QuoteIndia can never forget the circumstances under which the Kargil War took place. Pakistan had embarked upon a misadventure of encroaching upon Indian soil, to distract attention from its internal strife: PM
QuoteI’m fortunate to have visited Kargil and witnessed the valour of our Jawans. That day will be etched in my memory forever: PM Modi
QuoteWith the mantra of Nation First, the countrymen, tied in the thread of unity, increase the strength of our soldiers by several thousand times: PM Modi
QuoteThe threat of coronavirus is not over yet, we need to be very vigilant, we have to take full care: PM Modi
QuoteOn one hand we have to fight against Coronavirus, on the other hand, with hard work, we have to take our businesses, jobs, the duties we perform, to new heights: PM
QuoteIn many states like Bihar and Assam, floods have created a lot of difficulties, the whole country stands with all the people affected by this disaster: PM
QuoteI request all the countrymen that on Independence Day, we pledge for freedom from the pandemic, pledge for a self-reliant India: PM

My dear countrymen, Namaskar. Today, is the 26th of July, a very special day…It is Kargil Vijay Diwas. It was on this very day 21 years ago, our Army unfurled the flag of victory in the battle of Kargil. Friends, India can never forget the circumstances under which the battle of Kargil took place. Pakistan had embarked upon this misadventure, nursing delusions of encroaching upon Indian soil, to distract attention from the internal strife prevailing there. India was then in the process of making efforts to foster good relations with Pakistan. But as it is said,

"बयरु अकारन सब काहू सों।
जो कर हित अनहित ताहू सों।।"

Which means, to the wicked, enmity with one and all for no reason comes naturally. People with such a disposition keep thinking of harming even their well-wishers… that is why when India extended a hand of friendship, Pakistan tried to respond, stabbing in the back. But after that, when our gallant Army displayed deeds of valour, when India demonstrated her might the whole world watched it. You can imagine….the enemy lodged in soaring mountainous heights and our armed forces, our brave soldiers fighting from down below! But it was not about victoriously conquering the heights…

It was the victory of high morale and bravery of our armed forces in the truest sense of the term. Friends, at that point of time, I too was blessed with the opportunity to go to Kargil and witness the gallantry of our Jawans. That day is one of the most precious moments of my life. I am noticing, today, people are reminiscing the Kargil Victory, throughout the country. On social media, they are saluting their brave heart heroes and paying tributes to those martyred with the #Courage in Kargil. Today, I, on behalf of all countrymen salute the brave soldiers….and along with them I also salute the brave mothers who gave rise to the real heroes, sons of Mother India. I urge the youth of the country to share stories of the heroic deeds of our brave hearts and sacrifices on part of the brave mothers, throughout the day. Friends, today I call upon you to visit, the website www.gallantryawards.gov.in positively. There, you will come across an array of information on our brave warriors and tales of their valour. And when you discuss these with your friends, they will become a source of inspiration. You must certainly visit this website... infect, I would like to insist on multiple visits. Friends, what Atal ji had said from Red Fort during the Kargil war is relevant to all of us even today. Atal ji, had then reminded the nation of a mantra of Gandhi ji. Mahatma Gandhi's mantra was...in the face of any dilemma, in order to decide what to do or what not to do, one must think of the poorest and the most helpless person of India. One must assess whether one’s deed will result in benefitting that particular person or not. Going beyond Gnadhi Ji’s thought, Atal ji had said that the Kargil war has given us another Mantra- And the Mantra was – before taking any important decision, we should think whether our step, our endeavor is befitting to the honour of the soldier who laid down his life in those remote mountains. Come, let us listen to the sentiment in the very voice of Atal ji- Let us understand it…the time too has come to accept it.

“All of us remember that Gandhi ji had given us a Mantra. He had said that in the face of any dilemma in order to decide what to do, you should think of the poorest and the most helpless person of India; ask yourself whether your deed will result in benefiting that particular person. Kargil has given us another Mantra- And the Mantra was – before taking any important decision, we should think whether our step, our endeavor is befitting to the honour of the soldier who laid down his life in those remote mountains.”

