PM Modi's Interview to Aletihad

Published By : Admin | December 1, 2023 | 08:41 IST

India is optimistic that the UAE-hosted COP28 will inject fresh momentum into effective climate action, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in an exclusive interview with Aletihad on Thursday.

The country’s partnership with the UAE in this key area is going from strength to strength, driven by a futuristic vision, PM Modi said, adding that India and the UAE, which enjoy robust and enduring relations, can join forces in establishing a common grid to enhance energy security, leveraging each other’s strengths in the energy sector, and providing support to the International Solar Alliance’s Global Solar Facility.

“India and the UAE stand as partners in shaping a greener and more prosperous future, and we remain steadfast in our joint efforts to influence the global discourse on climate action,” the Prime Minister said during his visit to the UAE, his sixth visit to the country since becoming Prime Minister.

As countries that share a vision of promoting sustainability and renewable energy, India and the UAE have emerged as leaders in global renewable energy efforts, PM Modi said, commending the UAE’s unwavering commitment to climate action within the renewable energy sector.

Ensuring Requisite Climate Financing

With regard to climate finance, the Prime Minister said that he has always maintained that climate change is a collective challenge that demands a unified global response.

“It is essential to recognise that developing countries have not contributed in the creation of the problem. Yet developing countries are willing to be a part of the solution,” the Prime Minister said.

“But, they cannot contribute without access to the financing and technology needed… I have therefore advocated strongly for global cooperation for ensuring requisite climate financing and technology transfer,” he said, stressing the importance of ensuring that climate financing flows to the developing world in a practical, assured manner.

“I believe climate action must be based on equity, climate justice, shared obligations and shared capacities. By adhering to these principles, we can forge a path toward a sustainable future that leaves no one behind,” the Prime Minister added. He stressed that as nations pursue climate action, “we must ensure that development priorities of the Global South are not compromised”. “I am happy that during the recent New Delhi G20 Summit, this aspect has been properly addressed, including through a recognition of the need to rapidly and substantially scale up investment and climate finance from billions to trillions of dollars globally from all sources,” PM Modi noted. The implementation of commitments of developed countries to provide technological and financial support to developing countries needs to be at the forefront of the agenda at COP28, he stressed, adding that rising ambitions on climate action must see matching progress on climate finance. “At COP28, we hope to have credible progress on the New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) on Climate Finance,” he said.

Active Collaboration

Cooperation between the two countries spans the entire energy spectrum, with a strong focus on sustainability, according to Modi.

“Our enduring relationship is founded on multiple pillars, and the dynamism of our ties is expressed by our Comprehensive Strategic Partnership… We are particularly happy that UAE is hosting COP28, and I congratulate the Government and people of the UAE on this special occasion,” the Prime Minister said. “I had the opportunity to visit the UAE in July this year, during which my brother, President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, and I held wide ranging discussions in which the issue of climate change figured prominently,” he said.

“Our two nations have been actively collaborating on addressing the pressing global challenge of climate change. During my July visit, we issued a joint statement on climate change, reflecting our commitment to this cause,” he said.

His Highness was in New Delhi for the G20 Summit in September, where he noted that climate change served as an important focus of discussions and outcomes.

Modi expressed hope that COP28 would bring fresh impetus to effective climate action and international cooperation in advancing the goals of the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement. “India and the UAE stand as partners in shaping a greener and more prosperous future, and we remain steadfast in our joint efforts to influence the global discourse on climate action,” the Prime Minister said.

Futuristic Vision

Delving into the “futuristic vision” driving India’s partnership with the UAE in the climate domain, PM Modi said: “We have had robust cooperation in the area of renewables since 2014, and during my visit to the UAE in July this year, we resolved to take forward our cooperation in green hydrogen, solar energy and grid connectivity.” “You would also remember that last year, President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed and I had unveiled a framework for advancing our strategic partnership for the coming decade, which emphasised climate action and renewables,” Modi noted. “We appreciate the significant investments that the UAE has made in India’s renewable energy projects, particularly in the solar and wind sectors,” the Prime Minister said. PM Modi also highlighted the ample opportunity available for both countries to work together on technology development, the formulation of mutually beneficial policy frameworks and regulations, investments in renewable infrastructure, and capacity building in the fields of green hydrogen and green ammonia. Solar energy is another significant area of potential collaboration, where India and the UAE can collectively work to enhance the investment environment in both countries, fostering increased adoption and accelerated deployment of solar technologies, the Prime Minister said.

