PM Modi during his address at the ‘NDA Leaders’ Meet’ recalled the role of Atal ji, Advani ji and the various other prominent leaders in shaping the NDA and providing it the necessary direction and guidance. PM Modi also acknowledged and congratulated all on the completion of 25 years since the establishment of NDA in 1998. This Silver Jubilee has played an important role in the nation-building of India, he remarked.
PM Modi said, “The coming 25 years is going to be extremely crucial as India journeys towards an Aatmanirbhar and a developed nation. We as the Government have to cater to the various dreams and aspirations of the people of India with regard to the next 25 years.” Adding further, PM Modi said, “For the same, NDA today stands for N-New India, D-Developed Nation and A-Aspiration of people and regions. He added that all the sections of people across the country had faith in the NDA and looked at it as a positive force.
Mentioning that a stable and development-oriented government was needed for India, the PM remarked, “A Government with majority promotes stability and the NDA over these years has strived to provide the same.” The Congress Party, he said, has created coalitions that have only strived to promote negativity and unstable policies. “Congress used coalitions in the 1990s to destabilise the country by forming governments and then pulling them down. On the other hand, the NDA was formed to bring stability and not to topple any government. Even while being in the opposition, the NDA always indulged in positive politics prioritizing Nation First,” said PM Modi.
“We have always believed in strengthening India’s democratic fundamentals. We have neither let foreign interests dictate terms and nor have sought their help,” he added.
Stating that the opposition today, does not allow the central schemes to function effectively in various states, PM Modi said that they fear that these schemes will uplift all even at the very grassroots level.
Coming down heavily on corruption and scams of the Opposition, PM Modi observed, “When Coalition-led Governments encourage and prioritize corruption, dynastic politics, casteism, politics of convenience it only harms the interests of India.”
Taking a jibe at the UPA government, PM Modi mentioned, “The example of the coalition government before 2014 is in front of us. Amidst all the ups and downs, that coalition government could somehow pull through its 10 years. And what did the country get? A high command even over the Prime Minister, policy paralysis, indecisiveness, creation of power-centers, mistrust and corruption. On the other hand, NDA has always believed in the Coalition of Contribution unlike the Congress-led Coalition of Compulsions. This principle has remained true despite the BJP attaining a majority on its own in both the 2014 and 2019 elections.”
Regarding the contributions by the NDA, PM Modi said that all the parties that have been a part of the alliance, have worked tirelessly to empower the poor and the downtrodden. He added that it had been the efforts of the various parties of the NDA, that today even the commonest of voices, demands and aspirations were reaching the Central Government in Delhi. “NDA has always manifested Nation-First and Nation’s Security First, Progress First and the Empowerment of People First,” said PM Modi.
“It is the perseverance of the NDA that has seen the largest number of people exit poverty, empowering them,” he added citing reports by reputed institutions indicating decline in poverty rate. “This Government has always prioritized the development of the poor, be it the buildings of houses, providing free healthcare, or the providing of bank loans. This Government has sought the development of all avoiding appeasement and enabling social justice,” said PM Modi.
Elaborating how the NDA Government changed the politics of vote bank into the politics of development, the PM cited numerous measures undertaken in the last nine years towards women-led development in the country. He said, “We are all aware of restrictive and non-participative role of women in India in the recent past. Today, women are opening bank accounts, registering houses in their name and are also availing loans leading to their true empowerment. Be it the Mudra loans or the Startups, women are now at the forefront of India’s economic progress. Women-led SHGs are the pioneers of rural development also promoting social inclusion. The NDA through its various initiatives like constructing toilets under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan or by providing free LPG cylinders has truly created a women-led development. From defence to mining, we have opened up these sectors for the women. NDA has had the honour of electing a tribal woman as the President of India,” said PM Modi.
“We possess a clear conscience, a clear policy and a clear ability to deliver”, said PM Modi adding, “Over the nine years, we have eliminated corruption and aided development through the use of technology. We have enabled the JAM Trinity in fraud prevention and accurate identification and targeting of beneficiaries through the DBT system. For us, India’s democracy is a means to enable good governance and efficient service delivery,” said PM Modi.
Expounding that the NDA recognized the true efforts of the people who have contributed towards the growth and development of India, even cutting across party-lines, PM Modi said, “It is the NDA which has awarded numerous people belonging to different parties with Bharat Ratna for their meritorious service. NDA has always recognized and appreciated the efforts of the people for this country.” The Prime Minister stated that it was the NDA government which gave Bharat Ratna to Pranab da, Padma Awards to Mulayam Singh Yadav ji, Sharad Pawar ji, Ghulam Nabi Azad ji, Tarun Gogoi ji, SC Jamir ji and Muzaffar Baig ji.
Reposing his faith in the people of the country, PM Modi mentioned that citizens were well aware of which parties were capable of forming Government and providing stable and good governance. “The people of India are a witness to the country’s development; they can see who is trying to make India and who is trying to break India. They can see that which alliances are strong and forthcoming and which alliances is greedy catering to their narrow-minded interests,” said PM Modi.
“The 2024 General Elections are not far away. The Indian people have decided to elect the NDA for the third time,” said PM Modi. Adding that various Foreign Governments like in the USA, France, the UAE and Egypt among others were inviting Indian representatives and signing major deals before the elections showcased a clear indication of the NDA’s ability to lead India. He also mentioned about the faith Indian Diaspora had on the NDA Government. “A testimony for this overwhelming support is the history and chemistry of the NDA and its sheer ability to deliver,” said PM Modi.