Friends in times of war, whatever we say or do has immense bearing on the morale of the soldier, ever vigilant at the border, as well as the morale of his family. We should never forget this… and that is why our conduct, our demeanour, our speech, our statements, our limits, our aims… whatever we do and say, must distinctly be conducive to enhancing the morale & honour of our soldiers. Countrymen bound by a thread of unity, with the Mantra that the Nation is above everything else bolster the strength of our soldiers much more than thousand fold. We are aware of the dictum

‘Sanghe Shakti, Kalau Yuge’; the essence of which tells us that there is strength in unity in the present era.

At times, without paying heed to the essence, we encourage certain things on Social Media that are detrimental to the country. There are times when we keep forwarding things out of sheer curiosity. Despite knowing that it is wrong, we keep doing it. These days, battles are fought not just on borders; they are fought within the country too, on many fronts simultaneously. And every countryman has to decide his or her role in that. We too should determine our roles, fully bearing in mind soldiers fighting on the borders under the harshest conditions.

My dear countrymen, over the last few months, the way the country fought against Corona unitedly, has proven many apprehensions wrong. Today, the recovery rate in our country is better compared to other countries; the mortality rate in the context of Corona in our country is much less as well, compared to most countries, of course, the loss of even one life is saddening, but India has also succeeded in saving the lives of millions of her people. But friends, the hazards of Corona are far from being over. At many places, it is spreading fast. We need to be extra vigilant. We have to bear in mind that Corona is as fatal today as it was in the beginning – that’s why we have to be fully cautions. Wearing a face mask, using a gamchcha or a light towel to cover, two yard distancing, frequently washing hands, avoiding spitting anywhere, taking full care of hygiene & sanitation- these are our weapons to protect us from Corona. There are times when masks cause inconvenience, one feels like removing them from the face- especially during a conversation. When a mask is required the most, we tend to remove it. At such times, I urge you that whenever you feel your mask is bothersome and you want to remove it, spare a thought for those doctors, those nurses; think of our Corona warriors. You will find them wearing masks for hours together, diligently working to save our lives- sometimes wearing masks for a span of eight to ten hours. Doesn’t that discomfort them? Just think about them… you too will feel that as citizens, we should not be negligent at all; nor let others be so. On the one hand, we have to fight the battle against Corona with full awareness & vigilance; on the other, whatever our responsibilities, through sheer perseverance… business, jobs or studies… we have to lend pace to it, taking it to greater heights. Friends, during the Corona times, our rural regions came up as a beacon of guidance for the entire country. Many examples of effective endeavours on part of local residents of villages & Gram Panchayats are coming to the fore. In Jammu there is a Gram Panchayat named Gram Treva. The sarpanch there is Balbir Kaur Ji. I am told that Balbir Kaur ji got a 30 bed Quarantine Centre constructed in her Panchayat. She also made arrangements for availability of water on roads leading to the Panchayat. She ensured that people did not have to face any problem in washing hands. Not just that Balbir Kaur ji, with a spray pump slung on her shoulder embarks upon sanitization of the entire Panchayat & its neighbourhood, along with volunteers. Similarly, there is a Kashmiri woman sarpanch- Zaitoona Begum ji of Chauntliwaar, Gaanderbal.

Zaitoona Begum ji decided that her Panchayat would fight the battle against Corona and along with that, create income opportunities too. She distributed free masks & free ration in the vicinity; at the same time she distributed crop seeds & apple saplings so that people were not subjected to inconvenience in farming & horticulture. Friends, there is another inspiring example from Kashmir. Shriman Mohd Iqbal is the Municipal President of Anantnag. He required a sprayer for sanitization of his area. He was informed that the machine would have to be brought from another town, that too at a cost of Six Lakh Rupees. On this, Shriman Iqbal ji, through his own efforts, designed & made a sprayer machine, and that too at a cost of Fifty Thousand Rupees. There are many similar examples. Such inspiring examples are emerging in the entire country, from all corners, everyday. All of these are worthy of accolades. Challenges did come; but people rose up to them with singular fortitude.