“In my view, there is no doubt that in the years to come, this partnership will play a pivotal role in crafting global solutions to the challenges we currently face in this sphere,” the Prime Minister stressed.

Championing Clean Energy

Prime Minister Modi commended the UAE’s unwavering commitment to climate action within the renewable sector, which he said is exemplified in its role as the host country for the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).
“I understand that UAE’s renewable energy portfolio has increased significantly during the last decade. I have been told that the UAE has taken multiple progressive steps on sustainable growth in the form of large solar parks, ‘Green Building Regulations’ for private sector construction, programmes for increase in energy efficiency, development of smart cities, among others,” PM Modi said. “We in India have shown a similar zeal, and implemented numerous steps that have made significant impact at an unprecedented scale, be it our renewable energy production or adoption of energy efficient lighting by households, or the impetus to energy conservation across our urban infrastructure, to name only a few,” the Prime Minister said. India’s renewable energy capacity currently stands at 186 GW, and it is targeting a renewables-installed capacity of 500 GW by 2030. The country is also targeting a non-fossil electricity generation installed capacity of 50% by 2030, according to the Prime Minister.

“The parallels between our nations in pursuing sustainable growth and renewable energy solutions are not only inspiring, but also indicative of our shared dedication to a cleaner and more sustainable future,” PM Modi said.

Driving Pro-Planet Lifestyles

India’s Mission Lifestyle for Environment (Mission LiFE), is an initiative to motivate the world to adopt an environmentally friendly lifestyle.

“We have launched a Global Mission on sustainable lifestyles - ‘LiFE, Lifestyle for Environment’ - that promotes sustainable consumption lifestyle changes and circular economy principles,” PM Modi said.

“My call for Mission LiFE is based on a belief that a mass movement of pro-planet lifestyles and choices can have a significant contribution towards global climate action,” he added.
In this vein, India has conceptualised a mechanism to incentivise voluntary, pro-planet actions that can effectively respond to climate change, termed the “Green Credit Initiative”.

The programme envisions the issue of “Green Credits” for plantations on waste or degraded lands and river catchment areas. Such greening actions at a mass scale would be able to rejuvenate river basins, enrich the soil, purify the air, and thus restore and revive natural ecosystems.

In October, the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change of India defined the initiative as a “market-based mechanism designed to incentivise voluntary environmental actions across diverse sectors by various stakeholders”.

“The world needs such instruments that are simple and doable, and which encourage large scale participation,” PM Modi noted.

“We promoted this positive thinking during our G20 Presidency. We seek global collaboration, cooperation, and partnership through exchange of knowledge, experiences, and best practices in planning, implementation, and monitoring of environment-positive actions through programmes and mechanisms like Green Credits,” the Prime Minister said.

India is set to officially launch the Green Credit Initiative alongside the UAE during a high-level event during COP28.

“I am glad that UAE is co-hosting with us a high-level event to inaugurate this ‘Green Credit Initiative’ for global collaboration.

We are looking forward to the launch of this initiative that incentivises environmentally friendly actions. We invite all countries to be part of this voluntary, collaborative effort to share experiences and learn from each others’ best practices,” the Prime Minister said.

Green Hydrogen, Investments

India has made considerable strides in its green energy projects, furthering the country’s sustainability efforts. In January 2023, India announced its National Green Hydrogen Mission, with the aim to become a global hub for the production, utilisation, and export of green hydrogen and its derivatives. According to the Prime Minister, the country has a targeted production of 5 MMTPA of green hydrogen by 2030. Recently, India also agreed to establish a joint Hydrogen Task Force to help scale up technologies, with a special focus on green hydrogen production.

