The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has expressed deep sorrow on demise of writer, historian and theatre personality, Shivshahir Babasaheb Purandare. He recalled Shivshahir Babasaheb Purandare’s contribution in connecting coming generations to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Shri Modi also posted his speech when Shri Modi had addressed his centenary year programme few months ago.
In a series of tweet, the Prime Minister said:
“I am pained beyond words. The demise of Shivshahir Babasaheb Purandare leaves a major void in the world of history and culture. It is thanks to him that the coming generations will get further connected to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. His other works will also be remembered.
Shivshahir Babasaheb Purandare was witty, wise and had rich knowledge of Indian history. I had the honour of interacting with him very closely over the years. A few months back, had addressed his centenary year programme.
Shivshahir Babasaheb Purandare will live on due to his extensive works. In this sad hour, my thoughts are with his family and countless admirers. Om Shanti.”
I am pained beyond words. The demise of Shivshahir Babasaheb Purandare leaves a major void in the world of history and culture. It is thanks to him that the coming generations will get further connected to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. His other works will also be remembered.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) November 15, 2021
Shivshahir Babasaheb Purandare was witty, wise and had rich knowledge of Indian history. I had the honour of interacting with him very closely over the years. A few months back, had addressed his centenary year programme.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) November 15, 2021
Shivshahir Babasaheb Purandare will live on due to his extensive works. In this sad hour, my thoughts are with his family and countless admirers. Om Shanti.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) November 15, 2021
बाबासाहेब पुरंदरे त्यांच्या व्यापक कार्यामुळे सदैव आपल्यात जिवंत राहतील. या दुःखद प्रसंगी मी त्यांचे कुटुंबीय आणि असंख्य चाहत्यांच्या प्रती संवेदना व्यक्त करतो.ओम शांती.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) November 15, 2021
बाबासाहेब पुरंदरे हे विनोदबुद्धी, विद्वत्ता आणि भारतीय इतिहासाचे समृध्द भांडार होते. अनेकदा त्यांच्याशी जवळून संवाद साधण्याचा सन्मान मला मिळाला. त्यांच्या शतक महोत्सवी वर्ष कार्यक्रमात त्यांनी श्रोत्यांशी संवाद साधला होता.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) November 15, 2021
मला शब्दातीत दुःख झाले आहे.बाबासाहेब पुरंदरे यांच्या निधनाने इतिहास आणि संस्कृतीच्या विश्वात कधीही भरून न निघणारी पोकळी निर्माण झाली आहे. येणाऱ्या पिढ्यांना छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज यांच्या कार्याशी जोडल्याबद्दल त्यांचे आपण सदैव ऋणी राहू.त्यांनी केलेले इतर कार्य ही स्मरणात राहील
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) November 15, 2021