In his reply to the motion of thanks on President's address in the Lok Sabha, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that at one point the whole democracy of India was dedicated to one family. He attacked Congress in Lok Sabha that Emergency was imposed and lakhs of people were arrested. Shri Modi remarked that, “It is only Jan Shakti that saved democracy. It is due to this Jan Shakti that a person belonging to a poor family can become the Prime Minister of India.”
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Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi received a telephone call today from H.E. Mr. Antonio Costa, President of the European Council.
PM congratulated President Costa on his assumption of charge as the President of the European Council.
Noting the substantive progress made in India-EU Strategic Partnership over the past decade, the two leaders agreed to working closely together towards further bolstering the ties, including in the areas of trade, technology, investment, green energy and digital space.
They underlined the need for early conclusion of a mutually beneficial India- EU FTA.
The leaders looked forward to the next India-EU Summit to be held in India at a mutually convenient time.
They exchanged views on regional and global developments of mutual interest. The leaders agreed to remain in touch.
Pleased to speak with President @antoniolscosta. India and the EU are natural partners. We are committed to working closely together to further strengthen the India-EU Strategic Partnership, including in the areas of technology, green energy, digital space, trade and investments.…
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) January 7, 2025