The National Green Hydrogen Mission requires 80 GW of electrolyser capacity and 125 GW of renewable energy, with an estimated total investment of around $100 billion, the Prime Minister said, urging “friends from the UAE, which already have substantial investments in India’s renewable energy sector, to invest in the green hydrogen sector in India”.

The Indian PM also identified green hydrogen and green ammonia projects as a key area of potential future cooperation between the two countries, in addition to the establishment of Green Hydrogen Corridors to connect markets from India through the UAE, the Mediterranean, and beyond.

India’s Key G20 Efforts

During India’s G20 Presidency, the country ensured that particular attention was paid to climate change and climate action, reflected in the G20 New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration.

These include the Green Development Pact, the G20 2023 Action Plan on Accelerating Progress of SDGs, the High-Level Principles of Lifestyles for Sustainable Development, the High-Level Voluntary Principles on Hydrogen, as well the institutionalisation of the Disaster Relief Working Group, the Prime Minister said.

There is also a reference to tripling renewable energy capacity globally through existing targets and policies, as well as demonstrate similar ambition with respect to other zero and low-emissions technologies, including abatement and removal technologies, in line with national circumstances, by 2030. “We look forward to the COP28 taking forward these achievements. We are also looking to promote other initiatives during COP28, such as the Green Credit Initiative, or the LeadIT initiative that we launched with our partners in 2019,” PM Modi said.


Over the last nine years, India has demonstrated by example that the country is at the forefront of doing its part to address climate change. “At COP26, I presented ‘Panchamrit’ – five ambitious commitments of India – as our contribution to global climate action,” the Prime Minister said.

The five ambitious commitments include the following: reaching 500GW Non-fossil energy capacity by 2030; ensuring 50% of its energy requirements are met by renewable energy sources by 2030; reducing the total projected carbon emissions by 1 billion tonnes between now and 2030; reducing the carbon intensity of the economy by 45% by 2030 over 2005 levels; and achieving the target of net zero emissions by 2070.

Translating its promises into action, India submitted its updated nationally determined contributions (NDCs) prior to COP27, and submitted the Long Term-Low Emission Development Strategy (LT-LEDS), which put forward its Net Zero pathways, during COP27, according to the Prime Minister.

“We are the only G20 country that is on track to achieving our NDCs,” he said.

“Unfortunately, on a global level, the climate outlook is not that positive, and there are concerns that we will not achieve our 2030 targets as a global community.”

He also brought attention to the first Global Stocktake envisaged during COP28, highlighting it as an important opportunity to undertake a mid-point review of global efforts.

“I hope that this event will energise the global community to undertake a course correction and redouble efforts to ensure that we return on track to achieve our 2030 targets,” PM Modi said.

Source: Aletihad

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PM Modi lays the foundation stone of Bageshwar Dham Medical and Science Research Institute
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QuoteOur temples, our monasteries, our holy places have been centres of worship and resources on one hand and on the other they have also been centres of science and social consciousness: PM
QuoteIt was our sages who gave us the science of Ayurveda, the science of yoga, which has been acclaimed worldwide today: PM
QuoteWhen the country gave me the opportunity to serve, I made the mantra of 'Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas' the resolution of the government, and this resolve of 'Sabka Sath, Sabka Vikas' is based on - treatment for all, health for all: PM

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone of Bageshwar Dham Medical and Science Research Institute in Garha village, Chhatarpur district, Madhya Pradesh today. Remarking that it was his good fortune to be back in Bundelkhand for the second time in a short span, Shri Modi said that the spiritual center Bageshwar Dham would soon be a health center too. He added that the Bageshwar Dham Medical and Science Research Institute would be built in an area of 10 acres and a 100 bed facility would be ready in the first phase. He congratulated Shri Dhirendra Shastri for the noble work and extended his greetings to the people of Bundelkhand.


