Bollywood actor Sunil Shetty paid a courtesy visit to Hon'ble CM. The actor who was in Ahmedabad yesterday mentioned, ‘Gujarat's development model has become the talk of the nation and it shows the progress of each and every Gujarati in the state’.
The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has expressed deep grief over the demise of eminent playback singer, Shri P. Jayachandran and said that his soulful renditions across various languages will continue to touch hearts for generations to come.
The Prime Minister posted on X;
“Shri P. Jayachandran Ji was blessed with legendary voice that conveyed a wide range of emotions. His soulful renditions across various languages will continue to touch hearts for generations to come. Pained by his passing. My thoughts are with his family and admirers in this hour of grief.”
Shri P. Jayachandran Ji was blessed with legendary voice that conveyed a wide range of emotions. His soulful renditions across various languages will continue to touch hearts for generations to come. Pained by his passing. My thoughts are with his family and admirers in this hour…
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) January 10, 2025