Respected Advaniji, esteemed Shri Shrenikbhai, Dipakbhai, the focal point of today’s programme Shri Utkarshbhai, all the great personalities sitting on the dais, elders, mothers, brothers and sisters..!

Such type of activity is the symbol of how fast the trends are changing in our social life. We all have lived as a society with strength for more than five thousand years and the reason behind it was our family system. Among all the social structures in the world, if there is any organization in which there is dynamism, which itself has vitality, which has the ability to energize itself then it is only the great family system of India. But by the passage of time the generations are changed. But, chronologically the times have changed, 1200 years of slavery brought many setbacks in social life, we could not get a chance to change according to the times. The strength of social leaders was lost in movements to get independence from slavery and so the period of 1200 years was passed in such a way that the refinements that were required to be made according to the time could not be made. Consequently, the way if an old building is not maintained from time to time and it becomes outworn day by day, in the same way our social structure, our family system started becoming weaker and to survive, the society found some innovatory ways and gradually we all detoured towards micro family. And when such situation arises, naturally new systems need to be developed, new arrangements are to be supported and then only we can take care of a big class of the society. It is true that the situation over here is not such as in some countries where senior citizen becomes a burden on the society and the country, we don’t have that worse situation. In such a big Gujarat with the population of six crore, there are hardly 170 old age homes today. It doesn’t mean that here there is an absence of old people, but even today there is some strength in the social structure that is still maintained by the family and the society itself. And therefore, the basic force that we have needs to be nourished consciously forever. The biggest threat that has come up is that of generation gap and if anybody becomes the victim of it largely, they are either old people or the children. Because there is a combination of three generations living together and if the present generation becomes incapable of maintaining the balance, then this imbalance is suffered at the most by elderly persons and secondly by the children. In such a situation, a firm effort is needed to see how an integrated system could be developed in the social life.

The manner in which we are worried for senior citizens, in the same way it has become important to have concern for the children also. During the time of joint families, the family itself was like a university. The elders used to give their significant contribution in the child’s development. The child used to learn one thing from grandfather, another thing from grandmother… One thing from mother, second from uncle, third thing from maternal uncle… And in a way, because of the joint family, development of the child was in form of a university. With the passage of time, today’s children are deprived of this fortuity with the upcoming of micro families and at younger age, they have to grope elsewhere. They have to live in some different environment. Such conditions are created. The child lives on the dependence of a maid. And because of this, whatever the child sees, he tries to frame his own life on that basis. Today if we take 100 children to a toy shop and ask them to choose a toy of their choice. To our surprise, out of 100, 60 to 65 children choose pistol from all other toys. This is a matter of big shock. If the child is deprived of love and affection, where shall he go then….! Perhaps the old generation in our family plays a very meaningful role in moulding the character of our children. When such a big problem is formed, Gujarat has made a small effort. Gujarat is the first State in the world which has imagined for a ‘Children University’. And in this Children University, with the changing times, in the situation of micro families, we can not shake off our responsibility and just leave the matter to concerned people… No. We have to think farsightedly and should make some new arrangement and as a part of that, by the Children University, a research has been undertaken to develop a system for the overall development of children despite of living in micro family so that such a generation could be prepared which may brighten the future of the social life. Gujarat has commenced to work in that direction.

Various kinds of activities are carried out by the Social Welfare Department of the Gujarat Government. Old age homes are also there, they are also provided with financial aid by the Government. But now we are taking a new approach, i.e. ‘Cluster Approach’. There are separate arrangements for abandoned women at one place, for orphaned children at second place, for old aged people at some third place… Such Governmental arrangements are already there, but scattered and also expensive. We are thinking to bring these abandoned women, orphaned children and old aged people in the same campus. If a family life environment gets created, then it is possible that these scattered arrangements may become strength in social life. We have initiated our efforts in this direction. In the coming days, we will be trying to develop ‘Bal Gokulam’ type of centres. I hope that by making the efforts in this direction, the social life will get a new strength.

It is true that if there is any identity of Gujarat, it is because of its spirit and activity of service. Here we have charity work at such a large scale that the activities that were carried out by Mahajans (illustrious capitalist people) from so many years, you may go to any village… Cow-shed is made by Mahajans, School is made by Mahajans, Water Hut is made by Mahajans, Library is made by Mahajans… It has been our strength from centuries. These works are not done by any Government. For centuries, because of this Mahajan tradition… And the purpose of Mahajan tradition itself is that charity has become another name for an activity in the society and that has remained a great strength in the social life. I remember, after the earthquake when I was working in Kutch, at that time large numbers of foreigners had come to work there. In the evening they used to go in small tents that they had brought along with them. I was also anxious to meet them, to know their experiences, what do they say..! These foreigners expressed their surprise on one matter. Many of their groups came directly from Turkey where the last earthquake took place. They told me that Sir, wherever we went for earthquake relief, there used to be only three or four NGOs, whether it is WHO or Red Cross… only these NGOs work there. To our surprise, here in each and every lane some NGO is found working. Some take care of catering, some take care of bandaging, some are providing physiotherapy..! It was a matter of surprise for them. This is the strength of our social life and its reflection can be seen in such a well organized ‘Shanti Niketan’.

