PM extends best wishes to athletes upon conclusion of National Games 2022

Published By : Admin | October 13, 2022 | 22:16 IST

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has conveyed his best wishes to all athletes who took part in the National Games 2022 and congratulated all those who won medals. Remarking on the grand success of the National Games 2022, the Prime Minister said that the sporting infrastructure was widely appreciated by the athletes, and the games will be remembered for the focus on sustainability including furthering awareness on recycling, reducing plastic waste and enhancing cleanliness. The Prime Minister lauded the people and Government of Gujarat for their hospitality.

In a series of tweets, the Prime Minister tweeted;

“The National Games 2022 concluded yesterday. I salute every athlete who took part and enhanced the spirit of sportsmanship. Congratulations to all those who won medals in the games. Proud of their accomplishments. My best wishes to all athletes for their future endeavours.”

“This year's National Games were special for various reasons. The sporting infra was widely appreciated by the athletes. The widespread participation in traditional sports was also among the highlights.”

“The 2022 National Games will also be remembered for the focus on sustainability including furthering awareness on recycling, reducing plastic waste and enhancing cleanliness. I would also like to laud the people and Government of Gujarat for their hospitality through the Games.”

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