The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today addressed a Jan Abhar Rally at Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh, to mark the completion of one year of the State Government.
Before arriving on the dais, the Prime Minister visited an exhibition on government schemes. He also interacted with the beneficiaries of various schemes.
Addressing a large gathering, he praised the State of Himachal Pradesh, as a land of spirituality, and bravery.
He recalled that former Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, had a special bond with the State.
The Prime Minister applauded the State Government for reaching people, especially those in the rural areas of the State in the last one year, through its schemes.
The Prime Minister said that the State Government is focusing on next-generation infrastructure. He said projects related to highways, railways, power, solar energy and petroleum sector, are all underway in the State of Himachal Pradesh.
The Prime Minister spoke at length of the tourism potential of the State. In this context he mentioned, that the number of foreign tourists coming to India, rose from 70 lakh in 2013, to 1 crore in 2017. Similarly, he said, the number of approved hotels in India in 2013, was about 1200, which has now risen to 1800.
The Prime Minister recalled that for forty years, our ex-servicemen longed for 'One Rank, One Pension'. He said that when his Government assumed office, the entire gamut of issues, and resources required was understood. Thereafter, OROP was implemented to ensure the welfare of our ex-servicemen.
The Prime Minister especially complimented the people of Himachal Pradesh for their commitment to cleanliness. They have accepted 'Swachhata' as a 'Sanskaar' (culture), he added. This also augurs well for the tourism sector in the state, the Prime Minister said.
The Prime Minister explained how the Union Government has curbed corruption. He said that through Direct Benefit Transfer, a check has been put on corruption and nearly Rs. 90,000 crore rupees has been saved.
हिमाचल देवी और देवताओं की भूमि देवभूमि है, यहां का हर गाँव देवी-देवताओं का अपना गाँव है। हिमाचल देवभूमि होने के साथ-साथ वीरों की भूमि भी है, यहां शांति की कोख से वीरता पैदा होती है जो अपने आप में अक्षुण्ण होती है: PM @narendramodi
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) December 27, 2018
हिमाचल और अटल जी के बीच एक अटूट नाता रहा है। उनके लिए तो हिमाचल उनका दूसरा घर हुआ करता था: PM @narendramodi
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) December 27, 2018
ऐसा कहा जाता है पहाड़ का पानी और पहाड़ की जवानी कभी पहाड़ के काम नहीं आती है लेकिन आज यहां कि सरकार ने ऐसा काम किया है कि पहाड़ का पानी भी पहाड़ के काम आ रहा है और पहाड़ की जवानी भी पहाड़ के काम आ रही है: PM @narendramodi
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) December 27, 2018
हिमाचल की @jairamthakurbjp सरकार ने पिछले एक साल में जन-जन तक पहुंचने का काम किया है और सरकार को हिमाचल के गाँव-गाँव तक पहुंचाया है: PM @narendramodi
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) December 27, 2018
हम next generation infrastructure पर बल दे रहे हैं। आज हाई–वे हो, रेलवे हो, बिजली हो, सोलर सिस्टम हो, petroleum व्यवस्था हो... भारत सरकार के कई प्रोजेक्ट हिमाचल प्रदेश में चल रहे हैं: PM @narendramodi
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) December 27, 2018
2013 में जहां पूरे भारत में विदेशी पर्यटकों के आने की संख्या 70 लाख थी, वहीं 2017 में यह संख्या बढ़कर 1 करोड़ के पार पहुंच गई: PM @narendramodi
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) December 27, 2018
2013 में भारत में approved होटलों की संख्या करीब 1200 थी जो 4 साल में बढ़कर करीब 1800 हो गई है: PM @narendramodi
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) December 27, 2018
For forty years, our ex-servicemen longed for 'One Rank, One Pension'. Previous government allocated a mere Rs. 500 crore for it. But when we came to power, we implemented OROP and ensured welfare of our ex-servicemen: PM @narendramodi
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) December 27, 2018
I commend the people of Himachal Pradesh for furthering cleanliness. They have accepted 'Swachhata' as a 'Sanskaar'. This also augurs well for the tourism sector in the state: PM @narendramodi
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) December 27, 2018
Through Direct Benefit Transfer, we have put a check on corruption and saved nearly Rs. 90,000 crore: PM @narendramodi
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) December 27, 2018