My dear countrymen, the correct approach, a positive approach always goes a long way in transforming distressing times into opportunities, adversities into triggers of development & progress. In the present times of Corona, we have witnessed how the youth & women of our country have come up with new experiments on the basis of their talent & skills. In Bihar, many women self help groups have begun making masks with Madhubani motifs… by and by, they turned out to be very popular. These Madhubani masks, in a way, propagate a regional tradition; besides protecting health, they also create opportunities for livelihood. You surely know of Bamboo which grows abundantly in the North East. Now, using the same Bamboo, artisans of Tripura, Manipur and Assam have started crafting high quality water bottles and Tiffin-boxes. If you glance at the craftsmanship of these bottles, you will not believe that Bamboo can be used to create such fine products. Moreover, these bottles are eco friendly. Before actually making them, the Bamboo is first boiled, adding Neem and other medicinal shrubs. Thus, these bottles also acquire medicinal value. An example from Jharkhand shows us how small local products can be hugely successful. In Bishunpur, Jharkhand, more than thirty groups are collectively cultivating lemongrass. It takes four months for lemongrass to mature and its oil fetches a decent price in the market. These days, this product is much in demand. I also wish to refer to two regions of the country- both are hundreds of kilometers apart; yet are contributing in making India self reliant in their own unique, novel ways. One is Ladakh; the other is Kutch. The mere mention of Leh-Ladakh creates images of picturesque valleys, mountain heights & whiffs of fresh air. On the other hand, reference to Kutch draws images of an unending desert with no vegetation in sight. In Ladakh, a distinct fruit called chooli or apricot also known as Khubani is grown. This produce has the capacity to transform the economy of the area. But unfortunately, vagaries of supply chains & weather are some of the formidable challenges it keeps facing. To reduce spoilage to the minimum, a new innovation has been adopted for use. This is a Dual system, called solar Apricot Dryer & space heater. This desiccates apricots, other fruits & vegetables as per requirement; that too in a hygienic manner. Earlier, when apricots used to be dried in the vicinity of farms, there would be spoilage, besides loss of quality of fruit on account of dust & rainwater. On the other side, these days, farmers of Kutch are making commendable efforts in the cultivation of Dragon fruit. Many people are perplexed when they hear Kutch & Dragon fruit together. But, today, many farmers there have taken to this activity. Many innovations are taking place for enhancing fruit quality, productivity & yield.

I have been told that the popularity of Dragon Fruits is constantly increasing, especially usage in breakfast has increased considerably. The farmers of Kutch have resolved that the country should not import Dragon Fruit and this is what self reliance is all about.

Friends, when we think of doing something new, think innovatively, then even such tasks become possible, which, in general, no one imagines, as exemplified by some youth of Bihar. Earlier they used to do routine jobs. One day, they decided to start cultivating pearls. In their area, people did not know much about this, but, this group of people, first, gathered all the requisite information, went to Jaipur and Bhubaneshwar and took training and started cultivating pearls in their village. Today, they are not just earning a lot from this activity but have also started training the migrant labourers returning from other states at Muzaffarpur, Begusarai and Patna. And for many people, this has opened the avenues to self-reliance.

Friends, a few days from now, the auspicious festival of Rakshabandhan will be celebrated. These days, I am noticing that many people and institutions are campaigning to celebrate Rakshabandhan this time in a different manner. And many people are linking the festival with Vocal for Local, and this is true too. In society, if the business of a person near our home increases on account of our festivals and thus, in turn, his festival becomes merrier, then the joy of the festival increases manifold. Many felicitations to all the countrymen on Rakshabandhan.

