Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP), along with Citizens for Accountable Governance (CAG), have organized the second round of the 3D ‘Bharat Vijay Rally’ on 14th April, at 6.30 pm, at hundred locations spread across 15 states.
The 3D rally, which is an attempt on Shri Modi’s part to reach out to the public for his election campaigning in India, involves technology that uses image-beaming at intended locations with specialized camera techniques to offer an unparalleled live-view experience without the use of 3D glasses.
The first round of the 3D Bharat Vijay rally was held on 11th April, wherein Shri Modi had shared his vision for a variety of critical national challenges like employment, education and malnutrition. The technology had allowed Shri Modi to connect with 5 lakh people at more than 80 locations across India, including far-off places like Jammu & Kashmir.
The 3D rally has not only established Shri Modi as a leader who wants to integrate more of Science and Technology into the everyday life of Indians, but has also brought him to the doorstep of people in hundreds of constituencies in a seamless and hassle-free manner.