India is driving global growth today: PM Modi at Republic Plenary Summit

India is driving global growth today: PM Modi at Republic Plenary Summit

March 06th, 08:05 pm

PM Modi addressed the Republic Plenary Summit in Delhi. Shri Modi highlighted that the world is now recognising this century as India's century and the country's achievements and successes have sparked new hope globally. He stated that India, once perceived as a nation that would sink itself and others, is now driving global growth.

PM Modi addresses Republic Plenary Summit 2025

PM Modi addresses Republic Plenary Summit 2025

March 06th, 08:00 pm

PM Modi addressed the Republic Plenary Summit in Delhi. Shri Modi highlighted that the world is now recognising this century as India's century and the country's achievements and successes have sparked new hope globally. He stated that India, once perceived as a nation that would sink itself and others, is now driving global growth.

भारत ऊर्जा सप्ताहातील पंतप्रधानांचे भाषण

भारत ऊर्जा सप्ताहातील पंतप्रधानांचे भाषण

February 11th, 11:37 am

भारतीय ऊर्जा सप्ताहासाठी (India Energy Week) जगभरातून इथे यशोभूमीवर एकत्र आलेल्या सर्व सहकाऱ्यांना नमस्कार! आपण सगळेजण केवळ ऊर्जा सप्ताहाचा भाग नाही आहात, आपण भारताच्या ऊर्जा महत्त्वाकांक्षांचाच एक महत्त्वाचा भाग आहात.

भारत ऊर्जा सप्ताह 2025 मध्ये पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी यांचे संबोधन

February 11th, 09:55 am

पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी यांनी आज व्हिडिओ संदेशाद्वारे भारत ऊर्जा सप्ताह 2025 मध्ये आपले विचार मांडले. यशोभूमी येथे उपस्थितांना संबोधित करताना, त्यांनी अधोरेखित केले की इथे उपस्थित असलेले सर्वजण केवळ ऊर्जा सप्ताहाचा भाग नाहीत तर भारताच्या ऊर्जा महत्त्वाकांक्षेचे अविभाज्य घटक आहेत. त्यांनी सर्व सहभागींचे तसेच परदेशातील मान्यवर पाहुण्यांचे हार्दिक स्वागत केले आणि या कार्यक्रमातील त्यांची महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका अधोरेखित केली.

पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी 3 जानेवारी रोजी दिल्लीतील विविध विकासकामांची पायाभरणी आणि उद्घाटन करणार

January 02nd, 10:18 am

'सर्वांसाठी घरे' या आपल्या वचनबद्धतेनुसार पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी 3 जानेवारी 2025 रोजी दुपारी 12:10 च्या सुमारास दिल्लीतील अशोक विहार येथील स्वाभिमान अपार्टमेंट्स येथे थेट त्या जागेवर झोपडपट्टी पुनर्वसन प्रकल्पांतर्गत झोपडपट्टी धारकांसाठी बांधण्यात आलेल्या सदनिकांना भेट देणार आहेत. त्यानंतर दुपारी 12:45 च्या सुमारास त्यांच्या हस्ते दिल्लीत अनेक विकास प्रकल्पांचे उद्घाटन आणि पायाभरणी होणार आहे.

श्रीलंकेच्या राष्ट्राध्यक्षांसोबत घेतलेल्या संयुक्त वार्ताहर परिषदेत पंतप्रधानांनी केलेले निवेदन

