PM addresses 2nd National Conference of Chief Secretaries

Published By : Admin | January 7, 2023 | 22:02 IST
QuotePM launches Aspirational Block Programme; asks states to follow Aspirational District Program at the block level
QuoteTo build a developed India, country is focussing on four pillars of infrastructure, investment, innovation and inclusion: PM
QuoteEntire world is looking up to India to bring stability to the global supply chain: PM
QuoteTake steps to make the MSMEs global champions and part of the global value chain : PM
QuoteWe should move towards self-certification, deemed approvals and standardisation of forms: PM
QuotePM discusses development of both physical & social infrastructure along with focus on enhancement of cyber security
QuotePM discusses significance of International Year of Millets and steps to enhance popularity of millet products

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi addressed the second National Conference of Chief Secretaries in Delhi earlier today.

Prime Minister recalled the development milestones achieved by the country since the last conference in June 2022, citing various instances like India attaining Presidency of G20, becoming fifth biggest economy of the world, rapid registration of new startups, foray of private players in space sector, launch of National Logistics Policy, approval of National Green Hydrogen Mission, among others. He underlined that states and centre should work together and scale up the speed of progress.

Prime Minister said that in order to build a developed India, the country is focussing on four pillars of infrastructure, investment, innovation and inclusion. He said that today, entire world is reposing its faith in India and we are being looked up as a country that can bring stability to the global supply chain. He said that the country will be able to take full advantage of this only if states take lead, maintaining focus on quality and taking decisions with an India-first approach. He added that states should focus on pro-development governance, ease of doing business, ease of living and provision of robust infrastructure.

Launching the Aspirational Block Programme, Prime Minister underscored the success achieved in various Aspirational Districts in the country under the Aspirational District Program. He added that the Aspirational District model should now be taken up to block level in the form of the Aspirational Block Programme. He asked the officials present in the meeting to implement the Aspirational Block Programme in their respective states.

Discussing MSMEs, Prime Minister said that states must act proactively towards formalisation of MSMEs. He said that to make these MSMEs globally competitive, we need to make available finance, technology, market and access for skilling. He also discussed bringing more MSMEs on board the GeM portal. He said that we should take steps to make the MSMEs global champions and part of the global value chain. Discussing the success of the cluster approach in development of MSMEs, Prime Minister said that the linkage of MSME clusters and self help groups can be explored for promoting unique local products and getting GI tags registration for them, associating it with the endeavour of ‘one district one product’, adding that it will give fillip to the clarion call of vocal for local. He said that states should identify their best local products and help them attain national and international stature. Here, he also cited the example of Ekta Mall at Statue of Unity.

Prime Minister recalled the burden of over-regulation and restrictions once faced by the country, and reforms put in place to end thousands of compliances at central and state levels. He also spoke about the need to end old laws, some of which have persisted since independence.

Discussing how different government departments keep asking for the same documents, Prime Minister said that today the need of the hour is to move towards self-certification, deemed approvals and standardisation of forms. He also spoke about how the country is working towards bettering both physical and social infrastructure, and discussed PM GatiShakti National Masterplan. He also spoke about data security and the criticality of having a secure technology infrastructure for seamless delivery of essential services. He emphasised that states should try to adopt a strong cyber security strategy, adding that this investment is like an insurance for the future. Aspects related to cyber security audit management and development of crisis management plans were also discussed by him.

Prime Minister also discussed the development of coastal areas of the country. He said that the vast Exclusive Economic Zone of the country is equipped with resources and offers tremendous opportunities for the country. Stressing on the need for increased awareness of the circular economy, Prime Minister highlighted Mission LiFE (Lifestyle of Environment) and the important role the states can play in furthering it.

Stating that on India’s initiative, the United Nations has declared 2023 as the International Year of Millets, Prime Minister said that millets are not only smart food but are also environmentally friendly and may turn out to be a sustainable future food. He said that states should work on research related to millet products such that processing, packaging, marketing, branding etc and overall value addition of millet products is promoted. Prime Minister also discussed establishing 'Millet Cafes' at prominent public places and state government offices across the country, adding that millets may be showcased in the G20 meetings being held in states.

For the preparations related to G20 meetings in the states, Prime Minister stressed on the importance of involving the common citizens. He said that creative solutions should be envisaged for achieving such 'Citizen Connect'. He also advised the establishment of a dedicated team for preparations related to G20. Prime Minister also cautioned the states on the challenges posed by drugs, international crimes, terrorism and disinformation originating in foreign soil.

Prime Minister discussed the need to enhance the capacity of bureaucracy and the launch of Mission Karmayogi. He said that the state government should also review their training infrastructure and launch capacity building programs.

Prime Minister said that about 4000 officers at various levels have worked to hold this conference of Chief Secretaries, for which more than 1 lakh 15 thousand man hours were invested. He said that these efforts should start reflecting on the ground as well, and asked states to develop and implement action plans based on the suggestions emanating from the conference. He added that NITI Aayog should also develop a health competition between the states in this regard.

