Quote“Double-engine government has brought double speed in the development works''
Quote“The Kisan Credit Card has made life a lot easier, especially for our animal husbandry workers and the fishermen community”
Quote“Government has taken the initiative not just for the seaports but is executing port-led development”
Quote“Government is helping the youth at every step of entrepreneurship”
Quote“Growing infrastructure is promoting tourism in a big way”
Quote“Some political parties have made abusing Gujarat their political ideology”
Quote“We will not allow the dilution of the spirit of ‘Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat’ and dreams of Sardar Patel”

Bharat Mata ki – Jai!

Bharat Mata ki – Jai!

It seems that Diwali has come early for you. Be it any day of festival, Dhanteras and Diwali are so near, preparations for the New Year have begun and everyone is immersed in his work and yet so many people are here. As long as I can see, it seems as if the Ganges of blessings is flowing. Jai Girnari! What could be greater enthusiasm than this that saints and seers have come in such a large number to bless me. This is also the land of lions and Narasimha. I express my heartfelt gratitude, especially to the mothers and sisters, who have come in large numbers to bless me.


Brothers and sisters,

Development projects worth more than 4,000 crore rupees for Junagadh, Gir Somnath and Porbandar have either been inaugurated or their foundation stones have been laid. This figure is astonishing for the people. There was a time when the annual budget for the entire Gujarat used to be this much. Today, I am inaugurating and laying the foundation stone of projects worth much more than that during my one-day visit to the land of Gujarat. This is the result of your blessings and the benefits of these development projects will go a long way in making the lives of my fishermen brothers and sisters easier. I always used to say that Junagadh, the capital of the tourism sector of Gujarat, along with Gir Somnath and Porbandar has huge potential. These schemes will result in many employment and self-employment opportunities. I congratulate and extend my best wishes to all of you for these Deepawali gifts which will shower development in the state.

Brothers and sisters,

Today my chest swells with pride because of your blessings. I am happy with the way our team has handled Gujarat after I left Gujarat for Delhi and the way Bhupendrabhai and his team are carrying out rapid development works in Gujarat. What can be more joy than that today Gujarat is developing very fast in all the spheres.

But brothers and sisters,

When we remember the old days and so many elders who are sitting here know how we have spent those days. Out of 10 years, there used to be drought in seven years. We used to yearn for water. On the one hand, nature used to be infuriated as this salty sea water would go deep inside the land. Such was the condition of our land that nothing could be produced here. Kathiawar used to be deserted as people from villages would migrate to Surat and other parts of India for their livelihood. But the hard work that we all put in has now changed the situation. If we do hard work with dedication, then nature even blesses us. You should be proud, brothers. Look at God's grace after 2001. It has been more than 20 years and there has not been a single year of drought. If it is not a blessing, then what is it? On the one hand, there are your blessings and on the other hand, there are blessings of nature. As a result, one can enjoy life with the gifts of development.

There was a time when people used to take special buses to visit Mother Narmada. But time has changed. Today, Mother Narmada is reaching every village of Saurashtra to give her blessings due to the sweet fruits of hard work, brothers. Water has started reaching villages, roads have started getting better and the life of farmers growing fruits and vegetables has changed, brothers. Our respected Governor Acharya Devvrat ji was just telling me that the farmers of Junagadh have adopted natural farming and are engaged in it with full force. And brothers and sisters, the sweetness of the Kesar mango of Junagadh is reaching not only in India, but across the world. India has such a huge sea shore and Gujarat shares a large part of it. But this sea used to be a burden for us in the past. This salty region and the salty air seemed like poison to us. But look at the times, brothers. The sea, which used to be a burden for us, is giving us the fruits of hard work today.

There was a time when the dust particles of the Rann of Kutch used to trouble us. Today, the same Kutch has laid the foundation for the development of Gujarat. Gujarat has faced natural adversities, but it has achieved new heights of progress now, brothers. About 20-25 years ago, we had resolved to change the situation, took the initiative and spent every moment in this regard. Today the young people aged 20-25 years can’t even imagine the situation which existed then. We have tried to usher in better days, friends. We started the Sagarkhedu scheme in Gujarat for the development of our fishermen brothers and sisters. Under this scheme, we emphasized for the safety of our fishermen, their convenience and the necessary infrastructure for their business. And as a result, the export of fish increased seven times in 20 years.