Friends, the 7th of August is National Handloom Day. The Handloom of India and our Handicrafts encompass a glorious history of hundreds of years. It should be an endeavour on part of all of us to use Indian Handloom and Handicrafts as much as possible, and also communicate to more and more people about them. The more the world knows about the richness and diversity of Indian handloom and handicrafts, the greater our local artisans and weavers will benefit.
Friends, especially my young friends, our country is changing. How is she changing? How fast is she changing? In what all fields is she undergoing change? If we look at it with a positive point of view, we ourselves will be astounded! There was a time, when whether in sports or other sectors, most people were either from big cities or from famous families or from well-known schools or colleges. Now, the country is changing. Our youth are coming forward from villages, from small towns and from ordinary families. New heights of success are being scaled. These people are moving forward in the midst of crises, fostering new dreams. We see something similar to this in the results of the board exams that have recently been announced. Today in this episode of Mann Ki Baat we will talk to some such talented sons and daughters. Kritika Nandal is one such talented daughter and she is from Panipat in Haryana.

Modi ji - Hello, Kritika ji Namaste |

Kritika - Namaste Sir |

Modi ji - Many congratulations to you for such a good result.

Kritika - Thank you sir.

Modi ji - And You must be tired taking so many calls on the telephone these days! So many people must be calling you!

Kritika - Yes sir.

Modi ji - And those who congratulate you must themselves also be feeling proud that they know you. How do you feel?

Kritika - Sir it feels very nice. I myself feel so proud after making parents feel honoured

Modi ji - Ok tell me who is your biggest inspiration?

Kritika - Sir, my mummy is my biggest inspiration.

Modi ji –Wah! Okay, what are you learning from your mother?

Kritika - Sir, she has faced so many difficulties in her life and yet
she is so bold and so strong, sir. Seeing her, I get so
inspired that I feel I should also become like her.

Modi ji –How educated is your mom?
Kritika - Sir, she has done her BA.

Modi ji –Ok she has done her BA!

Kritika - Yes sir.

Modi ji - Fine. So, mother must also be teaching you.

Kritika - Yes sir. She teaches me; tells me everything about the ways
of the world

Modi ji –She must also be scolding you?

Kritika–Yes Sir, she scolds me also.

Modi ji –Ok beta, what do you want to do next?

Kritika - Sir, I want to become a doctor.

Modi ji –That’s great!

Kritika– MBBS

Modi ji - Look, becoming a doctor is not an easy task!

Kritika - Yes sir.

Modi ji - You will get the degree because you are brilliant, beta;
But….’ the life of a doctor…. That is very dedicated to the

Kritika - Yes sir.

Modi ji –Some nights ….. the doctor cannot sleep in peace! Sometimes it’s a call from the patient, sometimes its a call from the hospital and then one has to rush. And that is, in a way, 24x7, Three Sixty Five Days! The life of a doctor is dedicated in service of the people.

Kritika - Yes Sir.

Modi ji -And there is a risk too, because you never know nowadays, the kind of diseases that are there, a big crisis looms even in front of the doctor.

Kritika–Yes Sir,

Modi ji – Right Kritika, Haryana has always been an inspiring, encouraging state in the arena of sports in entire India!

Kritika–Yes Sir.

Modi ji - So do you participate in any sport? Do you like some sports?

Kritika - Sir, I played basketball at school.

Modi ji - Ah, what is your height, are you tall?

Kritika - No sir, I’m five feet two.

Modi ji - Well then do you like the game?

Kritika - Sir, its just passion, I just play the game

Modi ji – Good, good! Ok Kritikaji, do convey Pranaam to your mother on my behalf, she has made you able like this and has made your life worthy. Greetings to your mother and congratulations and best wishes to you.

Kritika - Thank you sir.

Come! We now go to Kerala, Ernakulam to talk to a young
man there. the youth of Kerala.

