The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi shared glimpses of the Ahmedabad International Flower Show. Shri Modi said that I have a strong attachment with this show, as I saw it grow during my tenure as CM. Such shows celebrate nature’s beauty and inspire awareness about sustainability, Shri Modi further added.
The Prime Minister posted on X;
“Here are some glimpses from the Ahmedabad International Flower Show. I have a strong attachment with this show, as I saw it grow during my tenure as CM. Such shows celebrate nature’s beauty and inspire awareness about sustainability. They give a platform for local farmers, gardeners and enthusiasts to showcase their creativity.”
“Some more glimpses from the Ahmedabad International Flower Show...”
Here are some glimpses from the Ahmedabad International Flower Show. I have a strong attachment with this show, as I saw it grow during my tenure as CM.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) January 4, 2025
Such shows celebrate nature’s beauty and inspire awareness about sustainability. They give a platform for local farmers,…
Some more glimpses from the Ahmedabad International Flower Show...
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) January 4, 2025