Joy Hari Bol! Joy Hari Bol!
Hari Bol! Hari Bol! Joy Hari Bol!
The honorable representatives of the Government of Bangladesh, Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Mohammed Abdur Razzaqe ji, Mr. Sheikh Selim ji, Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad Farooq Khan Ji, representing the tradition and values of Shri Sri Harichand Thakur ji and my colleague in Indian Parliament and my friend, Mr. Shantanu Thakur ji, representatives of All India Matua Federation from India, my sisters and brothers and all respected colleagues with special reverence in Shri Shri Harichand Thakur Ji!
To all of you Namoshkar!
Today, with the grace of Shri Shri Harichand Thakur Ji, I have had the privilege of saluting this holy place of Orakandi Thakurbari. I bow at the feet of Shri Shri Harichand Thakur Ji and Shri Shri Guruchand Thakur Ji.
I was talking to some dignitaries here, they said, "Who thought that the Prime Minister of India would ever come to Orakandi. Today I feel the same way as my millions of brothers and sisters of 'Matua Sect' living in India come to Orakandi and feel. When I came here today, I have touched this virtuous land on their behalf also.
I had been waiting for this day, for this holy occasion since many years. In the year 2015, for the first time when I visited Bangladesh as Prime Minister, I expressed my desire to come here. My wish, my desire has been fulfilled today.
I have always been getting love and affection from the followers of Shri Shri Harichand Thakur Ji and the warmth of his family. I also consider the effect of his blessings behind my visit to Thakurbari today.
I remember, when I went to Thakur Nagar in West Bengal, my Matua brothers and sisters gave me a lot of love as a family member. Particularly, the affinity of 'Boro-Maa' (elder mother), her blessings like a mother, have been the precious moments of my life.
From Thakur Nagar in West Bengal to Thakurbari in Bangladesh, there is the same reverence, same faith, and same experience.
I have brought love and best wishes to you on behalf of the 130 crore brothers and sisters of India on the National Festival of Bangladesh. Congratulations to all of you on the completion of 50 years of Bangladesh's independence, warm greetings.
During the National Day programme in Dhaka yesterday, I saw a wonderful tableau of Bangladesh's valour, the culture that this wonderful country has preserved and of which you are a very prominent part.
Before I came here, I went to the 'Shamadhi Shodhou' of the Jatir Pita Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and paid floral tributes. The leadership of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, his vision and his faith in the people of Bangladesh is commendable.
Today, just as the India-Bangladesh governments are strengthening the natural relations between the two countries, culturally, the same thing has been done for decades by Thakurbari and Shri Harichand Thakur Ji.
In a way, this place is a pilgrimage to the spiritual relations between India and Bangladesh. Our relationship is a people-to-people relationship, a heart-to-heart relationship.
Both India and Bangladesh want to see the progress of the entire world through their progress. Both countries want stability, love and peace instead of instability, terror and unrest in the world.
This value was given to us by Shri Shri Harichand Thakur Dev Ji. Shri Shri Harichand Ji had dedicated his life for the values which the whole world talks about and the values that humanity dreams of. The great poet Shri Mahanando Haldar has written in Sri Sri Guruchand Chorito-
तपशील जाति माधुज्ज जा किछु होयचे।
हॉरीचन्द कल्पवृक्ष सॉकली फेलेछे॥
Which means, whatever the exploited, afflicted, dalit, deprived society has achieved, whatever it is, it is the result of Kalpavriksha like Shri Shri Harichand Ji.
On the path shown by Shri Shri Harichand Ji, we are moving towards a common, harmonious society today. He started working for women's education and their social participation in that era. Today, we are witnessing the efforts of women empowerment grow all over the world.
When we understand the messages of Shri Shri Harichand Thakur, reciting ‘Hori-Leela-Amrito’, it seems as if he had already seen the centuries ahead. He had a divine vision, a supernatural intellect.