December 16th, 01:00 pm

अध्यक्ष दिसनायके यांचे मी भारतात अतिशय जिव्हाळ्याने स्वागत करतो. तुमच्या पहिल्या परदेश दौऱ्यासाठी तुम्ही भारताची निवड केली त्याबद्दल मला अतिशय आनंद झाला आहे. अध्यक्ष दिसनायके यांच्या भेटीमुळे आमच्या संबंधांमध्ये नव्या उर्जेचा आणि गतिशीलतेचा संचार झाला आहे. आमच्या भागीदारीमध्ये आम्ही भविष्यवेधी दृष्टीकोनाचा अंगिकार केला आहे. आमच्या आर्थिक भागीदारीत आम्ही गुंतवणूक-प्रणीत वृद्धीवर आणि संपर्कव्यवस्थेवर भर दिला आहे आणि भौतिक, डिजिटल आणि ऊर्जा कनेक्टिव्हिटी हे आमच्या भागीदारीचे प्रमुख स्तंभ असतील असा निर्णय घेतला आहे. दोन्ही देशांदरम्यान विद्युत ग्रीड कनेक्टिव्हिटी आणि बहु-उत्पादन पेट्रोलियम पाईपलाईन्स स्थापन करण्यासाठी आम्ही काम करू. सामपुर सौर ऊर्जा प्रकल्पाला गती दिली जाईल. त्याव्यतिरिक्त श्रीलंकेच्या ऊर्जा प्रकल्पांना एलएनजीचा पुरवठा केला जाईल. द्विपक्षीय व्यापाराला चालना देण्यासाठी दोन्ही बाजू ईटीसीए लागू करण्यासाठी पावले उचलतील.

Joint Statement: 2nd India-Australia Annual Summit

November 19th, 11:22 pm

PM Modi and Anthony Albanese held the second India-Australia Annual Summit during the G20 Summit in Rio de Janeiro. They reviewed progress in areas like trade, climate, defence, education, and cultural ties, reaffirming their commitment to deepen cooperation. Both leaders highlighted the benefits of closer bilateral engagement and emphasized advancing the Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) to strengthen trade and investment ties.

The BJP-NDA government will fight the mafia-driven corruption in recruitment: PM Modi in Godda, Jharkhand

November 13th, 01:47 pm

Attending and addressing rally in Godda, Jharkhand, PM Modi expressed gratitude to the women of the state for their support. He criticized the local government for hijacking benefits meant for women, like housing and water supply. PM Modi assured that under the BJP-NDA government, every family in Jharkhand will get permanent homes, water, gas connections, and free electricity. He also promised solar panels for households, ensuring free power and compensation for any surplus electricity generated.

We ensured that government benefits directly reach beneficiaries without intermediaries: PM Modi in Sarath, Jharkhand

November 13th, 01:46 pm

PM Modi addressed a large gathering in Jharkhand's Sarath. He said, Today, the first phase of voting is happening in Jharkhand. The resolve to protect livelihood, daughters, and land is visible at every booth. There is strong support for the guarantees that the BJP has given for the future of women and youth. It is certain that the JMM-Congress will be wiped out in the Santhali region this time.

PM Modi engages lively audiences in Jharkhand’s Sarath & Godda

November 13th, 01:45 pm

PM Modi addressed a large gathering in Jharkhand's Sarath. He said, Today, the first phase of voting is happening in Jharkhand. The resolve to protect livelihood, daughters, and land is visible at every booth. There is strong support for the guarantees that the BJP has given for the future of women and youth. It is certain that the JMM-Congress will be wiped out in the Santhali region this time.

Ek Hain To Safe Hain: PM Modi in Nashik, Maharashtra

November 08th, 12:10 pm

A large audience gathered for public meeting addressed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Nashik, Maharashtra. Reflecting on his strong bond with the state, PM Modi said, “Whenever I’ve sought support from Maharashtra, the people have blessed me wholeheartedly.” He further emphasized, “If Maharashtra moves forward, India will prosper.” Over the past two and a half years, the Mahayuti government has demonstrated the rapid progress the state can achieve.

Article 370 will never return. Baba Saheb’s Constitution will prevail in Kashmir: PM Modi in Dhule, Maharashtra

November 08th, 12:05 pm

A large audience gathered for a public meeting addressed by PM Modi in Dhule, Maharashtra. Reflecting on his bond with Maharashtra, PM Modi said, “Whenever I’ve asked for support from Maharashtra, the people have blessed me wholeheartedly.”

