Creative ad by Gujarat BJP showcases absence of leader in Congress
Have you heard of a train running without an engine? Then how can you envisage a party without a leader to take Gujarat forward? this is the question an ad by the Gujarat BJP directly asks!
The Gujarat BJP has come out with many extremely creative ads that convey a clear message to the people and one of them is the ad on the absence of any leadership in the Congress.
The ad uses two trains in order to illustrate the fundamental difference between a rudderless and leaderless Congress, contrasting with the state of Gujarat, where coherence and consistency in policy under one leader has taken the state to newer heights of development.
The ad begins by showing a train that is lying stopped for eternity. Inside, the passengers are tired, grumpy and there is a child crying as his mother unsuccessfully tries to stop the child from doing so. On the walls of the compartment and the exterior of the train one can see ‘Bhrashtachar’ (corruption), ‘Mohongwari’ (Price rise), ‘Ghotala’ (scams).
Once the train goes, its life back to normal- the pessimism is back and the baby who stopped his sobbing to marvel at the other train is back to tears. Just then, the baby’s elder brother asks, “Mother when will our train word?” a question to which no one has an answer.
It is then shown that this particular train has no engine, and without an engine how can a train run?
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No prizes to guess what the ad is wonderfully tying to portray. On one hand we have a train of the nation led by a Party without a Neta, Niti or Niyat due to forget slow, the train to progress has not even taken off from the platform. Instead, what we only find is negative news about scams, corruption, price rise etc. The condition of those inside the train is that of unhappiness!On the contrary, the train of Gujarat’s development zooms ahead to newer and newer heights, taking every section of society together with Shri Narendra Modi’s Mantra of ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas’ (collective efforts, inclusive growth).
Thus, the choice before the people of Gujarat is simple- do we want a rudderless and leaderless party without a vision that will take Gujarat behind by 2 decades or do we want a progressive, forward looking vision with a dynamic and vibrant leader?
Do we want to embrace the Centre’s Disha of loot, scams, price rise or do we want to move ahead with Gujarat’s Disha of development for all, appeasement towards none?
The answer is simple – Ekmat Gujarat, Bane Bhajap Sarkar! (Gujarat is unanimous, let there be BJP Government).