Concluding his speech, PM Modi said that India’s development should be our only agenda going into the elections. He said, “I assure you; I assure the countrymen that I will leave no stone unturned in my hard work and my efforts. I will stay away from bad intentions; I will not do any work with bad intentions. Every particle of my body, every moment of my time, is dedicated to serve the country.”
राज्यों के विकास से राष्ट्र का विकास- इस मंत्र को NDA ने निरंतर सशक्त किया है: PM @narendramodi pic.twitter.com/Ka28cobByr
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) July 18, 2023
राज्यों के विकास से राष्ट्र का विकास- इस मंत्र को NDA ने निरंतर सशक्त किया है: PM @narendramodi pic.twitter.com/Ka28cobByr
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) July 18, 2023
NDA नई ऊर्जा से भरी हुई त्रिशक्ति है। pic.twitter.com/ycS4C88ptA
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) July 18, 2023
सभी का विश्वास NDA पर है। pic.twitter.com/YTQjyCbw7w
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) July 18, 2023
हमारा संकल्प पॉजिटिव है, एजेंडा पॉजिटिव है, भावना पॉजिटिव है और हमारा रास्ता भी पॉजिटिव है: PM @narendramodi pic.twitter.com/VxvAXaGmNO
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) July 18, 2023
हमारे देश में राजनीतिक गठबंधनों की एक लंबी परंपरा रही है।
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) July 18, 2023
लेकिन जो भी गठबंधन निगेटिविटी के साथ बने, वे सफल नहीं हो पाए। pic.twitter.com/0xkieMs9BB
जब देश में स्थिर सरकार होती है, तो देश वो फैसले करता है, जो कालजयी होते हैं, देश की दिशा बदलने वाले होते हैं: PM @narendramodi pic.twitter.com/MYqJAzUI3G
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) July 18, 2023
NDA की विशेषता... pic.twitter.com/SPFltqfPRU
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) July 18, 2023
When alliance is due to compulsion of power,
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) July 18, 2023
When the alliance is with the intention of corruption,
When the coalition is based on the policy of familism,
When the alliance is done keeping casteism and regionalism in mind,
So that alliance does a lot of damage to the country. pic.twitter.com/7mCKZkTrg5
The example of the coalition government before 2014 is in front of us.
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) July 18, 2023
Amidst all the ups and downs, that coalition government could somehow pull through its 10 years.
And what did the country get?
A high command even over the Prime Minister!
Policy paralysis!
Corruption… pic.twitter.com/jcjX7ZfqQ7
NDA के लिए गठबंधन मजबूरी का नहीं, बल्कि मज़बूती का माध्यम है। pic.twitter.com/dSMDrIpCny
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) July 18, 2023
NDA देश के लिए, देश के लोगों के लिए समर्पित है। pic.twitter.com/40ykjVZD3W
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) July 18, 2023
NDA has changed the politics of vote bank into the politics of development. pic.twitter.com/wRHG4y0Erk
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) July 18, 2023
NDA government has given top priority to the welfare of women. pic.twitter.com/NSFVkv8uGe
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) July 18, 2023
In 9 years, NDA government has worked with only one goal - To improve the lives of our countrymen, especially the poor and downtrodden. pic.twitter.com/Qvomr6PSPZ
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) July 18, 2023
पहले सत्ता के गलियारे में जो बिचौलिए घूमते थे हमने उनको बाहर कर दिया है।
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) July 18, 2023
हमने टेक्नॉलॉजी की मदद से लीकेज की हर संभावना को दूर किया है: PM @narendramodi pic.twitter.com/AD5Yn8bk44
हम NDA के सभी साथियों ने हमेशा देश को दलों के हित से ऊपर रखा है।
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) July 18, 2023
हमने राजनैतिक सौहार्द और शालीनता को बनाए रखने के लिए प्रयास किए हैं: PM @narendramodi pic.twitter.com/xsX9pOWynv
लोकतन्त्र की मूल भावना NDA की कार्यशैली में आपको हर जगह दिखेगी: PM @narendramodi pic.twitter.com/ubKltrX0IX
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) July 18, 2023
विपक्ष के लोग जिस गलती को बार-बार दोहरा रहे हैं, वो है- देश के सामान्य मानवी की समझदारी को underestimate करना! pic.twitter.com/YSl1mOLWin
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) July 18, 2023
अपने राजनीतिक स्वार्थ के लिए विपक्ष पास तो आ सकते हैं, लेकिन साथ नहीं आ सकते। pic.twitter.com/38xOVW4Wui
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) July 18, 2023
जो लोग आज मोदी को कोसने के लिए इतना समय लगा रहे हैं, अच्छा होता वो देश के लिए सोचने में, गरीब के लिए सोचने में अपना समय लगाते: PM @narendramodi pic.twitter.com/ZPYssXmJiC
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) July 18, 2023
24 का चुनाव बहुत दूर नहीं है।
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) July 18, 2023
देश के लोग मन बना चुके हैं कि तीसरी बार फिर NDA को ही अवसर देना है: PM @narendramodi pic.twitter.com/cz3QV8eLQf
NDA का लक्ष्य है- विकास, भारत का विकास। pic.twitter.com/pRwh6pibUb
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) July 18, 2023
मेरे शरीर का हर कण, मेरे समय का हर क्षण, देश को ही समर्पित है: PM @narendramodi pic.twitter.com/1waooe9dSR
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) July 18, 2023