Gandhinagar, Monday: Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi today felicitated National Cadet Corps (NCC) cadets of Gujarat for popularizing their ‘One-Nation-One-People-One-Mission’ campaign across India through social media.
He was talking to a delegation of prize-winning NCC cadets from Gujarat who brought laurels to Gujarat in various competitions. He also recalled his own days as an NCC cadet in the school, and felt indebted to the organization for inculcating patriotism, bravery and discipline in his conduct.
Mr. Modi had a praise of word for Additional Director-General of Gujarat NCC Major General Dilwar Singh for instilling sense of discipline, infusing team spirit, leadership qualities and patriotism among the cadets.
Maj. Gen. Singh said there are about 51,000 school and college students in Gujarat who are enrolled with the NCC. He thanked the Chief Minister for providing guidance to the cadets in the process of nation building.