Quoteसरकारच्या पहिल्या 100 दिवसांचे ठळक मुद्दे आश्वासन,कामगिरी आणि पूर्तता हे आहेत: पंतप्रधान मोदी
Quote"शेतकरी असो वा महिला, किंवा सामान्य लोक, मुख्यमंत्री फडणवीस यांच्या पारदर्शक व कार्यक्षम कारभारामुळे महाराष्ट्रातील लोकांनी जीवनात वेगाने प्रगती केली आहेः पंतप्रधान मोदी "
Quote"एकीकडे राज्यात व्यापक पायाभूत सुविधांचा विकास झाला, तर दुसरीकडे या सरकारने महाराष्ट्राच्या सांस्कृतिक वारशाची सर्व स्तरावर उन्नती करण्याची हमी दिली: पंतप्रधान मोदी "

Addressing a large public meeting of supporters in Nashik, Maharashtra, PM Modi described the major milestones achieved by the state BJP government in the last five years in areas such as boosting female entrepreneurship through Mudra loans and Self-Help Groups as well as the rapid progress made in water conservation and availability efforts for the farmers of Maharashtra. He said, “The first 100 days of our government at the Centre have been marked by Promise, Performance and Delivery.”




Highlighting the impact of good governance and infrastructure development on the people of Maharashtra, PM Modi said, “Be it the farmers or the women, ordinary people in Maharashtra have witnessed rapid progress in their lives through the transparent and efficient governance of CM Fadnavis. On one hand, the state saw massive infrastructure development, on the other hand, this government also ensured that the cultural heritage of Maharashtra was also promoted at all levels. Similarly, while this government ensured record levels of investment in the state, it also put the welfares of its farmers as its priority.” 









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78 व्या स्वातंत्र्य दिनी, पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी यांनी लाल किल्याच्या तटावरून केलेले संबोधन

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78 व्या स्वातंत्र्य दिनी, पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी यांनी लाल किल्याच्या तटावरून केलेले संबोधन
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