The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Moditoday interacted with personnel of IAF, Indian Army, NDRF, ITBP, local administration and civil society who were involved with rescue operations at Deoghar involving the cable car accident. Union Minister, Shri Amit Shah, Member of Parliament, Shri Nishikant Dubey, Secretary MHA, Chief of Army Staff, Chief of Air Staff, DG NDRF, DG ITBP were among those present on the occasion.
Minister of Home Affairs and Minister of Co-operation of India, Shri Amit Shah complimented those involved in the rescue. This is an example of a well-coordinated operation, he added. He said that under the leadership of the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi disaster management transcended earlier relief-based approach to emphasis on preventing the loss of lives. Today there is an integrated set up at every level to react and protect lives all the time. NDRF, SDRF, Armed forces, ITBP Police and local administration worked in exemplary coordination in the operation, Shri Amit Shah added.
Speaking on the occasion, the Prime Minister praised the rescue teams and offered condolence to the families of the bereaved. “Country is proud that we have a skilled force in the form of our armed forces, Air Force, ITBP, NDRF and police personnel, that has capability to protect citizen in the time of distress”, he said. “For three days, round the clock, you completed a difficult rescue operation and saved the lives of many countrymen. I also consider it to be the grace of Baba Vaidyanath ji”, he added.

The Prime Minister noted the recognition and image that NDRF has carved for itself through their courage and hard work. Shri Om Prakash Goswami, Inspector/GD, NDRF narrated the details of operations to the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister asked Shri Om Prakash how he handled the emotional aspect of the distress situation. The Prime Minister said that the courage of NDRF is recognized by the entire country.
Group Captain Y K Kandalkar of Indian Airforce informed about the Airforce operation during the crisis. The Prime Minister noted the skills of the pilots navigating helicopter so near the wires. Sergeant Pankaj Kumar Rana, of Indian Airforce explained the role of Garuna commandos in rescuing the passenger in the adverse conditions of the cable car and amidst the distress of the passenger including children and women. The Prime Minister praised the extraordinary courage of the air force personnel.
Shri Pannalal Joshi of Damodar Ropeway, Deoghar, who saved many passengers, explained the role of civilians in the rescue operations. The Prime Minister said that helping others is part of our culture and praised the resourcefulness and courage of these people.
Shri Anant Pandey Sub Inspector ITBP, explained the role of ITBP in the operation. ITBP’s initial successes raised the morale of the stranded passengers. The Prime Minister appreciated the patience of the entire team and said that success is assured when challenges are faced with determination and patience.

Shri Manjunath Bhajantari, District Magistrate an Deputy Commissioner, Deoghar explained the details of local coordination of the operation and how morale of the passenger was maintained till the arrival of the Air Force. He also provided the details of multi-agency coordination and channels of communication. He thanked the Prime Minister for the timely help. The Prime Minister asked the DM how he used his science and technology background during the operation. The Prime Minister asked for proper documentation of the incident so that repeat of such accidents can be avoid.
Brig Ashwini Nayyar narrated the role of Army in the operation. He talked about the rescue from cable lower level. The Prime Minister praised the coordination, speed and planning of the team work.
The Prime Minister said in such cases, response time is critical for the success. He said that people feel assured after seeing the uniform. The Prime Minister continued “People have a lot of faith in the uniform.Whenever people in distress see you, they believe that their life is now safe, new hope awakens in them”.
The Prime Minister expressed satisfaction that needs of children and elderly were always kept in mind during the operation. He appreciated the constant improvement in the forces with every such experience. He praised the determination and patience of the forces. He reiterated the government’s commitment to keep the rescue forces updated in terms of resources and equipment. “This entire operation has been a reflection of sensitivity, resourcefulness and courage”, he said.

The Prime Minister noted the resilience of the passengers who showed patience and courage. He specially commended the local citizens for their dedication and sense of service. Shri Modi congratulated the passengers who were saved. “This crisis has once again made it clear that whenever any calamity strikes the nation, we put up a united front against the challenge and come out victorious. ‘SabkaPrayas’ played a major role in this operation also”, Shri Modi said.
He expressed condolences for the affected families and prayed for the recovery of the injured. He concluded by requesting all those involved in the operation to document the details and learning meticulously for future use.
देश को गर्व है कि उसके पास हमारी थल सेना, वायु सेना, NDRF, ITBP के जवान और पुलिस बल के रूप में ऐसी कुशल फोर्स है, जो देशवासियों को हर संकट से सुरक्षित बाहर निकालने का माद्दा रखती है: PM @narendramodi
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) April 13, 2022
हालांकि हमें दुख है कि कुछ साथियों का जीवन हम नहीं बचा पाए।
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) April 13, 2022
अनेक साथी घायल भी हुए हैं। पीड़ित परिवारों के साथ हम सभी की पूरी संवेदना है।
मैं सभी घायलों के जल्द स्वस्थ होने की कामना करता हूं: PM @narendramodi
आपने तीन दिनों तक, चौबीसों घंटे लगकर एक मुश्किल रेस्क्यू ऑपरेशन को पूरा किया और अनेक देशवासियों की जान बचाई है।
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) April 13, 2022
मैं इसे बाबा वैद्यनाथ जी की कृपा भी मानता हूं: PM @narendramodi
मुश्किल से मुश्किल चुनौती के सामने अगर हम धैर्य के साथ काम करते हैं, तो सफलता मिलती ही है।
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) April 13, 2022
आप सभी ने इस रेस्क्यू ऑपरेशन के दौरान जिस धैर्य का परिचय दिया, वो अतुलनीय है: PM @narendramodi while interacting with those involved in rescue operation in Deoghar
वर्दी पर लोगों की बहुत आस्था होती है।
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) April 13, 2022
संकट में फंसे लोग जब भी आपको देखते हैं तो उनको विश्वास हो जाता है कि उनकी जान अब सुरक्षित है।
उनमें नई उम्मीद जाग जाती है: PM @narendramodi
इस आपदा ने एक बार फिर ये स्पष्ट कर दिया कि जब भी देश में कोई संकट होता है तो हम सब मिलकर एक साथ उस संकट से मोर्चा लेते हैं और उस संकट से निकलकर दिखाते हैं।
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) April 13, 2022
सबके प्रयास ने इस आपदा में भी बहुत बड़ी भूमिका निभाई है: PM @narendramodi