The Prime Minister remarked that these days there was a class of political leaders who ridiculed religion and were involved in separating people. He added that at times, there was support to such individuals from foreign entities as well to weaken the nation and religion. He further said that the people who abhor Hindu religion have existed since a long time in various forms. The Prime Minister highlighted the persistent attacks on our beliefs, traditions, and temples and remarked that these elements attack our saints, culture, and principles. They target our festivals, customs, and rituals, and even dare to defame the inherently progressive nature of our religion and culture. Shri Modi underscored their agenda to divide our society and break its unity. In this context, he highlighted the efforts of Shri Dhirendra Shastri, who has been raising awareness about the mantra of unity in the country for a long time. Shri Modi announced that Shri Dhirendra Shastri had taken another pledge for the welfare of society and humanity in the form of establishing a cancer institute. Consequently, in Bageshwar Dham, the blessings of devotion, nourishment, and a healthy life will now be available, he added.


“Our temples, monasteries, and sacred sites have had dual roles as both centers of worship and hubs for scientific and social thought”, said the Prime Minister, remarking that our sages have provided us with the science of Ayurveda and Yoga, which is now globally recognized. He emphasized the belief that service to others and alleviating their suffering is true religion. He highlighted our tradition of serving all living beings with the sentiments of "Nara in Narayan" and "Shiva in all beings." Noting the widespread discussions about the Maha Kumbh, which is nearing completion with crores of people having participated, taken a holy dip, and received blessings from saints, Shri Modi hailed it as a “Maha Kumbh of Unity” and thanked all the sanitation workers and police officers for their dedicated service. He pointed out that amidst the Maha Kumbh, a ‘Netra Maha Kumbh’ was also being held, though it hasn't garnered as much attention, where over two lakh eye check-ups have been conducted, around one and a half lakh people have received free medicine and glasses, and about sixteen thousand patients have been referred to various hospitals for cataract and other surgeries. The Prime Minister acknowledged the numerous health and service-related initiatives taking place during the Maha Kumbh under the guidance of our sages, with thousands of doctors and volunteers participating selflessly. The attendees of the Kumbh have appreciated these efforts, he said.


The Prime Minister underlined the role of religious institutions in running large hospitals across India. He remarked that many health and science research institutes are managed by religious trusts, providing treatment and service to crores of poor people. He noted that the sacred pilgrimage site of Chitrakoot in Bundelkhand, associated with Lord Rama, was a major center for serving the differently-abled and patients. He also expressed happiness that Bageshwar Dham was adding a new chapter to this glorious tradition by offering blessings of health. He announced that two days later, on Mahashivaratri, there will be a mass wedding ceremony for 251 daughters. The Prime Minister praised Bageshwar Dham for this noble initiative and extended his heartfelt congratulations and blessings to all the newlywed couples and daughters for a beautiful life ahead.

Quoting the scripture, "Shariramadyam Khalu Dharma Sadhanam," emphasizing that our body and health are the primary means for achieving our religion, happiness, and success, the Prime Minister remarked that when the country entrusted him with the opportunity to serve, he made the mantra ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas’ as the Government's resolution. He highlighted that a major foundation of ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas’ was ‘Sabka Ilaaj, Sabko Aarogya’ meaning Healthcare for all and underscored the focus on disease prevention at various levels. Acknowledging that toilets had been constructed under the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Shri Modi pointed out that the construction of toilets had reduced diseases caused by unhygienic conditions. He cited a study indicating that households with toilets have saved thousands of rupees on medical expenses.

The Prime Minister remarked that before their Government came to power in 2014, the poor in the country feared the cost of treatment more than the illness itself and pointed out that a serious illness in a family would put the entire family in crisis. He shared that he also comes from a poor family and has witnessed such hardships and had resolved to reduce the cost of treatment and save more money for the people. Reiterating his commitment to ensuring that no needy person is left out of Government schemes, Shri Modi emphasized the importance of reducing the burden of medical expenses and highlighted the provision of free treatment for every poor person, up to Rs. 5 lakh, through the Ayushman Card. He urged those who have not to get it made as soon as possible.


Informing that Ayushman Cards were now being issued for free treatment to elderly individuals above 70 years of age, irrespective of whether the family is poor, middle-class, or wealthy, Shri Modi said these cards can be obtained online without any cost and urged that no one should pay for the Ayushman Card and asked people to report if someone demands money. The Prime Minister remarked that many treatments do not require hospital admission, as prescribed medicines can be taken at home. To reduce the cost of medicines, over 14,000 Jan Aushadhi Centers have been opened across the country, providing affordable medicines, he added. He also pointed out that kidney disease is another significant health issue requiring continuous dialysis and over 1,500 dialysis centers have been opened in more than 700 districts, offering free dialysis services. The Prime Minister urged everyone to spread awareness about these Government schemes among their acquaintances and ensure no one misses out on the benefits.

