भारत आणि रशियाचे सेंट पीटर्सबर्ग घोषणापत्र: २१ व्या शतकासाठी दृष्टिकोन

June 01st, 10:54 pm

भारत आणि रशिया या दोन देशांमधील राजनैतिक संबंधांना यावर्षी 70 वर्षे पूर्ण होत असून आम्ही, या दोन्ही देशांचे नेते नमूद करतो की भारत-रशिया विशेष आणि धोरणात्मक भागीदारी हे दोन महान शक्तींमधील परस्पर विश्वासाचे विशेष नाते आहे. राजकीय संबंध,सुरक्षा, व्यापार आणि अर्थव्यवस्था, सैन्य आणि तांत्रिक क्षेत्र, ऊर्जा, वैज्ञानिक, सांस्कृतिक आणि मानवतावादी आदानप्रदान, आणि परराष्ट्र धोरणासह विविध क्षेत्रात आमचे संबंध असून दोन्ही देशांच्या राष्ट्रीय हिताला प्रोत्साहन देण्यात मदत आणि अधिक शांततामय जागतिक अर्थव्यवस्था निर्माण करण्यासाठी योगदान देतो.

Press statement by Prime Minister during his visit to Russia

June 01st, 09:00 pm

PM Narendra Modi and President Vladimir Putin of Russia took stock of bilateral relations between both the countries and agreed to strengthen cooperation in host of sectors. PM Modi called for an enhanced cooperation in renewable energy and nuclear power sectors. He urged Russian private sector to explore the opportunities Indian economy offered. He also expressed satisfaction over strong defence ties between both countries.

किरगिझ प्रजासत्ताकच्या राष्ट्राध्यक्षांच्या भारत भेटीदरम्यान पंतप्रधानांचे प्रसिध्दी वक्तव्य

December 20th, 09:00 pm

PM Modi, while addressing the joint press briefing with President Atambaev of Kyrgyzstan today said that relationship between India and the Kyrgyz Republic is filled with goodwill from centuries of shared historical links. PM Modi regarded Kyrgyz Republic as a valuable partner in making Central Asia a region of sustainable peace, stability and prosperity. PM said that both countries will work to strengthen bilateral trade & economic linkages, facilitate greater people-to-people exchanges.

India-Kyrgyzstan Joint Statement during the State visit of President of Kyrgyzstan to India

December 20th, 12:58 pm

PM Narendra Modi and President of Krygyzstan Atambayev met and deliberated upon furthering India-Kyrgyzstan bilateral ties. The countries inked six key agreements and reaffirmed their readiness to further enhance multifaceted cooperation. Both the leaders agreed to strengthen economic, scientific, technical, cultural cooperation, as well as people-to-people contacts of both countries.