Brothers and sisters, while talking about the exports of fish, I am reminded of an old incident. A delegation from Japan had come to Gujarat when I was the Chief Minister. I was showing a documentary of Gujarat’s development to them which also had a commentary in Japanese language. They were also deeply engrossed in it. Then all of a sudden, some members of that delegation asked me to stop the documentary. I was perplexed why they were asking me to stop the documentary. They told me that along with the sea shore and fishermen shown in the documentary, there were Surimi fish also and now they were finding it difficult to sit here and wanted to relish Surimi fish. Such is the popularity of Surimi fish. It is very difficult to resist the moment one hears about Surimi fish. Today, Surimi fish is very popular in the markets of Gujarat, brothers. Every year, Surimi fish is exported to the tune of hundreds of crores of rupees. Now there is a sea-food park in Valsad from where fish are exported. We are also making new achievements in the fisheries sector.


Brothers and sisters,

The seaside of my Gujarat has got the double benefit of the double engine government in the last eight years. The business of fish and seafood has increased. Earlier, our fishermen used to face lots of problems due to shallowness on the seashore. They found it very difficult to bring their catch of fish to the seashore. We started the campaign to build a fishing harbor in Gujarat and tried to remove the problems of Sagarkhedu. Many large fishing harbors were developed in the last two decades and the old ones were also upgraded. The speed in this work has doubled after the formation of the double engine government. Even today, the foundation stone for developing three fishing harbors has been laid, brothers. You can imagine the economic boom that is going to happen in your area. What a major change is going to come in the lives of the fishermen! The transportation of fish will be very easy from the fishing harbor and exports will also pick up pace. We have also come up with the Drone Policy. Now the drones can carry goods weighing from 20 to 50 kg. Opportunities are being created so that drones can deliver fresh fish to the areas which have no seas, brothers. This is an example of benefits due to development, brothers.

Brothers and sisters,

The double engine government works keeping in mind the needs of my farmer brothers and our villages. One such example is our government’s PM Kisan Samman Nidhi. Two days ago, I deposited two thousand rupees in the accounts of each farmer from Delhi. So far, we have deposited about Rs. 2.25 lakh crore in the account of our farmers, brothers.

Brothers and sisters,

It has also benefited our farmers of Gujarat and thousands of crores of rupees have been deposited in their accounts. This has benefited our small farmers the most who have only one or two hectares of land. This money will be very useful to the farmers who have no means for irrigation and depend on rains. For the first time, our government has provided the benefits of Kisan Credit Cards to farmers, those involved in the animal husbandry and our fishermen of Sagarkhedu. Earlier, this card was meant only for farmers. We have expanded this scheme and extended this benefit to the fishermen and those involved in the animal husbandry. As a result, it has become very easy for our fishermen and herdsmen to get loans from banks. About 3.5 crore people are utilizing this facility, brothers and sisters. They are getting loans at a very low interest. Now they don’t need to go to the money lenders and remain indebted for life. They can now properly use this money for the expansion of their business. This money is very useful to them in buying things like boats, jackets, diesel, oil, etc. And friends, those who return the money within the stipulated time, they don’t have to pay interest. It is zero interest. What can be a bigger benefit than this, friends? The Kisan Credit Cards have made the life of herdsmen very easy. The development of ports in Gujarat in the last two decades has also linked the development of Gujarat with a gateway of prosperity and new capabilities.

Along with strengthening the infrastructure of the entire coastline of the country, we have not only developed ports under the SagarMala project, but we have laid emphasis on port-led development. Today you have witnessed the launch of a huge campaign of SagarMala on the sea coast in Gujarat. The Coastal Highway has been expanded from Central to South Gujarat, including Porbandar, Jamnagar, Devbhoomi Dwarka, Morbi apart from Junagadh. Brothers, this means that the connectivity of the entire coastline of Gujarat is going to be strengthened.