Modi ji - Hello

Vinayak - Hello Sir. Namaskar.
Modi ji - So Vinayak, congratulations!

Vinayak– Yes. Thank you sir.

Modi ji – Well done Vinayak, well done!

Vinayak– Yes. Thank you sir,

Modi ji - How is the Josh?

Vinayak – High sir

Modi ji – Do you play any sport?

Vinayak – Badminton.

Modi ji – Badminton?

Vinayak – Yes.. Yes.

Modi ji – In school ? Or did you have any chance to take a training?

Vinayak – No, in school we have already got some training

Modi ji – Hmm

Vinayak - From our teachers.

Modi ji – Hmm

Vinayak – So that we get opportunity to participate outside

Modi ji – Wow!

Vinayak – From the school itself!

Modi ji – How many states have you visited ?

Vinayak – I have visited only Kerala and Tamilnadu

Modi ji – Only Kerala and Tamilnadu?

Vinayak – Oh yes

Modi ji – So, would you like to visit Delhi ?

Vinayak – Yes Sir, now, I am applying in Delhi University for my

Higher Studies.

Modi ji – Wah, so you are coming to Delhi

Vinayak – Yes sir.

Modi ji – Tell me, do you have any message for fellow students who will give Board Exams in future

Vinayak – Hard work and proper time utilization

Modi ji – So perfect time management

Vinayak – Yes sir

Modi ji – Vinayak, I would like to know your hobbies.

Vinayak – ……… Badminton and then rowing.

Modi ji – So, you are active on social media

Vinayak – Not, we are not allowed to use any electronic items or gadgets in the school

Modi ji – So you are lucky

Vinayak – Yes Sir,

Modi ji – Well, Vinayak, congratulations again and wish you all the


Vinayak – Thank you sir.

Come! let us go to Uttar Pradesh. Let us speak to Shriman Usman Saifi of Amroha in Uttar Pradesh.

Modi ji-Hello Usman, Many many congratulations, lots of congratulations to you.

Usman- thank you sir.

Modi ji- Ok Usman, tell us whether you got the results that you wanted or the results were a little less.

Usman- No, got what I wanted. My parents are also very happy.

Modi ji-Wow, ok in the family other brothers…. are also as brilliant or is it only you who is so brilliant at home?

Usman- It is just me, my brother is a little naughty.

Modi ji- yes, yes

Usman- rest he is very happy with me.

Modi ji- Good, good. Ok Usman what was your favourite subject when you were studying?

Usman – Mathematics

Modi ji- Wonderful! so what was the interest in mathematics? How
did it happen? Which teacher inspired you?

Usman- One of our subject teachers Rajat sir. He inspired me, taught me very well and my mathematics was good from the beginning….. and it is a very interesting subject too.

Modi hi – yes, yes

Usman- so the more you do, the more interested you get, so that is
why it is my favourite subject.

Modi ji- yes, yes. Do you know about online Vedic Mathematics
classes being run.

Usman- Yes sir

Modi ji- So, have you ever tried this?

Usman- No sir, not done yet

Modi ji- You try, many of your friends will feel as if you are a magician because you can calculate at the speed of a computer with Vedic mathematics. Very simple techniques and nowadays they are available online too.

Usman- Yes sir.

Modi ji- Since you are interested in Mathematics, you can contribute
many new things too.

Usman – Yes sir.

Modi ji- Ok Usman, what do you do in your spare time?

Usman- In my spare time sir, I keep writing one thing or the other. I
have a lot of interest in writing.

Modi ji- That’s great! Means you take interest in mathematics too and
literature as well.

Usman- yes sir.

Modi ji- What do you write? Write poems, write couplets?

Usman- Anything. I keep writing on any topic related to current

Modi ji- Yes, yes

Usman- I keep getting new information like we had GST and our
demonetisation-all things.

Modi ji-That’s great! so what are you planning to do for college
education ahead.

