application of youth power is needed. Today it is required that youth mind set should be protected from being misguided. Keeping youth away from crime and addiction is needed. Attain your targets on a new path after due consideration and thought. Infinite horizon of possibilities is in front of you.

Today it is needed that youth should become an exemplary icon of service. Honesty and justice should reflect from their role and character. They should be ready to face any challenge. They should be proud of their glorious heritage. Their conduct and character should be based on moral values. My high emphasis on this aspect is just because it is easy to get deviated from the target rather than the attainment.

Ambition of having happy-luxurious life is alright but along with this duties and responsibilities towards society and nation also should be kept in mind. I am telling you of six challenges that are to be handled.

1. Ignorance towards society

2. Insensitiveness towards society

3. Outdated approach towards society

4. Inability to rise above the thought of caste and creed

5. Misbehaviour with mothers- sisters-daughters

6. Callousness towards environment, irresponsible approach

The youth of today must keep these six challenges in his mind and will have to strive to overcome them. Wherever you live and work, should also have a consideration for these challenges and their solution.

You all are tech-savvy young ones. You have to convey this messages to masses that how a positive change can be brought about in the society.

All of you have to strive for touching the life of those who are deprived, marginalised and exploited. You have to give your time and energy for the betterment of others future. The strength of youth, their energy and approach is highly effective in bringing changes. Now the crores of youth voices have to become the voice of nation and usher in the developmental process further ahead.

My friends you all should touch the new vistas and heights. Chalk out a new vision of development and attain new successes. With this greeting I congratulate you for the National Youth Day and Festival. Have a remembrance of Swami Vivekanand ji, take our innate energy use it for the welfare of society and country especially the poor villagers and farmers and take a resolve to give some of your life time for them. This will give you a life satisfaction and the power attained from this noble deed will itself become a source of energy. My best wishes are with you. Ahead of me is the youth here coming from across the country is another form of mini India. This mini India is full of new inspirations and vigour and is in the land of Geeta which spells the voice of Karma, Nishkam Karma (Work without any desire). You carry it with your resolves so my best wishes for this youth festival.

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