Brothers and sisters,

Several steps taken by the government in the last eight years have ensured that my mothers and sisters can live with dignity. We have made arrangements which have also benefited millions of my mothers and sisters of Gujarat. Therefore, Gujarat has become a ‘Shakti Kawach’ for me. I will always remain indebted to these mothers and sisters. Many campaigns were launched for the country, which directly benefited these mothers and sisters. Millions of toilets were built under the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Our sisters from North India say this is a system of pride and honor for us. We relieved the problems of our sisters by building crores of toilets. As a result, their health also improved. We made arrangements to deliver Ujjwala Yojana gas. I congratulate the Bhupendrabhai government for deciding to provide two gas cylinders free of cost, so that Diwali can be celebrated in the houses of our poor also.

Brothers and sisters,

We also ensured that everyone should have the tap water facility. There was a time when the legislators used to write to the Chief Minister in this regard. I am referring to the previous governments. The legislators would demand installation of hand pumps in five villages. There used to be a grand welcome for the Chief Minister who used to accept this demand. There was a time when the people used to wait for the hand pump and your son is today ensuring tap water to every household. When clean water is available, it leads to fewer diseases. Children suffer less and our mothers and sisters are also relieved of many problems.

The Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojna was introduced so that my mothers and sisters should not have deficiency of nutrients in their body during pregnancy, the infant in the mother’s womb should have proper development and the child should not be born handicapped or born with disability or an underdeveloped body. This Matru Vandana Yojana was launched keeping in mind the concerns of the health of the mothers. If a healthy child is born and if the mother is also healthy, then the future of India is also healthy. Even the houses under the PM Awas Yojana have been provided to the sisters only. It has been my endeavour since my days as Chief Minister of Gujarat to ensure all the government facilities in the name of my sisters. The houses given after the earthquake were also given to the sisters. We are aware of the situation of our mothers and sisters. If there is a farm, it is in the name of a male member of a family. So is the case with shops and vehicles. If the husband passes away, then all these things are passed on to the son. There is nothing in the name of our mothers and sisters. Where should they go in case of any emergency? Therefore, your son has decided that any government house or any other facility will be in the names of our mothers and sisters. Our mothers and sisters, who have been allotted houses today, have become ‘lakhpati’ today. Today our government is expanding women entrepreneurship in villages through self-help groups and Sakhi Mandals. More than eight crore sisters across the country are engaged in self-help groups. Lakhs of sisters in Gujarat are taking advantage of the self-help groups which are known as Sakhi Mandals in Gujarat. The idea was that sisters can get a loan from Mudra Yojana without guarantee. It is a matter of happiness for me that this loan was meant for all, but there are 70 percent sisters who have taken the loan and are involved in small businesses and are also providing employment to 2-3 people.


Brothers and sisters,

When I see the bright future of my young friends, my faith in them grows and new hope beacons. The future of the youth of Gujarat is secure now with the rapid development in Gujarat. I have taken several steps to increase the potential of the youth of the country, including Gujarat, in the last eight years. We have created many opportunities from education to employment and self-employment. A short while ago, I inaugurated the Defence Expo in Gujarat. This will create many opportunities for the youth and will ensure that Gujarat remains on the top.

We have built hundreds of universities and colleges in the country in the last eight years. Many new educational institutions have been made in Gujarat also so that students pursuing higher education in these institutes should brighten the name of their family, villages, state and the country. We are privileged today. Earlier, the youths of Gujarat had to go out of the state for higher studies. The efforts made in the last 20 years have led to the establishment of the best colleges and universities in the state.

