PM’s reply to the Motion of Thanks on the President’s Address in Lok Sabha

Published By : Admin | February 8, 2023 | 15:50 IST
Quote“President in the visionary address to both Houses gave direction to the nation”
Quote“There is positivity and hope towards India at a global level”
Quote“Today reforms are not carried out of compulsion but by conviction”
QuoteIndia under UPA was called the ‘Lost Decade’ while today people are calling the present decade as ‘India’s Decade’”
Quote“India is the mother of democracy, constructive criticism is vital for a strong democracy and criticism is like a ‘shuddhi yagya’”
Quote“Instead of constructive criticism, some people indulge in compulsive criticism
Quote“The blessings of 140 crore Indians is my ‘Suraksha Kavach’”
Quote“Our government has addressed the aspirations of the middle class. We have honoured them for their honesty.”
Quote“Indian society has the capability to deal with negativity but it never accepts this negativity”

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi replied to the motion of thanks on the President’s address to Parliament in the Lok Sabha today.

The Prime Minister said that the Hon'ble President gave direction to the nation in her visionary address to both Houses. He remarked that her address inspired the ‘Nari Shakti’ (women power) of India and gave a boost to the self-confidence of India's tribal communities while instilling a feeling of pride among them. “She gave a detailed blueprint of ‘Sankalp se Siddhi’ of the nation”, the Prime Minister said.

The Prime Minister noted that challenges might arise but with the determination of 140 crore Indians, the nation can overcome all the obstacles that come our way. He said that the handling of the country during once-in-a-century calamity and war has filled every Indian with confidence. Even in such a time of turmoil, India has emerged as the 5th largest economy in the world.

He said that there is positivity and hope towards India at a global level. The Prime Minister credited this positivity to stability, India’s global standing, the growing capability of India and new emerging possibilities in India. Throwing light on the atmosphere of trust in the country, the Prime Minister said that India has a government that is stable and decisive. He underlined the belief that reforms are not carried out of compulsion but by conviction. “The world is seeing prosperity in India’s prosperity”, he said.

The Prime Minister drew attention to the decade before 2014 and said that the years between 2004 to 2014 were burdened with scams and at the same time there were terror attacks happening in every corner of the country. This decade saw the decline of the Indian economy and the Indian voice grew very feeble on global fora. The era was marked by ‘Mauke main musibat’ - adversity in opportunity.

Noting that the country is full of self-confidence today and realising its dreams and resolutions, the Prime Minister said that the entire world is looking towards India with eyes of hope and credited the stability and possibility of India. He observed that India under UPA was called the ‘Lost Decade’ while today people are calling the present decade as ‘India’s Decade’.

Noting that India is the mother of democracy, the Prime Minister underlined that constructive criticism is vital for a strong democracy and said that criticism is like a ‘shuddhi yagya’ (purification yagya). The Prime Minister lamented that instead of constructive criticism, some people indulge in compulsive criticism. He observed that in the last 9 years, we have had compulsive critics who indulge in unsubstantiated allegations instead of constructive criticism. The Prime Minister said that such criticism will not pass muster with the people who are experiencing the basic facilities for the first time now. He said instead of a dynasty, he is a member of the family of 140 crore Indians. “The blessings of 140 crore Indians is my ‘Suraksha Kavach’”, the Prime Minister remarked.

The Prime Minister reiterated the commitment towards those who are deprived and neglected and asserted that the biggest benefit of the government’s scheme has gone to dalits, adivasis, women and vulnerable sections. Throwing light on the Nari Shakti of India, the Prime Minister informed that no efforts have been spared to strengthen India's Nari Shakti. He remarked that when the mothers of India are strengthened, then the people are strengthened, and when the people are strengthened it strengthens the society which leads to a strengthening of the nation. He also underlined that the government has addressed the aspirations of the middle class and honoured them for their honesty. Highlighting that the common citizens of India are full of positivity, the Prime Minister emphasised that even though the Indian society has the capability to deal with negativity, it never accepts this negativity.

