Speaking in the Lok Sabha, Shri Narendra Modi stated that the NDA Government’s focus was on building modern infrastructure using latest technology. PM Modi spoke how under the NDA Government, roads were being constructed at fast pace. Shri Modi said, “Previously under the UPA, only 69 km of roads used to be constructed under the Pradhan Mantri Gramin Sadak Yojana. But when we assumed office, we constructed 111 km of roads and used latest technology for its mapping.”
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The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has highlighted the remarkable progress in expanding Metro connectivity across India and its pivotal role in transforming urban transport and improving the ‘Ease of Living’ for millions of citizens.
MyGov posted on X threads about India’s Metro revolution on which PM Modi replied and said;
“Over the last decade, extensive work has been done in boosting metro connectivity, thus strengthening urban transport and enhancing ‘Ease of Living.’ #MetroRevolutionInIndia”
Over the last decade, extensive work has been done in boosting metro connectivity, thus strengthening urban transport and enhancing ‘Ease of Living.’#MetroRevolutionInIndia https://t.co/zfcr37TyFK
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) January 5, 2025