I am confident that this Shanti Niketan will become a centre to fill new energy. I am sure that anywhere in Gujarat or in the whole country, wherever such activities for old age homes are carried out, how should be its model, how to partner them, how can the experience of senior citizens and their ability be utilised for the creative development of the coming generation, how to make this in a way a centre to transform the experiences of senior citizens into activity… The more we think in that direction, we would be able to place a new reward in front of the people of our country. Many many congratulations to Utkarshbhai and his family and Dipakbhai and his family.


Lots of wishes..!


Thank you..!!

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78-வது சுதந்திர தின விழாவையொட்டி செங்கோட்டை கொத்தளத்தில் இருந்து பிரதமர் திரு நரேந்திர மோடி நிகழ்த்திய உரையின் தமிழாக்கம்
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India's Q3 GDP grows at 6.2%, FY25 forecast revised to 6.5%: Govt
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The Sufi tradition has created a unique identity for itself in India: PM at Jahan-e-Khusrau
February 28, 2025
QuoteThe Jahan-e-Khusrau event has a unique fragrance, It is the fragrance of soil of Hindustan,That Hindustan, which Hazrat Amir Khusrau had compared to heaven : PM
QuoteThe Sufi tradition has created a unique identity for itself in India: PM
QuoteThe civilization and culture of any country get their voice from its music and songs: PM
QuoteHazrat Khusrau described India as greater than all the major nations of the world during his time, He considered Sanskrit the best language in the world: PM
QuoteHazrat Khusrau regarded India's scholars as greater than the greatest of scholars: PM

Dr. Karan Singh Ji, Muzaffar Ali Ji, Meera Ali Ji, other dignitaries, ladies and gentlemen present in the programme!

It is very natural to be happy after coming to Jahan-e-Khusrau today. The spring that Hazrat Amir Khusrau was crazy about, that spring is not only present in the season here in Delhi today, but is also present in the atmosphere of Jahan-e- Khusrau. In the words of Hazrat Khusrau-

सकल बन फूल रही सरसों, सकल बन फूल रही सरसों,

अम्बवा फूटे टेसू फूले, कोयल बोले डार-डार...

(Mustard is blooming in the entire forest, Mango tree is blooming, Tesu is blooming, cuckoo is singing from branch to branch...)

The atmosphere here is indeed something like this. Before coming to the gathering, I had the opportunity to visit the market (Tah Bazaar). After that, I also exchanged greetings with some friends in Bagh-e-Firdaus. Now, Nazar-e-Krishna and the various events that took place, amidst the inconveniences the mike has its own strength for the artist, but even after that, whatever they tried to present with the help of nature, they too might have been a little disappointed. Those who had come to enjoy this event may have been disappointed. But sometimes such occasions leave us with a lesson in life. I believe that today's occasion will also leave us with a lesson.



Such occasions are important for the country's art and culture, they also provide solace. This series of Jahan-e- Khusrau is completing 25 years. The fact that this event has made a place in the minds of people in these 25 years is in itself its biggest success. I congratulate Dr. Karan Singh Ji, my friend Muzaffar Ali Ji, sister Meera Ali Ji and other associates for this. I wish the Rumi Foundation and all of you the very best of luck for this bouquet of Jahan-e-Khusrau to keep blooming like this. The holy month of Ramadan is also about to begin. I wish Ramadan Mubarak to all of you and all the countrymen. Today I have come to Sunder Nursery, so it is quite natural for me to remember His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan. His contribution in decorating and beautifying Sunder Nursery has become a boon for millions of art lovers.


Sarkhej Roza has been a major center of Sufi tradition in Gujarat. At one point of time, its condition had deteriorated due to the blows of time. When I was the Chief Minister, a lot of work was done on its restoration and very few people would know that there was a time when Krishna Utsav was celebrated with great pomp and show in Sarkhej Roza and it was made in large quantities and even today we were all immersed in the colour of Krishna devotion here. I also used to participate in the annual Sufi music programme held in Sarkhej Roza on an average. Sufi music is a shared heritage that we all have lived together. We all have grown up like this. Now the presentation of Nazar-e-Krishna here also reflects our shared heritage.


There is a different fragrance in this event of Jahan-e-Khusrau. This fragrance is of the soil of Hindustan. That Hindustan which Hazrat Amir Khusrau compared to heaven. Our Hindustan is that garden of heaven, where every colour of culture has flourished. There is something special in the nature of the soil here. Perhaps that is why when the Sufi tradition came to India, it also felt as if it had become connected with its own land. Here, the spiritual talks of Baba Farid gave peace to the hearts. The gatherings of Hazrat Nizamuddin lit the lamps of love. The words of Hazrat Amir Khusrau strung new pearls and the result that came out was expressed in these famous lines of Hazrat Khusrau.

