On the morning of Tuesday 26th March 2013 Shri Narendra Modi extended his greetings to the people on the auspicious festival of Holi. He also expressed hope that the lives of the people will be full of colour, sportsmanship and enthusiasm. In his message to the people on Holi, the Chief Minister spoke about the need to uphold the honour and dignity of women that will enable them to keep their heads held high in the world. He also said that Holi is an occasion to exterminate all forms of social evils from society.
Shri Modi pointed, “In every faith and culture of society there is a festival that celebrates colour. Holi is the festival of colours, a festival to live life to the fullest and to get immersed in colour, free from other burdens.”
The Chief Minister also shared that Holi has a big influence in our culture and literature. “There is no literary work where Holi and colours are not mentioned. Holi is linked to our life. There is no corner of the nation where Holi is not celebrated.”