Narendra Modi was back in office in Gandhinagar after successfully completing his whirlwind campaign. Talking to media persons briefly before stepping in his office Narendra Modi said, “I was in Himachal Pradesh yesterday and today I am back at office. From Badrinath to Kanyakumari and Kutch to Kamrup, I addressed more than 325 rallies. I saw rain at some places, felt cold at some other places; I experienced scorching sun somewhere and strong wind also at some places. I could not attend three rallies due to bad weather in which my plane could not fly.”

On over 300 hours of flying all across the country, Modi said, “Earlier elections did not span over so many phases and days. And, all politicians didn't have access to aircraft and other means of communication. I tried and made the most of the opportunity that came my way”.

The chief minister gave 40 interviews, blogged, and received the media attention. Due to his humorous yet razor-sharp speeches he was in the limelight. His speeches captivated the audience all across the nation. Modi said, “Earlier, elections did not span over so many phases and days. And, all politicians didn't have access to aircraft and other means of communication. I tried and made the most of the opportunity that came my way”. He said it was “sheer perspiration” in the end and he hoped that the voters could see it that way. He mentioned with utmost faith that BJP and NDA will form the government in Delhi.

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Prime Minister thanks President of France and Prime Minister of Ireland for greetings on India’s 76th Republic Day
January 27, 2025

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi today thanked President of France, H.E Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister of Ireland, H.E Micheal Martin for greetings on India’s 76th Republic Day.

Responding to a post by President of France on X, Shri Modi said:

“My dear friend, President @EmmanuelMacron, your kind greetings on India’s 76th Republic Day are deeply appreciated. Your august presence last year on this day was indeed a high point in our strategic partnership and enduring friendship. See you soon at the AI Action Summit in Paris as we work together for better future of the humanity.”

Responding to a post by Prime Minister of Ireland on X, Shri Modi said:

“Thank you Prime Minister @MichealMartinTD for your kind wishes. I am confident that the enduring bonds of friendship between India and Ireland, based on the shared trust and belief in democracy, will continue to strengthen in times to come.”