Gujarat chief minister Mr. Narendra Modi on Thursday congratulated the newly appointed Deputy Speaker of the assembly Mr. Mangubhai Patel. Member of the legislative assembly (MLA) representing the Gandevi constituency of South Gujarat, Mr. Patel has been appointed as the deputy speaker for the 13th State Assembly here on October 3.

During the assembly session, the House unanimously nominated Mr. Patel for the post of deputy speaker and following which he was formally appointed as the new deputy speaker. Leader of the House, Mr. Narendra Modi, Finance Minister Mr. Nitin Patel and Tribal Welfare Minister Mr. Ganpat Vasava while welcoming Mr. Patel accompanied him to the honourable chair, and complimented for accepting the post.

Narendra Modi congratulates the newly appointed Deputy Speaker Mr. Mangubhai Patel

Narendra Modi congratulates the newly appointed Deputy Speaker Mr. Mangubhai Patel

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78 व्या स्वातंत्र्य दिनी, पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी यांनी लाल किल्याच्या तटावरून केलेले संबोधन
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