“Cancer has become a significant issue everywhere; the Government, society, and saints are all united in the fight against cancer”, highlighted Shri Modi. He remarked on the difficulties faced by villagers when someone is diagnosed with cancer. He highlighted the lack of early detection and the tendency to rely on home remedies for fever and pain, resulting in late diagnosis when the situation worsens. The Prime Minister noted the fear and confusion that grips families upon hearing the diagnosis of cancer, with many only knowing about treatment centers in Delhi and Mumbai. He emphasized the Government's efforts to address these challenges, including several announcements in this year's budget to combat cancer. He added that he was committed to making cancer medications more affordable and announced the opening of cancer daycare centers in every district over the next three years. These centers will provide both diagnostic and respite care services. Shri Modi also highlighted the opening of cancer clinics in district hospitals and medical centers in local neighborhoods to ensure easier access to treatment.

Emphasising the importance of being cautious and aware to protect against cancer, the Prime Minister remarked that early detection is crucial, as cancer becomes harder to combat once it spreads. He highlighted the ongoing campaign to screen all individuals above 30 years of age and urged everyone to participate and avoid negligence. He stressed the need for immediate cancer screening if there is any doubt. Underscoring the importance of accurate information about cancer, stating that it is not a contagious disease and does not spread through touch, Shri Modi pointed out that the risk of cancer increases with the use of bidi, cigarettes, gutka, tobacco, and spices, and advised staying away from these substances. He urged everyone to take care of their body and health and to adopt these precautions diligently to avoid any negligence.


Stressing his dedication to serving the people, the Prime Minister remarked on his previous visit to Chhatarpur, where he inaugurated and laid the foundation stones for projects worth thousands of crores. He highlighted the inclusion of the Rs. 45,000 crore Ken-Betwa Link Project, which had been pending for decades despite multiple governments and leaders visiting Bundelkhand. Shri Modi noted the persistent water scarcity in the region and questioned whether any previous government had fulfilled its promises. He emphasized that the work commenced only after receiving the people's blessings. He underlined the rapid progress in addressing the drinking water crisis. Under the Jal Jeevan Mission, or the Har Ghar Jal Project, piped water is being supplied to villages across Bundelkhand, he added. He also highlighted the ongoing efforts to alleviate the difficulties faced by farmers and increase their income, stating that the government is working tirelessly day and night.

Emphasizing the importance of empowering women for the prosperity of Bundelkhand, Shri Modi remarked on the introduction of initiatives like Lakhpati Didi and Drone Didi and announced the goal of making 3 crore women Lakhpati Didis. He highlighted that women are being trained to operate drones, which will be used for crop spraying and assisting in agriculture once irrigation water reaches Bundelkhand. The Prime Minister expressed confidence that these efforts will propel Bundelkhand rapidly towards prosperity.

The Prime Minister highlighted the significant use of drone technology in villages under the Swamitva Yojana for accurate land measurement and providing solid land records. He noted the successful implementation of this initiative in Madhya Pradesh, where people are now using these documents to easily obtain loans from banks, which are being utilized for businesses, thereby increasing people's income.

Concluding the address, the Prime Minister emphasized the relentless efforts of the Governments at Center and state in making Bundelkhand achieve new heights of development. He expressed hope that Bundelkhand continues on the path of prosperity and development and extended his best wishes to everyone.

The Governor of Madhya Pradesh, Shri Mangubhai Chhaganbhai Patel, Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, Shri Mohan Yadav were present among other dignitaries at the event.


Bageshwar Dham Medical and Science Research Institute in Garha village, Chhatarpur district, Madhya Pradesh is being built to ensure better healthcare services for people from all walks of life. The Cancer hospital worth over Rs 200 crore will offer free treatment to underprivileged cancer patients and will be equipped with state-of-the-art machines and have specialist doctors.