PM Modi addresses the Kshetriya Panchayati Raj Parishad in Daman and Diu

Published By : Admin | August 18, 2023 | 10:26 IST
QuoteThe real strength of a democracy is at the grassroots levels: PM Modi
QuoteWithin this five-year term, Panchayats should identify issues whose resolution involves effective Jan-Andolan: PM Modi
QuoteOptimum utilization of resources and the planning and convergence of various schemes is the way forward for Zila Panchayats to develop in totality: PM Modi
QuoteIn decision-making there should be a bottoms-up approach towards suggestions and top-down approach towards guidance: PM Modi
QuotePerspectives from the grassroots and firm grasp on it facilitate effective policy-making: PM Modi
QuoteAspirational Districts today have become the symbols of District-led Development: PM Modi
QuotePM Vishwakarma Yojana seeks to augment the skill development of the various artisans involved in age-old traditions: PM Modi
QuoteToday, the branding and shaping a new identity of each district is of paramount importance, which can be achieved through a product focused and product-led development: PM Modi

Acknowledging the importance of the BJP Karyakartas in strengthening the party across domains, PM Modi addressed the Kshetriya Panchayati Raj Parishad in Daman and Diu. On the same, PM Modi emphasized on the importance of organizational training, traditions, devotion and unity as the hallmarks of the BJP. PM Modi said, “We must all strive to continuously improve ourselves as well as the BJP Party and the Organization.”

PM Modi said he intended that these mechanisms of continuous improvement, by monitoring the real-time situations in their respective areas must be implemented by all the members of the Panchayati Raj.

“The real strength of a democracy is at the grassroots levels,” added PM Modi. He stated that every member of the Panchayati Raj must prepare a list of issues that can be worked upon within their five-year terms and that they must pursue these issues with a full vigor.

Explaining the same PM Modi cited the examples of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and the PM Jan Dhan Yojana which he pursued creating capabilities among people and eliminating their hardships. PM Modi said, “Within this five-year term, Panchayats should identify issues whose resolution involves effective Jan-Andolan”. Elaborating on the same, PM Modi said that the ‘Van Mahotsav’ is a vibrant example that can enable ‘Jan Andolan’. “Various festivals and important days can serve as primary platforms to create effective cleanliness campaigns enabling Jan Andolan” said, PM Modi.

PM Modi said, “Every Zila Panchayat needs to focus on indicators across sectors that can improve the lives of the common citizens”.
“Optimum utilization of resources and the planning and convergence of various schemes is the way forward for Zila Panchayats to develop in totality,” added PM Modi. He stated that Zila Panchayats must choose at least three themes each year and must prioritize them along with the other needs. This in turn will lead to the resolution of 15 such issues within a span of five years.

“In decision-making there should be a bottoms-up approach towards suggestions and top-down approach towards guidance”, said PM Modi. He said that there should be consensus-based discussions on the various issues concerning the Zila Panchayat. “Perspectives from the grassroots and firm grasp on it facilitate effective policy-making,” said PM Modi. “The Government’s initiative of creating 75 Amrit Sarovars in each Zila is the testimony to the same,” added PM Modi. “The MGNREGS scheme can be used to create assets that will foster the development of the Zila Panchayats, especially in creating Amrit Sarovars,” said PM Modi.

“Aspirational Districts today have become the symbols of District-led Development,” added PM Modi. He said, “As members of the Panchayat, one must focus on the developmental aspects of the district and must be available and accessible for the same.” The Prime Minister also mentioned about the soon to be launched PM Vishwakarma Yojana, which seeks to augment the skill development of the various artisans involved in age-old traditions,” said PM Modi. He said that it is the primary role of the members of the Panchayat that the benefits of the scheme reach the eligible beneficiaries.

“Today, the branding and shaping a new identity of each district is of paramount importance, which can be achieved through a product focused and product-led development” stated PM Modi. “This will enable the development of the district and sync it with development of the overall economic development of the country,” said PM Modi. “Evaluating the performance of the various indicators on a regular basis will create a developed district and a developed India by 2047”, said PM Modi.
In conclusion, PM Modi said, “Through the strength of Indian democracy and through the consistent endeavor of the Members of the Panchayat, we can attain our development goals in realizing a Developed India”.

Click here to read full text speech

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    🙏💐💐💐💐🚩🚩 Jai Sri Narendra Damodara Das Modi ji ki jai jai Sri Bharat mathaki jai 🇮🇳 Jai Sri BJP party Jindabad 🚩🚩🚩🙏💐💐💐🚩🙏
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    Jai shree ram
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In a post on X, he wrote:

"Tributes to Shree Shree Harichand Thakur on his Jayanti. He lives on in the hearts of countless people thanks to his emphasis on service and spirituality. He devoted his life to uplifting the marginalised and promoting equality, compassion and justice. I will never forget my visits to Thakurnagar in West Bengal and Orakandi in Bangladesh, where I paid homage to him.

My best wishes for the #MatuaDharmaMahaMela2025, which will showcase the glorious Matua community culture. Our Government has undertaken many initiatives for the Matua community’s welfare and we will keep working tirelessly for their wellbeing in the times to come. Joy Haribol!
