Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed an event at inauguration of new terminal building of veer Savarkar International Airport in Port Blair. PM Modi said, “The Opposition maintains a dignified silence, no matter the magnitude of the various scams and crimes”. He further added that on any such occasions, the Opposition starts supporting each other rather than resolving the issue at hand. The violence-ridden Panchayat elections of West Bengal, the violence and exploitation of women in Rajasthan, the liquor scam worth crores of Rupees are examples of the opposition-led behavior, the PM added saying, "When agencies start questioning the intent of these crimes and scams they all cry foul-play and conspiracy against them, showcasing their corrupt nature."
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The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi remembered the courageous Rani Velu Nachiyar on her birth anniversary today. Shri Modi remarked that she waged a heroic fight against colonial rule, showing unparalleled valour and strategic brilliance.
In a post on X, Shri Modi wrote:
"Remembering the courageous Rani Velu Nachiyar on her birth anniversary! She waged a heroic fight against colonial rule, showing unparalleled valour and strategic brilliance. She inspired generations to stand against oppression and fight for freedom. Her role in furthering women empowerment is also widely appreciated."
Remembering the courageous Rani Velu Nachiyar on her birth anniversary! She waged a heroic fight against colonial rule, showing unparalleled valour and strategic brilliance. She inspired generations to stand against oppression and fight for freedom. Her role in furthering women…
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) January 3, 2025