Now the new education policy, the National Education Policy, has also been implemented. Now our students will be able to pursue medical and engineering studies here only. Earlier, we did not have English medium schools in villages. And if a child has not studied in the English medium in the eighth or tenth standard, he can’t pursue engineering or medical science and can’t become engineer or doctor. Why? Don’t the children of poor parents have the right to become doctors? Should not the children of poor parents have the right to become doctors? Should they not have the right to become engineers? But a condition was imposed that they could do so only if they knew English. Now we have ensured that they can become doctors and engineers by studying medical science and engineering in their own mother language. This slave mentality must go. Just because they don’t know English, the development journey of the middle class and the poor of the villages should not be stopped. They are equally capable. It is because of them that today India is making a name in the world. Now our youth across the villages are getting the benefit of the Digital India campaign. About 5-6 lakh Common Service Centres have been established in the country and the people in the villages are now offering many services. The poor people in the villages now also have access to the best books of the world on their mobile phones due to affordable Internet services. I also ensured free Wi-Fi services at the railway platforms so that the youth could come there and study. I have seen children at the platforms with their mobile phones and preparing for the UPSC and GPSC exams and clearing them. Today, the best education is available through Digital India. It has also ensured children continuing with their studies in villages. Digital India is giving an opportunity to the youth to sharpen their talent. Anybody wanting to pursue any field can do so through Digital India. He can become a painter, singer and carpenter or can also make a career in the field of dance. He can learn anything that he wishes to by sitting at his home.

Brothers and sisters,

The possibilities of employment have increased due to Digital India. The youth of India are now aiming for world markets. This is the time for Made in India products. Earlier there were only two manufacturing units for mobile phones. This has increased to more than 200 in just eight years. India has exported one million mobile phones to other countries this year. This is our strength. The growth of tourism is directly linked to the infrastructure that we have created. Just imagine how our Madhavpur Fair, the events related to Lord Krishna, became international. Several Chief Ministers of the North-East came to Madhavpur Fair and enjoyed it for about a week. The Girnar ropeway was made possible after crossing several hurdles. The previous governments had problems implementing all these projects. This ropeway became possible after you sent me to Delhi. Now, many people share the photographs of their 80-year-old grandmother bowing to the feet of Maa Amba at Girnar with me. They thank me for fulfilling the wishes of their mothers after the ropeway was made. Now you tell me, will I not get the blessing of that mother?

Brothers and sisters,

We decided to change this situation about two decades ago. Today Girnar ropeway is among the longest ropeways in Asia. Junagadh district boasts of its agricultural products and the fishing industry. Keshod airport has been revived. Recently, I had a meeting with several officers. I asked them if we could expand the airport so that mangoes, other fruits and vegetables could be exported from here. If we expand the airport then foreign tourists can come to see the Gir lions, visit Somnath and Girnar. They asked for some time to make a detailed blueprint. I told them to hurry up because I have to go to Junagadh. Brothers and sisters, when any idea comes to my mind then I put my entire energy into implementing it. I always try to find a way. Believe me, the benefits of all the development works which are available to top cities of India should also be here in Junagadh. I am working in this regard.

This entire region, including Gir Somnath, is known as the land of ascetics and the austerities of Jainacharyas. There was a time when I too used to roam the foothills of Girnar. I am privileged to spend time with the saints. What is not here for our temples, for Jains and also for the worshipers of Dattatreya? The power to attract the whole country lies in the land of my Gir, brothers and sisters. Therefore, we have to draw every Indian here. We have to build arrangements in this regard and I believe that we can do this. The people of the entire world want to hear the roar of the lions of our Gir. In the roar of Gir lions, they hear the roar of Gujarat as well.

The world is watching with pride that the population of the Gir lions has doubled in the last 20 years. We took so much care of them that any Indian would feel proud, brothers and sisters. Once our Keshod airport is developed, the development of the entire region is going to reach new heights. Many employment opportunities will be created. There are so many possibilities of hotels, restaurants, taxis and autos, brothers and sisters. Our Saurashtra, Kutch, Kathiawar in Gujarat is the land of patriots. This is the land which gives top priority to the interests of the nation. Today, I want to discuss a serious issue with you. Those who have grown up amidst the roar of the Gir lions also have the strength to face anything. It is also a pleasure to speak one’s mind with those who have the guts to face any challenge.