Even in that era of slavery, he told the society what is the path of our real progress. Today, be it India or Bangladesh, we are building our future with the same mantras of social solidarity, harmony, touching new dimensions of development.
The life of Shri Shri Harichand Dev Ji has given us another lesson. Not only he gave a message of divine love, but also made us aware of our duties. He told us that the struggle against oppression and misery is also meditation.
Today, lakhs and crores of followers of Shri Harichand Dev Ji, whether in India, in Bangladesh or elsewhere, are following his path, cooperating in resolving whatever crisis humanity is facing.
I am fortunate to have Shantanu Thakur Ji supporting the legacy of Shri Shri Harichand Thakur Ji, as my colleague in Parliament in India. Although younger than me, but I get to learn a lot from him. The reason for this is that he has embodied the great teachings of Shri Shri Harichand Thakur Ji in his life. He is very diligent. He strives day and night for betterment of people in the society.
The motivation of Shri Harichand Dev Ji is very important for resolving the common challenges facing India and Bangladesh today. The two countries must face all challenges together. This is our duty; this is the way for the welfare of crores of people of these two countries.
During the Corona pandemic, both India and Bangladesh have proved their strength. Today, both countries are firmly fighting this pandemic, together. As a duty, India wants that 'Made in India' vaccines reach the citizens of Bangladesh as well.
Sri Sri Harichand Ji always supported modernity and change. I am told that when the pandemic crisis started, all of you in Orakandi adopted technology, organized online kirtan, increased social confidence. It shows that the inspiration of Sri Sri Harichand teaches us to move ahead in every difficult situation.
His successor, Shri Sri Guruchand Thakur Ji, has a huge role in bringing the teachings of Sri Sri Harichand Dev ji to the people, uniting the Dalit-afflicted society. Sri Sri Guruchand Ji gave us the formula of 'Bhakti, Kriya and Gyana'.
Sri Sri Guruchand Chowrito says:
अनुनाता जाति माजे शिख्खा बिस्तारित।
आग्या करेन हॉरि चान्द तारे बीधिमॉते॥
That is, Harichand ji has ordered us to facilitate education to the weaker section of the society. Shri Guruchand ji obeyed this order of Harichand ji all his life. He made tireless efforts, especially for the education of daughters.
Today, it is a privilege of every Indian to connect here in Bangladesh with the efforts of Shri Guruchand Ji. The education campaign in Orakandi will now have the support from people of India too.
The Government of India will upgrade the girls' middle school in Orakandi, adding new modern facilities. Also, a primary school will be established here by the Government of India.
This is a tribute to Sri Sri Harichand Thakur Ji on behalf of crores of Indians. We are also grateful to the Government of Bangladesh, who is cooperating with us in this work.
Our siblings of Matua community celebrate 'Baroni Shnan Utshab' every year on the auspicious occasion of the birth anniversary of Sri Sri Harichand Thakur Ji. A large number of devotees from India come to Orakandi to participate in the festival. Efforts will be made on the part of the Government of India to make these pilgrimages easier for my brothers and sisters of India. We are also committed to grand events and various works reflecting the glorious history of the Matua community in Thakur Nagar.
India today is moving forward with this mantra of 'Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas', and Bangladesh is its 'Shoho Jatri'. At the same time, Bangladesh is presenting a strong example of development and change to the world today and India is your 'Shoho Jatri' in these efforts.
I am confident, with the blessings of Sri Sri Harichand Dev ji, with the inspiration of Shri Shri Guruchond Dev Ji, both of our countries will achieve these common goals in this span of the 21st century. India and Bangladesh will continue to guide the world on the path of progress and love.
With these best wishes, thank you very much heartily to all of you!!
Joy Bangla, Jai Hind,
Long live India-Bangladesh friendship!
Joy Hori-Bol ! Joy Hori-Bol!
Hori-Bol! Hori-Bol! Joy Hori-Bol !
DISCLAIMER: This is the approximate translation of PM’s speech. Original speech was delivered in Hindi.