Usman- College education? Sir, I have cleared my JEE Mains first attempt and now I will sit for second attempt in September. My main aim is that first I get a Bachelor Degree from IIT and after that go to Civil Services and become an IAS.

Modi ji- That’s great! Good, do you take interest in technology too?

Usman- Yes sir. That’s why I have opted for IT. For first time, best IIT.

Modi ji- Ok then Usman, many best wishes from my side. You must be having a good time with your naughty brother, convey my pranam to your parents. They gave you an opportunity like this, encouraged you and I liked that you study current issues and write too on them along with your studies. See, the benefit of writing is that your thinking gets sharpened. There are many benefits of writing. So, many congratulations from my side

Usman- Thank you sir.
Come! Let us again go far south. Will speak to our daughter Kaniga from Tamilnadu, Namakkal and talk with Kaniga is very inspirational.

Modi ji- Kaniga ji, Vanakkam !

Kaniga- Vanakkam sir

Modi ji – How are you

Kaniga- Fine sir

Modi ji- First of all I would like to congratulate you for your
great success.

Kaniga- Thank you sir.

Modi ji- When I hear of NamakkaI think of the Anjaneyar temple

Kaniga- Yes sir.

Modi ji -Now I will also remember my interaction with you.

Kaniga- Yes sir.

Modi ji- So, Congratulations again.

Kaniga- Thank you sir.

Modi ji- You would have worked very hard for exams, how was your experience while preparing.

Kaniga- Sir, we are working hard from the start so, I didn’t expect this
result but I have written well so I got a good result.

Modi ji- What were your expectation?

Kaniga - 485 or486 like that, I thought so

Modi ji- And now

Kaniga- 490

Modi ji- So what is the reaction of your family members & your

Kaniga- They were so happy and they were so proud sir.

Modi ji - Which one is your favourite subject.

Kaniga- Mathematics

Modi ji- Oh! And what are your future plans?

Kaniga - I’m going to become a Doctor if possible, in AFMC sir.

Modi ji- And your family members are also in a medical profession or somewhere else?

Kaniga - No sir, my father is a driver but my sister is studying in
MBBS sir.

Modi ji- That’s great! so first of all I will do Pranaam to your father who is taking lot of care of your sister and yourself. It’s
great service he is doing.

Kaniga- Yes sir

Modi ji- And he is an inspiration for all.

Kaniga- Yes sir

Modi ji- So my congratulations to you, your sister and your father
and your family.

Kaniga- Thank you sir.

Friends, there are many other stories of such young friends whose courage and success in difficult conditions inspire us. I wanted to have as much as possible a chance to talk to young friends but time has its own limitations. I appeal to all young friends that they share with us their stories in their own voice that can inspire the country.

My dear countrymen, across the seven seas, thousands of miles away from India is a small country called “Suriname”. India has a very close relationship with ‘Suriname’. More than a hundred years ago, people from India went there, and made it their home. Today, the fourth or the fifth generation is there. Today in Suriname more than one fourth of the people are of Indian origin. Do you know? ‘Sarnami’ one of the common languages there is a dialect of Bhojpuri. We Indians feel very proud of these cultural relations.

Recently Shri Chandrika Parasad Santokhi has become the new president of Suriname. He is a friend of India and he had participated in the Person of Indian Origin (PIO) Parliamentary Conference organised in 2018. Shri Chandrika Prasad Santokhi ji started his oath with Veda hymns; he spoke in Sanskrit. He referred to vedas and concluded his oath with “Om Shanti: Shanti: Shanti:”. Holding the veda in his hand he said- I, Chandrika Prasad Santokhi, and, further what did he say in his oath? He recited a hymn from Veda itself. He said-

ॐ अग्ने व्रतपते व्रतं चरिष्यामि तच्छकेयम तन्मे राध्यताम |
इदमहमनृतात सत्यमुपैमि ||

That is, hey Agni, fire, God of resolve, I am taking an oath. Give me strength and capability for this. Bless me so that I keep away from untruth and move towards truth. Truly, this, for all of us, is a matter of pride.