Click here to read full text speech

  • Ankur Srivastava Nagar Mantri BJP February 17, 2023

    जय हिंद
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  • Harjibhai gamara February 11, 2023

    Modi Ji Zinda bad
  • CHANDRA KUMAR February 11, 2023

    पुलवामा हमला हो, तो मोदी की साजिश चीनी सैनिक घुस आए, मोदी की साजिश अडानी का शेयर बढ़े, मोदी की साजिश भाई , मोदी कोई भूत है क्या, जो हर जगह दिखने लगा है, आपलोगों को। अडानी का शेयर उठेगा, अडानी का शेयर गिरेगा। यह तो स्वाभाविक सी बात है। जिसको अडानी का शेयर खरीदना है, खरीदे, बेचना है तो बेचे। अब मोदी कहां से आ गया, इन सब में। दर असल, जब से मोदीजी ने, यूरोप अमेरिका को नजर अंदाज करके , रुस से ईंधन खरीदा गया है। तभी से भारत पर आर्थिक प्रतिबंध लगाने का प्रयास हो रहा है। पहले विदेशी कंपनी, निराधार आरोप लगाकर भारतीय शेयर धारकों से अडानी के कंपनी का शेयर बिकवा दिया। फिर विदेशी बैंक ने एक साथ अपना शेयर बेचने लगा, अपना निवेश वापस लेने लगा, अपना दिया कर्ज वापस मांगने लगा। अब भारत के सबसे बड़े कंपनी ग्रुप को धराशाई करने के बाद, अब यह साजिश रचा जा रहा है, की भारत में कोई भी विदेशी निवेश नहीं करे। 1. इससे भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था बदहाल होगा। 2. भारतीय राजनीति का आंतरिक माहौल खराब होगा। 3. भारतीय लोकतंत्र को खतरे में बताकर आंदोलन प्रारंभ किया जयेगम 4. भारतीय केंद्र सरकार को अस्थिर करके लोकसभा चुनाव 2024 में बीजेपी को हराया जायेगा। 5. गठबंधन की सरकार को सत्ता में लाकर, फिर से यूरोप अमेरिका, अपना मनमानी करेगा। इससे बचने के लिए कुछ उपाय करना चाहिए 1. मोरिसस और स्विट्जरलैंड को निवेश करने के लिए आमंत्रित किया जाए। 2. चीन को लहासा कोलकाता कॉरिडोर बनाने के बहाने, भारत में एक अरब डॉलर का निवेश करने के लिए प्रेरित किया जाए। क्योंकि अमेरिका अपना चीनी कर्ज और बॉन्ड पेपर को बेईमानी करना चाह रहा है। ऐसे में चीन को भारत के पक्ष में किया जाए और कोरोना फैलाने के आरोप से बचाने का आश्वासन दिया जाए। ध्यान रहे केवल आश्वासन ही देना है, चीन को कोई वास्तविक लाभ नहीं देना, न आर्थिक , न सामरिक, न कूटनीतिक। किसी भी प्रकार से चीन को लाभ पहुंचाने से बचा जाए। 3. छोटे छोटे देशों को पैसा देने की जगह, अब पैसा लिया जाए। तुर्की और सीरिया को निवेश करने के लिए प्रेरित किया जाए। जब छोटे छोटे देश निवेश करेंगे, तब वे छोटे छोटे देश आयात भी करेंगे। उन्हें लगेगा, भारत में हमारा ही कंपनी उत्पादन कर रहा है, इसीलिए हम भारत से ही सामान खरीदेंगे। 4. भारतीयों को अंतरराष्ट्रीय व्यापार करने का प्रशिक्षण दिया जाए। 5. अंतराष्ट्रीय कंपनी बनने में मदद किया जाए। 6. निर्यात को बढ़ाने के लिए प्रेरित किया जाए। 7. ऐसे वस्तुओं का उत्पादन किया जाए, जिसे निर्यात किया जा सके। 8. चीन और अमेरिका के व्यापार करने के तरीके को बारीकी से सीखा जाए। आखिर चीन और अमेरिका किस तरह से उत्पादन कर रहा है, किस तरह से व्यापार का प्रसार कर रहा है। यह भारतीय पेशेवर व्यापारियों छात्रों प्रोफेसरों को पढ़ने और रिसर्च करने के लिए भेजा जाए। भारतवर्ष को अस्थिर करने से बचाने के लिए, भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था का नियंत्रण, केंद्र सरकार को अपने हाथ में रखना चाहिए।
  • gyaneshwar February 11, 2023

    shree Ganeshay namah Jai Ho congratulations BJP Government Bharat Mata ki Jai 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🐅🌺🌹🙏🙏
  • Balaji R February 10, 2023

    I haven't seen a person as powerful a speaker as Narendra Modiji. Wonderful Sir. You have no match in this country. You talk with a sense of commitment, sincerity, a vision and farsightedness, and a determination to take this country to the next higher level. Bharat needs you forever.
  • Balaji R February 10, 2023

    Excellent, Very Spirited Speech by Our beloved Pradhan Mantri Modiji. Long Live Modiji.
  • T. Balasubramanian February 10, 2023

    Excellent reply and put forward the message to the nation
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