Brothers and sisters,

Think over it! Don’t you enjoy the successful launch of Mangalyaan or Chandrayaan in space? Don’t you enjoy the success of our scientists? Speak loudly, whether you enjoy it or not or you feel proud or not. Should you feel less proud because there was no Gujarati scientist in the mission and all the scientists were from the South, from Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Bengaluru? Should we not be proud of any person from any part of India who has done something worthwhile for the country? For example, if a youth from Haryana is taking part in the Olympics and is hoisting the flag of India by winning the gold medal. Won’t you enjoy it even if that boy or girl belongs to Haryana? Did he make India proud or not? Will you not be proud of his achievement?


If somebody practices music in Kashi and the world hails his music, will we be proud of him or not? In our West Bengal, the land of great scholars, the best works of literature, the land of revolutionaries, if there is any good work done by them, will we be happy or not? Nowadays, our films from the South are doing wonders in the world. Even though we may not be knowing the language of South India, if the makers of the South India film industry make records in the world and earn huge profits, will we be proud of them or not? Shouldn’t the entire India welcome it? People from different parts of India might not have seen or comprehended the movie, but still they would be happy. If any person from any place in India, from any caste or language, does something good, then all the people of this country feel proud. But look at the degeneration! People with a perverted mindset and an altogether different thinking have appeared in the last two decades. They are pained if something good happens in Gujarat, if somebody from Gujarat makes a name for himself, if somebody from Gujarat makes progress and if Gujarat makes progress. There are some political parties whose political ideology remains incomplete till they abuse and insult Gujarat and the people of Gujarat, brothers and sisters. Does Gujarat need to face up to them or not?

Gujaratis should do hard work, Gujaratis should do penance and work to provide livelihood to the people of the country, and Gujarat is maligned this way. Do we need to bear this, brothers? I am giving a call from the land of brave heroes that Gujarat will not tolerate the insult of Gujaratis and Gujarat. No one should be insulted in this country. Bengalis should also not be insulted. Not even Tamils should be insulted. The brothers of Kerala should also not be insulted. The efforts, valour and accomplishments of every citizen of the country should be a matter of pride for all of us. The culture of tying them into politics should stop. We will not let the dream of ‘Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat’ be crushed. The hard work done by people like Sardar Saheb should not be allowed to go in vain. Gujarat needs to be made aware, brothers and sisters, from the people who spread despair and who are trying to impose their disappointments and lies on the mind of Gujarat. The unity of Gujarat is the strength of Gujarat. The unified Gujarat has never turned back for the good of the country.

I bow to Gujarat and to the people of Gujarat and urge them to maintain this unity, keep spreading the word of development and keep developing. My best wishes to you for the development opportunities offered to you today. Wishing you a very Happy Diwali! The New Year is also approaching. With new resolutions, once again best wishes to all.

Bharat Mata ki – Jai!

Bharat Mata ki – Jai!

Bharat Mata ki – Jai!

Thanks a lot, brothers and sisters.

  • krishangopal sharma Bjp January 14, 2025

    नमो नमो 🙏 जय भाजपा 🙏🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹
  • krishangopal sharma Bjp January 14, 2025

    नमो नमो 🙏 जय भाजपा 🙏🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌹
  • krishangopal sharma Bjp January 14, 2025

    नमो नमो 🙏 जय भाजपा 🙏🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌹🌷
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    यूं पी जिला फतेहपुर आसोथर से गाजीपुर की सड़क नही बनीं है
  • Kuldeep Yadav October 22, 2022