I congratulate Shri Chandrika Prasad Santokhi, and, wish him the best on behalf of 130 crore Indians, for serving his nation.
My dear countrymen, it is also the season of rains. Last time too, I had said that the risk of diseases arising out of filth increases during this period. Consequently, it leads to overcrowding in hospitals. I urge you to pay special attention to cleanliness around you and keep taking immunity enhancers such as Ayurvedic kadha. During the times of Corona pandemic, it is imperative that we protect ourselves against other diseases. We will have to take complete care so that we do not have to frequent hospitals.

Friends, during this rainy season, there is a large part of the country that is grappling with floods. Many areas of states like Bihar and Assam are having to deal with a series of difficulties due to floods. On the one hand, we have Corona and on the other we have this challenge. In such a scenario, all Governments, NDRF teams, Disaster response teams, Self help groups are working in tandem to provide relief and rescue in all possible ways. The whole country stands by those affected by this disaster.

Friends, before we meet in the next Mann Ki Baat, 15th August would have already arrived. This time, our 15th August celebrations too will be in very different circumstances - in the midst of the Corona Virus pandemic.

I urge the youth, the people of my country to take a pledge of freedom from the pandemic this Independence day. Take a resolve for a Self reliant India, a resolve to learn and teach something new and a resolve to earnestly carry out our duties.
The glorious height attained by our country is only due to the Tapasya, the perseverance of many an illustrious soul who dedicated an entire life towards nation building.

One such luminary is Lokmanya Tilak. 1st August 2020 will mark the death centenary of Lokmanya Tilak ji. The life of Lokmanya Tilak ji is a source of immense inspiration for all of us; one which teaches us a lot.

The next time we meet, we will once again touch upon myriad things, learn something new together and share it with each other. I urge all of you to take care of yourself and your families and stay healthy. My best wishes to all the countrymen on the forthcoming festivals.

Many Many Thanks.

  • DASARI SAISIMHA February 27, 2025

  • krishangopal sharma Bjp January 13, 2025

    नमो नमो 🙏 जय भाजपा 🙏🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌹🌷🌷🌷🌷🌹🌷🌷🌹🌷🌷🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷
  • krishangopal sharma Bjp January 13, 2025

    नमो नमो 🙏 जय भाजपा 🙏🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌹🌷🌷🌷🌷🌹🌷🌷🌹🌷🌷🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹
  • krishangopal sharma Bjp January 13, 2025

    नमो नमो 🙏 जय भाजपा 🙏🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌹🌷🌷🌷🌷🌹🌷🌷🌹🌷🌷🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷
  • Priya Satheesh January 09, 2025

  • HITESHKUMAR January 02, 2025

    I am 4 years troubling for CSC VLE
  • HITESHKUMAR January 02, 2025

  • HITESHKUMAR January 02, 2025

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    jay shree Ram
  • கார்த்திக் November 18, 2024

    🪷ஜெய் ஸ்ரீ ராம்🪷जय श्री राम🪷જય શ્રી રામ🪷 🪷ಜೈ ಶ್ರೀ ರಾಮ್🪷ଜୟ ଶ୍ରୀ ରାମ🌸Jai Shri Ram 🌺🌺 🌸জয় শ্ৰী ৰাম🌸ജയ് ശ്രീറാം🌸 జై శ్రీ రామ్ 🌺 🌺
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India will always be at the forefront of protecting animals: PM Modi
March 09, 2025

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi stated that India is blessed with wildlife diversity and a culture that celebrates wildlife. "We will always be at the forefront of protecting animals and contributing to a sustainable planet", Shri Modi added.

The Prime Minister posted on X:

"Amazing news for wildlife lovers! India is blessed with wildlife diversity and a culture that celebrates wildlife. We will always be at the forefront of protecting animals and contributing to a sustainable planet."