Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi visited Hazaribagh in Jharkhand on 17 February,2019. He unveiled several Development Projects for Jharkhand. Governor of Jharkhand Ms DraupadiMurmu, Union Minister Shri Jayant Sinha and CM of Jharkhand Shri Raghuvar Das was also present among other dignitaries.
Addressing the gathering the PM said “I pay homage to Shri Vijay Soreng, the braveson of Jharkhand who laid his life for the nation. At every step we will have to take care of the families of martyrs”.
PM inaugurated the Medical Colleges at Hazaribagh, Dumka and Palamu. The foundation stone of these colleges were laid by PM in 2017. The new Medical colleges are built at a cost of Rs 885 crores. Each college campus is made disabled friendly. The modern medical facilities will benefit 1.5 crores people of 11 districts of Jharkhand. The PM said “it is this land of Jharkhand that witnessed the launch of Ayushman Bharat Yojana that has benefitted lakhs of people across India including thousands from Jharkhand. And constant efforts are being made to improve the health infrastructure of the state”. He laid the Foundation Stone for four 500-bedded hospitals at Hazaribagh, Dumka, Palamu and Jamshedpur.
PM said that health and safe drinking water are inseperable. And the water projects unveiled in Jharkhand will ensure good health of its people. PM inaugurated four Rural Water Supply Schemes in Ramgarh and Hazaribagh districts. He laid the Foundation Stone for an additional six Rural Water Supply Schemes in these two districts along with Foundation Stone for water supply schemes in areas inhabited by Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups. He also laid the Foundation Stone for Urban Water Supply Scheme in Hazaribagh. At a cost of Rs 500 crores this project will supply safe drinking water to 56000 households of Hazaribagh.
The Prime Minister also inaugurated the Sahibganj Sewerage Treatment Plant, and the Madhusudan Ghat, under the NamamiGange initiative.
PM distributed cheques to select beneficiaries to mark the launch of DBT scheme for farmers to purchase mobile phones under e-NAM. The PM said “the scheme will benefit 27 lakh farmers. With the help of a smartphone they would not only get weather information but information of crop prices, government schemes and new methods of farming also”.
PM e-inaugurated the Only Women Engineering College at Ramgarh. PM said that it is first such college in Eastern India and only third in entire India where only women will study engineering. Foundation Stone for the Centre for Tribal Studies, Acharya VinobaBhave University, Hazaribagh was also laid by PM. He said that the institute will help in garnering and spreading the knowledge on tribal ways and culture. The PM said that sabkasaathsabkavikas entails empowerment of all sections of the society including poor, women, youth and tribals. And the college for women and tribals are efforts in this direction.
The Prime Minister distributed packed milk to select school-children to mark the launch of Kanha Milk Scheme for students in government schools. The students will get 200 ml of milk everyday which will help in fighting malnourishment. PM said “I hope each child will realise her full potential and make the nation proud”.
PM reiterated that his government is making efforts to preserve and promote the memories of tribal heroes of our freedom struggle in museums and memorials. The Birsamunda Museum of Jharkhand is one such example.
जो काम किया जा रहा है उसको और गति देने के लिए आया हूं।
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 17, 2019
मेडिकल कालेज बिल्डिंग, अस्पताल,
इंजीनिरयिंग कालेज,
पानी की समस्या से मुक्ति दिलाने वाली पाइप-लाइन,
नमामि गंगे के प्रोजेक्ट्स के शिलान्यास और लोकार्पण से यहां मूलभूत सुविधाओं के इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर को ताकत मिलने वाली है: PM
देवघर में एम्स के बाद आज दुमका, हजारीबाग और पलामू में मेडिकल कालेज का उद्घाटन इन्हीं प्रयासों
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 17, 2019
का विस्तार है।
सिर्फ तीन साल पहले की स्थिति ये थी कि झारखंड में 3 मेडिकल कॉलेज थे।
अब आज देखिए, एक ही दिन में 3 मेडिकल कॉलेज खुल रहे हैं: PM
स्कूली शिक्षा हो या फिर उच्च शिक्षा आदिवासी समाज के युवा साथियों को हर प्रकार की सहायता दी जा रही है।
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 17, 2019
आचार्य विनोबा भावे विश्व-विद्यालय में सेंटर फॉर ट्राइबल स्टडीज बनने से यहां के समाज और संस्कृति को जानने और आने वाली पीढ़ियों तक समाज के संस्कारों को पहुंचाने में मदद मिलेगी:PM
झारखंड सहित देश के तमाम आदिवासी क्षेत्रों में एकलव्य मॉडल स्कूल खोले जा रहे हैं।
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 17, 2019
झारखंड में ऐसे करीब दो दर्जन स्कूल शुरु हो चुके हैं और 70 नए स्कूल खोलने पर काम चल रहा है: PM
झारखंड में बन रहा बिरसा मुंडा संग्रहालय महान स्वतंत्रता सेनानी बिरसा मुंडा की पहचान को समृद्ध करेगा।
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) February 17, 2019
ऐसे संग्राहालय देश के कई राज्यों में बनाए जा रहे हैं, जिसमें केंद्र सरकार मदद दे रही है।
ये म्यूजियम आदिवासी नायकों की याद तो दिलाएंगे ही, साथ में पर्यटन के केंद्र बनेंगे: PM