Governor of Jharkhand Smt. Draupadi Murmu Ji, the zealous and popular Chief Minister of the state, Mr. Raghubar Das, my Cabinet colleague Mr. Jagat Prasad Nadda ji, my cabinet colleague and the son of the soil Mr. Sudarshan Bhagat Ji, my colleague in the central government Mr. Jayant Sinha ji, member of the NITI Ayog, Dr. V.K. Paul, Minister in the State Government Ramchandra Chandravanshi, my colleague in Parliament Mr. Ram Tahal Choudhary ji, MLA Mr.Ram Kumar Pahan ji, all the dignitaries present here and my dear brothers and sisters of Jharkhand who are present here in large numbers.
Today, we all are witnessing this special occasion that will prove to be a great service to humanity in the future. Today I have come here to not only give impetus to Jharkhand's development but also to fulfil the age-old dreams of the sages of India and of every family in India - 'Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinaha Sarve Santu Niramayaha'. We need to fulfil this age-old resolution in this century and we are giving it a valuable start.
Today this important step of accomplishing the dream of ensuring better medical facilities and treatment to the poorest of the poor is being taken from the land of Birsa Munda.
Today the entire country is watching Ranchi. Similar events have been organized in more than 400 districts of the country and from there everyone is watching this grand ceremony of Ranchi. Thereafter, they will carry this programme forward in their respective districts.
Today I also got the opportunity to inaugurate two new medical colleges here. Our Chief Minister was telling me that there were only 3 medical colleges with 350 students in 70 years since Independence; while 8 medical colleges with 1200 students came up in just 4 years. I don’t think we need to look for a better example of how work is done at a wide scale and at an unprecedented speed.
Brothers and sisters,
The Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana - PMJAY with the resolution of Ayushman Bharat will be implemented from today. Every person is naming this scheme according to his imagination. Some people are calling it 'Modicare' while others are calling it a pro-poor scheme. People are naming it in different ways but for me it is a great opportunity to serve the poor people of our country. I believe that there cannot be a greater scheme or a campaign than this one to serve the poor.
It is the world's largest scheme that aims at providing health assurance of up to five lakh rupees to more than 50 crore brothers and sisters of the country. Such a huge government scheme is not operating in any country of the world.
It is difficult to imagine the number of beneficiaries of this scheme right now. The beneficiaries of Ayushman Bharat are equivalent to the population of entire European Union comprising 27-28 countries.
Ayushman Bharat will take care of health of the number of people more than the combined population of America, Canada and Mexico.
Therefore, our health minister Nadda ji was saying that the world's most popular health magazine has extensively talked about this scheme and lauded it as a 'game changer' and an ambitious scheme.
I believe that in the near future, the people associated with the medical sector, or those concerned with health schemes, those associated with economics or modern treatment techniques, or those thinking of bringing about a transformation in the lives of the common man like social scientists, medical scientists, economists will have to study and think on the lines of India's scheme of Ayushman Bharat. And sooner or later, based on it, they will have to devise future models for the world.
The work accomplished by all my friends who have worked as a team to give this plan a shape is not a miniscule one. Such a Herculean task has been accomplished from it's inception to its implementation within a short span of 6 months. Those who talk about good governance, must realize that forming a team and working with a vision and a roadmap in a time-bound manner and associating 13000 hospitals with 50 crore people within 6 months in itself is a unique feat.
Therefore, today I would like to congratulate my entire team publicly in front of the 125 crore Indians from the bottom of my heart. And I believe that now the team will work with more enthusiasm and dedication; because earlier the Prime Ministers kept nagging them but now they have the blessings of 50 crore poor people. I believe that with the blessings of the 50 crore poor people, even the ASHA workers in villages will work zealously and make it a success.
While dedicating this protective cover of health to the poor I pray to God for its success. The scheme is a good for everyone but during the inauguration of a hospital can we ever wish that the hospital remains full? No one can! When I will be going to inaugurate a hospital, I will say that may their hospital always remains empty.
Today while launching the Ayushman Bharat Mission, I would pray that no poor person of my country faces such an adversary that he has to knock the doors of a hospital to avail the scheme. Such adversaries must not strike anyone. So, I also pray to God for everyone’s good health. If some adversary befalls anyone, Ayushman Bharat is there to take care of it.
If unfortunately the vicious cycle of diseases enters your life, my country's poor will also be able to avail the same health care facilities that the rich avails.