PM Modi addresses public meetings in Dhule & Nashik, Maharashtra

November 08th, 12:00 pm

A large audience gathered for public meetings addressed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Dhule and Nashik, Maharashtra. Reflecting on his strong bond with the state, PM Modi said, “Whenever I’ve sought support from Maharashtra, the people have blessed me wholeheartedly.” He further emphasized, “If Maharashtra moves forward, India will prosper.” Over the past two and a half years, the Mahayuti government has demonstrated the rapid progress the state can achieve.

The BJP government in Gujarat has prioritised water from the very beginning: PM Modi in Amreli

October 28th, 04:00 pm

PM Modi laid the foundation stone and inaugurated various development projects worth over Rs 4,900 crores in Amreli, Gujarat. The Prime Minister highlighted Gujarat's remarkable progress over the past two decades in ensuring water reaches every household and farm, setting an example for the entire nation. He said that the state's continuous efforts to provide water to every corner are ongoing and today's projects will further benefit millions of people in the region.

PM Modi lays foundation stone and inaugurates various development projects worth over Rs 4,900 crore in Amreli, Gujarat

October 28th, 03:30 pm

PM Modi laid the foundation stone and inaugurated various development projects worth over Rs 4,900 crores in Amreli, Gujarat. The Prime Minister highlighted Gujarat's remarkable progress over the past two decades in ensuring water reaches every household and farm, setting an example for the entire nation. He said that the state's continuous efforts to provide water to every corner are ongoing and today's projects will further benefit millions of people in the region.

Today India is working in every sector, in every area with unprecedented speed: PM at NDTV World Summit

October 21st, 10:25 am

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the NDTV World Summit 2024. “Today, India is working in every sector and area with unprecedented speed”, the Prime Minister said. Noting the completion of 125 days of the third term of the government, PM Modi threw light on the work done in the country.

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi addresses NDTV World Summit 2024 in New Delhi

October 21st, 10:16 am

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the NDTV World Summit 2024. “Today, India is working in every sector and area with unprecedented speed”, the Prime Minister said. Noting the completion of 125 days of the third term of the government, PM Modi threw light on the work done in the country.

Congress has always followed the formula of divide and get power: PM Modi

October 09th, 01:09 pm

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone for various development projects in Maharashtra worth over Rs 7600 crore via video conference today. The projects of today include the foundation stone laying of the upgradation of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar International Airport, Nagpur and the New Integrated Terminal Building at Shirdi Airport. Shri Modi also launched the operationalization of 10 Government Medical Colleges in Maharashtra and inaugurated the Indian Institute of Skills (IIS), Mumbai and Vidya Samiksha Kendra (VSK) of Maharashtra.

पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी यांनी दूरदृश्य प्रणालीच्या माध्यमातून महाराष्ट्रातील 7600 कोटी रुपयांहून जास्त मूल्याच्या विविध विकास प्रकल्पांची पायाभरणी केली

October 09th, 01:00 pm

पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी यांनी आज महाराष्ट्रात सुमारे 7600 कोटी रुपयांहून जास्त मूल्याच्या विविध विकास प्रकल्पांची दूरदृश्य प्रणालीच्या माध्यमातून पायाभरणी केली. या प्रकल्पांमध्ये नागपूरच्या डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर आंतरराष्ट्रीय विमानतळाच्या नूतनीकरण प्रकल्पाची पायाभरणी आणि शिर्डी विमानतळावरील नव्या एकात्मिक टर्मिनल इमारतीची पायाभरणी यांचा समावेश होता. महाराष्ट्रातील 10 सरकारी वैद्यकीय महाविद्यालये आणि इंडियन इन्स्टीट्युट ऑफ स्कील्स(IIS), मुंबई आणि विद्या समीक्षा केंद्र, महाराष्ट्र (VSK) यांचे उद्घाटनही त्यांनी यावेळी केले.

मालदीवचे राष्ट्रपती एच ई मोहम्मद मुइज्जू यांच्यासोबत पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी यांच्या संयुक्त वक्तव्याचा मजकूर

October 07th, 12:25 pm

दोन्ही देशांचे प्रतिनिधी, प्रसार माध्यमांतील आमचे सहकारी, सर्वांना नमस्कार!