Come September 11th and the consumption of Gutka will become a matter of the past! During the Independence Day celebrations held in Junagadh on 15th August 2012, Shri Narendra Modi announced a comprehensive ban on Gutka, including its sale, stocking, production and distribution.
"I have to save the youths of Gujarat, from the dreaded evil of cancer and that's why a decision to impose a complete ban on gutka has been taken," said Shri Modi. He spoke against the need of encouraging youngsters from developing the habit of gutka consumption and stated that in monetary terms, the consumption of gutka is even more expensive than consuming almonds.
To ban will come into force 11th September. This is the date when Swami Vivekananda addressed the Parliament of Religions at Chicago in 1893. The deadline also ensures complete disposal of the existing stock of gutka that is in circulation.
This decision to ban gutka is an extremely well thought of decision aimed towards creating a healthier Gujarat and preventing the youth from falling into such inappropriate practices. The ban will also serve several other purposes- if one goes to any tourist place, one can see a lot of garbage of gutka packets. It has also been found that a large source of drainage systems being choked is packets of gutka. Furthermore, it has also been found that when many cows have been treated, empty gutka packets have been found in their stomachs.
Therefore, the ban will bring with it several qualitative changes in the health, economic spending and the environment.