Solid waste can turn beneficial if it is treated wisely, Chief Minister Shri Narendrabhai Modi laid foundation stone of "Solid Waste Processing plant" at Gyaspur on Wednesday. MOU was signed during the Vibrant Gujarat Global Investor's Summit-2009, between Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation and Japanese firm- Creative Company- to set up a solid waste processing plant with capital investment to the tune of Rs. 110 crores. Spread over 25 acres of land, the plant is likely to commence its operations within a short span of nine months. It has per day processing capacity of 800 m.t. of Solid waste. It would obtain fuel RPPWF and plates by processing dry-waste, and fertilizers from the wet-waste.
According to an estimate, 720 m.t.s fuel and manure can be derived by processing around 800 m.t.s of solid waste. It yields useless waste of 80 m.t.s after the scientific process, which is to be dumped at secured land-fill sites. The fuel can work as a substitute of coal, Lignite, Oil and other energy resources for the industries.
According to the directives of the Supreme Courts, and the provisions made under the Solid Waste handling Rules-2000, there is an embargo on dumping unprocessed solid waste. Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation has made long term planning for scientific disposal of solid waste, taking in to account the needs for next 36 years. Under the visionary long term planning, six land-fill sites at Gyaspur meet the futuristic requirements.