The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, will attend an event to mark World Biofuel Day, at Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi on August 10, 2018.
He will address a diverse gathering, consisting of farmers, scientists, entrepreneurs, students, government officials, and legislators.
Biofuels can help reduce import dependency on crude oil. They can contribute to a cleaner environment, generate additional income for farmers, and generate employment in rural areas. Therefore, biofuels have synergies with various Government initiatives, including enhancing farmers’ incomes, and Swachh Bharat.
As a result of the efforts of the Union Government, ethanol blending in petrol has increased from 38 crore litres in the ethanol supply year 2013-14, to an estimated 141 crore litres in the ethanol supply year 2017-18. The Government also approved the National Policy on Biofuels in June 2018.