    આદરણીય પ્રધામંત્રીશ્રી નરેન્દ્ર મોદીજી ને મારા નમસ્કાર મારુ નામ કુલદીપ અરવિંદભાઈ યાદવ છે. મારી ઉંમર ૨૪ વર્ષ ની છે. એક યુવા તરીકે તમને થોડી નાની બાબત વિશે જણાવવા માંગુ છું. ઓબીસી કેટેગરી માંથી આવતા કડીયા કુંભાર જ્ઞાતિના આગેવાન અરવિંદભાઈ બી. યાદવ વિશે. અમારી જ્ઞાતિ પ્યોર બીજેપી છે. છતાં અમારી જ્ઞાતિ ના કાર્યકર્તાને પાર્ટીમાં સ્થાન નથી મળતું. એવા એક કાર્યકર્તા વિશે જણાવું. ગુજરાત રાજ્ય ના અમરેલી જિલ્લામાં આવેલ સાવરકુંડલા શહેર ના દેવળાના ગેઈટે રહેતા અરવિંદભાઈ યાદવ(એ.બી.યાદવ). જન સંઘ વખત ના કાર્યકર્તા છેલ્લાં ૪૦ વર્ષ થી સંગઠનની જવાબદારી સંભાળતા હતા. ગઈ ૩ ટર્મ થી શહેર ભાજપના મહામંત્રી તરીકે જવાબદારી કરેલી. ૪૦ વર્ષ માં ૧ પણ રૂપિયાનો ભ્રષ્ટાચાર નથી કરેલો અને જે કરતા હોય એનો વિરોધ પણ કરેલો. આવા પાયાના કાર્યકર્તાને અહીંના ભ્રષ્ટાચારી નેતાઓ એ ઘરે બેસાડી દીધા છે. કોઈ પણ પાર્ટીના કાર્યકમ હોય કે મિટિંગ એમાં જાણ પણ કરવામાં નથી આવતી. એવા ભ્રષ્ટાચારી નેતા ને શું ખબર હોય કે નરેન્દ્રભાઇ મોદી દિલ્હી સુધી આમ નમ નથી પોચિયા એની પાછળ આવા બિન ભ્રષ્ટાચારી કાર્યકર્તાઓ નો હાથ છે. આવા પાયાના કાર્યકર્તા જો પાર્ટી માંથી નીકળતા જાશે તો ભવિષ્યમાં કોંગ્રેસ જેવો હાલ ભાજપ નો થાશે જ. કારણ કે જો નીચે થી સાચા પાયા ના કાર્યકર્તા નીકળતા જાશે તો ભવિષ્યમાં ભાજપને મત મળવા બોવ મુશ્કેલ છે. આવા ભ્રષ્ટાચારી નેતાને લીધે પાર્ટીને ભવિષ્યમાં બોવ મોટું નુકશાન વેઠવું પડશે. એટલે પ્રધામંત્રીશ્રી નરેન્દ્ર મોદીજી ને મારી નમ્ર અપીલ છે કે આવા પાયા ના અને બિન ભ્રષ્ટાચારી કાર્યકર્તા ને આગળ મૂકો બાકી ભવિષ્યમાં ભાજપ પાર્ટી નો નાશ થઈ જાશે. એક યુવા તરીકે તમને મારી નમ્ર અપીલ છે. આવા કાર્યકર્તાને દિલ્હી સુધી પોચડો. આવા કાર્યકર્તા કોઈ દિવસ ભ્રષ્ટાચાર નઈ કરે અને લોકો ના કામો કરશે. સાથે અતિયારે અમરેલી જિલ્લામાં બેફામ ભ્રષ્ટાચાર થઈ રહીયો છે. રોડ રસ્તા ના કામો સાવ નબળા થઈ રહિયા છે. પ્રજાના પરસેવાના પૈસા પાણીમાં જાય છે. એટલા માટે આવા બિન ભ્રષ્ટાચારી કાર્યકર્તા ને આગળ લાવો. અમરેલી જિલ્લામાં નમો એપ માં સોવ થી વધારે પોઇન્ટ અરવિંદભાઈ બી. યાદવ(એ. બી.યાદવ) ના છે. ૭૩ હજાર પોઇન્ટ સાથે અમરેલી જિલ્લામાં પ્રથમ છે. એટલા એક્ટિવ હોવા છતાં પાર્ટીના નેતાઓ એ અતિયારે ઝીરો કરી દીધા છે. આવા કાર્યકર્તા ને દિલ્હી સુધી લાવો અને પાર્ટીમાં થતો ભ્રષ્ટાચારને અટકાવો. - અરવિંદ બી. યાદવ (એ.બી યાદવ) પૂર્વ શહેર ભાજપ મહામંત્રી જય હિન્દ જય ભારત જય જય ગરવી ગુજરાત આપનો યુવા મિત્ર લી. કુલદીપ અરવિંદભાઈ યાદવ
  • Gangadhar Rao Uppalapati October 21, 2022

    Jai Bharat.
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