  • Bablu Kumar January 13, 2023

    नटराज 🖊🖋पेंसिल कंपनी दे रही है मौका घर बैठे काम करें 1 मंथ सैलरी होगा आपका ✔25000 एडवांस 5000✔मिलेगा पेंसिल पैकिंग करना होगा खुला मटेरियल आएगा घर पर माल डिलीवरी पार्सल होगा अनपढ़ लोग भी कर सकते हैं पढ़े लिखे लोग भी कर सकते हैं लेडीस 😍भी कर सकती हैं जेंट्स भी कर सकते हैं Call me 📲📲7076593829✔ ☎व्हाट्सएप नंब7076593829🔚🔚. आज कोई काम शुरू करो 24 मां 🚚🚚डिलीवरी कर दिया जाता है एड्रेस पर✔
  • Mohanlal Verma January 12, 2023

    9753544081नटराज 🖊🖍पेंसिल कंपनी दे रही है मौका घर बैठे काम करें 1 मंथ सैलरी होगा आपका ✔30000 एडवांस 10000✔मिलेगा पेंसिल पैकिंग करना होगा खुला मटेरियल आएगा घर पर माल डिलीवरी पार्सल होगा अनपढ़ लोग भी कर सकते हैं पढ़े लिखे लोग भी कर सकते हैं लेडीस 😍भी कर सकती हैं जेंट्स भी कर सकते हैं Call me 📲📲===9753544081✔ ☎व्हाट्सएप नंबर☎☎ 9753544081आज कोई काम शुरू करो 24 मां 🚚डिलीवरी कर दिया जाता है एड्रेस पर✔✔✔
  • Vipin Patidar January 10, 2023

    जय हो
  • अनन्त राम मिश्र January 10, 2023

    जय हो
  • S Babu January 09, 2023

  • anand Singh sajwan January 09, 2023

    🙏🙏 Honest burocrats are pillars of the country
  • Jayakumar G January 09, 2023

    Let's dedicate ourselves to the cause of nation-building! Suggest creative designs & themes to highlight India's achievements.
  • Gorakhnath January 08, 2023

    pradhanmantri Narendra Modi ji aapko कोटि-कोटि namaste
  • Sukhdev Rai Sharma OTC First Year January 08, 2023

    *भारत का संविधान बनाने में संविधान सभा में 23 सदस्य ऐसे थे जो 1946 में पाकिस्तान बनाने के लिए मुस्लिम लीग के टिकट पर जीते थे* लेकिन *जब इन्होंने पाकिस्तान बना लिया तो उसके बाद यह बड़ी होशियारी से पाकिस्तान नहीं गए और फिर नेहरू गांधी ने इनको भारत के संविधान बनाने का ही जिम्मा दे दिया है इन सब ने भी अपना संविधान बनाया है* यह सिर्फ भारत में नेहरू और गांधी ही कर सकते थे कि जिनको गद्दारी का चार्ज लगाकर जेल में डालना था उनको सीधे संविधान बनाने की जिम्मेदारी दे दी *इनमें से कुछ नाम है यह सब बाद में बहुत सारे लोग केंद्र और राज्यो में मंत्री अलीगढ़ मुस्लिम यूनिवर्सिटी के चांसलर तक बने* from Madras १ Mohamed Ismail Sahib २ K.T.M. Ahmed Ibrahim· ३ Mahboob Ali Baig Sahib Bahadur· ४ B Pocker Sahib Bahadur from mubai ५ Abdul Kadar Mohammad Shaikh ६ Abdul Kadir Abdul Aziz Khan from Asam ७ Muhammad Saadulla, ८ Abdur Rouf from Up ९ Begum Qudsia Aijaz Rasul nbab of hardoi १० Syed Fazl-ul-Hasan harshat mohani of AMU ११ Nabab ismail khan of meerut who became chancellor of AMU १२ ZH LARI from Bihar १३ Husaain imam from gaya १४ Saiyid Jafar Imam· १५ Latifur Rahman· १६ Mohammad Tahir· आज इनके वंशज बड़े-बड़े नेता बनकर बोल रहे हैं कि हमारा भी खून शामिल है इस देश में सबसे बड़ा आश्चर्य तो तब हुआ जब पर पूरा खोजा कि इनका नाम मिल जाए तो किसी भी वेबसाइट पर किसी भी हिंदूवादी पार्टी या संगठन ने इनका नाम तक गूगल पर नहीं डाला है खोज खोज कर नाम ढूढे हैं हम हिंदू वादियों को विचारधारा के स्तर पर अभी बहुत काम करने की जरूरत है मुस्लिम हमसे इस मामले में हजार गुना आगे हैं की इन सब करतूतों के बाद भी देश में इतने बड़े देश भक्त की भी इमेज बनाये हुए है। कांग्रेस पार्टी पाकिस्तान को मुस्लिम देश बनाने के बाद भारत को भी मुस्लिम लोगों का देश बनाने की पूरी कोशिश कर रही है अल्पसंख्यक आयोग वक्फ बोर्ड मदरसा शिक्षा मुस्लिम पर्सनल लॉ सभी कांग्रेस पार्टी की देन है😤😤😤😡😡😡
  • Gautam ramdas Khandagale January 08, 2023

    jay namo
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PM Modi goes on Lion Safari at Gir National Park
March 03, 2025
QuoteThis morning, on #WorldWildlifeDay, I went on a Safari in Gir, which, as we all know, is home to the majestic Asiatic Lion: PM Modi
QuoteComing to Gir also brings back many memories of the work we collectively did when I was serving as Gujarat CM: PM Modi
QuoteIn the last many years, collective efforts have ensured that the population of Asiatic Lions is rising steadily: PM Modi

The Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi today went on a safari in Gir, well known as home to the majestic Asiatic Lion.

In separate posts on X, he wrote:

“This morning, on #WorldWildlifeDay, I went on a Safari in Gir, which, as we all know, is home to the majestic Asiatic Lion. Coming to Gir also brings back many memories of the work we collectively did when I was serving as Gujarat CM. In the last many years, collective efforts have ensured that the population of Asiatic Lions is rising steadily. Equally commendable is the role of tribal communities and women from surrounding areas in preserving the habitat of the Asiatic Lion.”

“Here are some more glimpses from Gir. I urge you all to come and visit Gir in the future.”

“Lions and lionesses in Gir! Tried my hand at some photography this morning.”