Prime Minister Narendra Modi today addressed a public meeting in Shillong Meghalaya after inaugurating 261 kilometre long 2-Laning of Shillong-Nongstoin Section of NH 106 and Nongstoin- Rongjeng Section of NH 127-B. He emphasized that the enhanced road network would boost economic activity and would establish a direct link between the important towns of the state- Shillong and Tura.

Speaking at the rally, PM Modi highlighted several welfare measures undertaken by the NDA Government for welfare of people in the Northeast. He spoke about the Northeast council which was set up in 1972. “It was only Morarji Desai who chaired the meeting of Northeast Council. After him, I got the opportunity to chair its meeting when our Government revived the council in last year.”
The PM said that Across the North East the Union Government had sanctioned around four thousand kilometres of National Highways, for an amount of over Rupees thirty two thousand crore. He added that the Government of India was executing fifteen New Rail Line projects of nearly fourteen hundred kilometre length which would cost around forty seven thousand crore rupees and boost rail infrastructure in the North Eastern Region.

Shri Modi remarked, “The wave for change, which began with the Assam elections, is now reaching Meghalaya. This state can do wonders. 15 years of Congress rule has ruined Meghalaya.”
Lashing out at the Congress government in the state, the PM said, “The Chief Minister of Meghalaya is a doctor but what is the state of the health sector in the state. Why are people not getting proper healthcare? See the record corruption in Meghalaya. Why has the Congress Government in Meghalaya committed so many scams?”
The PM took note of the lack of infrastructure in primary educational institutions and how over 70% of primary teachers were not even trained well. He blamed the Congress government for not being able to ensure clean drinking water despite being in power for almost fifteen years. He also accused them for high rate of unemployment in the state.

The Prime Minister said that it was ‘Time for Change’ in Meghalaya. He said that BJP’s only agenda was speedy and all-round development of the state.

I am so happy to be in Meghalaya. I have fond memories of my visit to this state last year: PM @narendramodi
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) December 16, 2017
I am very happy to have inaugurated 261 kilometer long 2-Laning of Shillong-Nongstoin Section of NH 106 and Nongstoin- Rongjeng Section of NH 127-B.This road will serve as an east-west corridor: PM @narendramodi
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) December 16, 2017
It will boost economic activity and establish a direct link between the important towns of the state- Shillong and Tura. Travel time will be significantly reduced: PM @narendramodi
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) December 16, 2017
2014 में जब हमारी सरकार बनी थी, तो मैंने अपने मंत्रिमंडल के साथियों को स्पष्ट निर्देश दे दिया था कि हर पंद्रह दिन में मेरा कोई ना कोई साथी उत्तर पूर्व का दौरा जरूर करेगा। और दौरा भी ऐसा नहीं कि सुबह गए, शाम को दिल्ली वापस: PM @narendramodi
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) December 16, 2017
हमारी सरकार के मंत्री जब इस क्षेत्र में आते हैं, तो यहां रुकते हैं, लोगों के साथ मिलते हैं, उनकी समस्याओं और आवश्यकताओं के बारे में सीधी जानकारी लेते हैं: PM @narendramodi
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) December 16, 2017
उत्तर पूर्व को लेकर पहले की सरकारों का क्या रवैया रहा है, उससे आप अच्छी तरह परिचित रहे हैं। नॉर्थ-ईस्ट में योजनाओं अटके नहीं, भटके नहीं इसलिए ही 1972 में नॉर्थ-ईस्ट काउंसिल का गठन किया गया था। लेकिन इस काउंसिल को भी गंभीरता से कम ही लिया गया: PM @narendramodi
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) December 16, 2017
मोरारजी देसाई जी के बाद नॉर्थ-ईस्ट आकर अगर किसी प्रधानमंत्री ने नॉर्थ-ईस्टर्न काउंसिल की बैठक में हिस्सा लिया, तो वो मैं था। पिछले साल शिलॉन्ग में नॉर्थ-ईस्टर्न काउंसिल की बैठक का मैंने शुभारंभ किया था: PM @narendramodi
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) December 16, 2017
Across the North East the Union Government has sanctioned around four thousand kilometers of National Highways, for an amount of over Rupees thirty two thousand crore: PM @narendramodi
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) December 16, 2017
The Government of India is executing fifteen New Rail Line projects of nearly fourteen hundred kilometer length. This will cost around Rupees forty seven thousand crore, and boost rail infrastructure in the North Eastern Region: PM @narendramodi
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) December 16, 2017
During my last visit to Meghalaya in May 2016 I had talked about promotion of tourism in the State. We want to make Meghalaya a top tourist destination. Government of India has sanctioned around Rupees one hundred crore for development of tourist destinations in the State: PM
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) December 16, 2017
2022 में ही देश अपनी स्वतंत्रता के 75 वर्ष पूरे करेगा। यही वो साल होगा जब मेघालय के गठन के भी 50 साल होंगे। स्वतंत्रता के 75 साल, गठन के 50 साल और नेशनल गेम्स। ये मेघालय के लिए नए संकल्प तय करने का बेहतरीन अवसर है: PM @narendramodi
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) December 16, 2017
The wave for change, which began with the Assam elections, is now reaching Meghalaya. This state can do wonders. 15 years of Congress rule has ruined Meghalaya: PM @narendramodi
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) December 16, 2017
The Chief Minister of Meghalaya is a doctor but what is the state of the health sector in the state. Why are people not getting proper healthcare: PM @narendramodi
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) December 16, 2017
See the record corruption in Meghalaya. Why has the Congress Government in Meghalaya committed so many scams: PM @narendramodi
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) December 16, 2017
शिक्षकों की नियुक्ति में अनियमितता हुई । कोंग्रेस के MLA और MP के इशारों पर ग़लत लोगों की नियुक्ति हुई। आज मेघालय के प्राथमिक विद्यालयों में 1700 शिक्षकों की कमी है । 70% से अधिक प्राथमिक शिक्षकों को प्रशिक्षित नहीं किया गया: PM @narendramodi
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) December 16, 2017
ऐसी भ्रष्ट व्यवस्था से तंग आकर मेघालय का मेधावी युवा पिछले तीन दशकों में बेरोज़गारी की चपेट में आकर निराश-हताश है। इसका ज़िम्मेवार कौन है: PM @narendramodi
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) December 16, 2017
In Meghalaya, there are scams in the meals being given to children. This is unfortunate: PM @narendramodi
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) December 16, 2017
The BJP's agenda is development, speedy development, and all-round development: PM @narendramodi
— narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) December 16, 2017