बन के पंछी भए बावरे, बन के पंछी भए बावरे,

ऐसी बीन बजाई सँवारे, तार तार की तान निराली,

झूम रही सब वन की डारी।

(The birds of the forest have gone mad, Sanware played such a beautiful flute, the tune of each string is unique, All the branches of the forest are dancing.)

The Sufi tradition created a distinct identity for itself in India. Sufi saints did not limit themselves to mosques or khanqahs, they read the letters of the Holy Quran and also listened to the Vedas. They added the sweetness of devotional songs to the sound of the Azan and hence what the Upanishads called एकं सत् विप्रा बहुधा वदन्ति (Ekam Sat Vipra Bahudha Vadanti) in Sanskrit, Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya said the same thing by singing Sufi songs like हर कौम रास्त राहे, दीने व किब्‍ला गाहे (Har Qaum Raast Rahe, Deen-e-Kibla Gahe). Different language, style and words but the message is the same. I am happy that today Jahan-e-Khusrau has become a modern identity of the same tradition.



The civilization and culture of any country gets its voice from its songs and music. It gets its expression through art. Hazrat Khusrau used to say that there is a hypnotism in this music of India, such a hypnotism that the deer in the forest used to forget the fear of their life and become still. Sufi music came as a different flow in this ocean of Indian music and it became a beautiful wave of the ocean. When those ancient streams of Sufi music and classical music joined each other, we got to hear a new sound of love and devotion. This is what we found in Hazrat Khusrau's Qawwali. This is where we found Baba Farid's couplets. Bulleh Shah's voice, Mir's songs, here we found Kabir, Rahim and Raskhan. These saints and Aulias gave a new dimension to devotion. Whether you read Surdas or Rahim and Raskhan or you listen to Hazrat Khusrau with your eyes closed, when you go deep, you reach the same place. This place is the height of spiritual love where human restrictions are broken and the union of man and God is felt. You see, our Raskhan was a Muslim, but he was a Hari devotee. Raskhan also says- प्रेम हरी को रूप है, त्यों हरि प्रेम स्वरूप। एक होई द्वै यों लसैं, ज्यौं सूरज अरु धूप॥ That is, both love and Hari are the same form, like the sun and the sunshine and Hazrat Khusrau also had this feeling. He had written खुसरो दरिया प्रेम का, सो उलटी वा की धार। जो उतरा सो डूब गया, जो डूबा सो पार।। That is, only by immersing in love, the barriers of discrimination are crossed. We have also felt the same in the grand presentation that took place here.



The Sufi tradition has not only bridged the spiritual distances between humans, but has also reduced the distances in the world. I remember when I went to the Parliament of Afghanistan in 2015, I remembered Rumi there in very emotional words. Eight centuries ago, Rumi was born in the Balkh province there. I would definitely like to repeat a Hindi translation of Rumi's writings here because these words are equally relevant even today. Rumi had said, give importance to words, not to voice, because flowers are born in rain, not in storm. I remember one more thing of his, if I say it in local words, it means, I am neither from the east nor from the west, neither I came from the sea nor I came from the land, there is no place for me, there is none, I do not belong to any place, that is, I am everywhere. This thought, this philosophy is not different from our spirit of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. These thoughts give me strength when I represent India in different countries of the world. I remember, when I went to Iran, during the joint press conference I recited a couplet of Mirza Ghalib there-

जनूनत गरबे, नफ्से-खुद, तमाम अस्त।

ज़े-काशी, पा-बे काशान, नीम गाम अस्त॥

That is, when we wake up, we see the distance between Kashi and Kashan is only half a step. Indeed, in today's world, where war is causing such a great loss to humanity, this message can be very useful.



Hazrat Amir Khusrau is called 'Tuti-e-Hind'. The songs he sang in praise of India, in love for India, the description of the greatness and charm of Hindustan is found in his book Nuh-Sipihr. Hazrat Khusrau described India as greater than all the big countries of the world of that time. He called Sanskrit the best language in the world. He considered the sages of India to be greater than the great scholars. How did the knowledge of zero, mathematics, science and philosophy in India reach the rest of the world? How did Indian mathematics reach Arabia and became known as Hindsa there? Hazrat Khusrau not only mentions it in his books, but is also proud of it. If we are familiar with our past today when so much was destroyed during the long period of slavery, then the writings of Hazrat Khusrau have a big role in it.


We have to keep enriching this heritage. I am satisfied that the efforts like Jahan-e-Khusrau are fulfilling this responsibility very well and doing this work continuously for 25 years is not a small feat. I congratulate my friend very much. I once again congratulate all of you for organising this event. Despite some difficulties, I got some opportunity to enjoy this function, for this I express my heartfelt gratitude to my friend. Thank you very much! Thank you very much