पोलंडचे पंतप्रधान डोनाल्ड टस्क यांच्यासमवेत संयुक्त पत्रकार परिषदेमध्ये पंतप्रधान मोदी यांनी दिलेले निवेदन

पोलंडचे पंतप्रधान डोनाल्ड टस्क यांच्यासमवेत संयुक्त पत्रकार परिषदेमध्ये पंतप्रधान मोदी यांनी दिलेले निवेदन

August 22nd, 03:00 pm

वॉर्सासारख्या सुंदर शहरामध्ये अतिशय उत्साहात केलेले स्वागत, भव्य आदरातिथ्य, सत्कार आणि मित्रत्वाच्या नात्याने भारलेले शब्द, यासाठी मी पंतप्रधान टस्क यांचे अगदी हृदयापासून आभार व्यक्त करतो.

The Shehzada of Congress aims to impose an ‘Inheritance Tax’ to loot the people of India: PM Modi in Kolhapur'

The Shehzada of Congress aims to impose an ‘Inheritance Tax’ to loot the people of India: PM Modi in Kolhapur'

April 27th, 05:09 pm

People of Kolhapur accorded PM Modi a fabulous welcome as he addressed a political rally in Maharashtra ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, in 2024. Citing the popularity of football in Kolhapur, PM Modi said, “The I.N.D.I alliance have inflicted two self-goals owing to their politics of hate & anti-India tendencies.” PM Modi said that in the recently concluded two phases of polling the message is clear ‘Fir ek Baar Modi Sarkar.’

Kolhapur's fabulous welcome for PM Modi during mega rally

Kolhapur's fabulous welcome for PM Modi during mega rally

April 27th, 05:08 pm

People of Kolhapur accorded PM Modi a fabulous welcome as he addressed a political rally in Maharashtra ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, in 2024. Citing the popularity of football in Kolhapur, PM Modi said, “The I.N.D.I alliance have inflicted two self-goals owing to their politics of hate & anti-India tendencies.” PM Modi said that in the recently concluded two phases of polling the message is clear ‘Fir ek Baar Modi Sarkar.’