Brothers and sisters,
This scheme is being implemented from today. However, it was necessary to run trials for it's a mega scheme. For the last few days, trials were going on in different districts to ensure that the technology and the Arogya Mitras are functioning properly and to see if the existing hospitals need to be changed or upgraded. And I believe that this mission will successfully accomplish its objective of giving health rights in true terms. It will further strengthen the sector of healthcare services.
A special occasion is also associated with Ayushman Bharat Mission. When I had started the first phase and the work of the wellness center on April 14 from the jungles of Chhattisgarh, it was on the birth anniversary of Baba Saheb Ambedkar. Today, while starting the second phase, birth anniversary of Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyay ji which is on 25th September has been kept in mind. So, this event has been organized two days prior to his birth anniversary as it is a Sunday and it is also convenient for me. However, this day also marks another important occasion. It is also the birth anniversary of our national poet Dinkar, the name that triggers a feeling of vigour and whose words had the power to awaken anyone.
Therefore today, we are devoting this scheme to the country with the blessings of the great personalities who had made ceaseless efforts to eliminate the prevalent discrimination in the society and had worked for the pride of the poor throughout their lives.
This scheme is being dedicated to the country with the objective that best quality treatment is available to all and is not limited to few people.
Brothers and sisters,
Whenever we look at the health sector of our country, it has been observed that if Rs.100 is spent on an individual for treatment, of that the burden of more than Rs.60 is borne by the family or that individual. The entire savings is spent on medical expenses. As most part of their income is spent on medical expenses, every year lakhs of families that are on the verge of coming out of poverty are again pushed back into poverty due to some or the other disease. We have thus, taken this responsibility of changing this scenario.
Brothers and sisters,
We have been hearing the slogan of 'Garibi Hatao' since independence. If the people who deceived the poor over the past 30,40 and 50 years had emphasized on empowering the poor instead of playing dirty politics in the name of poor, then India wouldn't have been what it is today. They had an erroneous perception about the poor. They thought that poor always demands something or the other. The basic mistake on their part was to believe that the poor needs to be given things for free. But the extent of dignity and self-respect that the poor possess cannot ever be measured.
I have lived in poverty. I have experienced the dignity and the self-respect of the poor. This feeling of self-respect gives the strength to deal with poverty. However, no effort was made to understand this feeling of the poor's self-respect or to understand their intensions to fulfil their dreams. Therefore, before every election they used to indulge in dole politics to gain political brownie points. They used to follow this ploy.
We, on the other hand, have identified the root cause of the problem. The country is moving ahead at a rapid pace towards poverty eradication. Recently, an international organization has said that within last 2-3 years, almost 5 crore families in India have come out of extreme poverty.
Brothers and sisters,
This has been possible because we have emphasized upon empowerment of the poor. Therefore, when a poor person gets a house, his mindset and perception changes and when a poor mother gets a gas connection, she is confident and feels equal to the others.
The poor feel dignified when they have a bank account. They decide to save money. The poor move towards empowerment when they are vaccinated and avail the benefits of Poshan Mission.
You must have watched the recently concluded Asian Games. Who were the award winners of the Asian Games? Who won the gold medals? Who were the people who brought such great honours to India? Most of these children, both sons and daughters, belong to small villages and poor families. Their childhood was spent in malnutrition but when they got the opportunity, they brought accolades to the country.
That power also lies in the poor and we need to identify it. Therefore, all our schemes are for empowerment of the poor. There has been another transformation in our country. Earlier all the laws were formulated on the basis of vote bank politics. They were concerned with the community, caste and areas that will be politically beneficial or that will help them in winning elections. Even if there were possibilities of regional development, societal change or removing community tensions, the government's money was used to strengthen the political parties rather than strengthening the society. The government's treasury was looted recklessly.
We didn't take that path. We don't want the country to ever return to that path. Our mantra has been - 'Sabka Sath Sabka Vikas'. Ayushman Bharat will not be based upon community, caste or class discriminations. 'Sabka Sath Sabka Vikas' doesn't discriminate between caste, community, region, religion or theists and atheists. It is immaterial whether the person goes to temple or mosque or gurdwara or church. Everyone will get the benefit of Ayushman Bharat. This is what is 'Sabka Sath Sabka Vikas'.
It is such a massive scheme and it can be estimated from the fact that treatment for more than 1300 diseases including cancer, heart diseases, kidney and liver diseases and diabetes are included in the scheme. The treatment for 1300 serious diseases will be available not only in government hospitals but also in private hospitals of the country.
Apart from getting admitted to the hospital, up to 5 lakh rupees can be used for check-up, medicines, expenditure prior to getting admitted to the hospital till the completion of the treatment. If someone has already been ill, he can make use of the scheme to pay for his medical expenses.
Moreover, proper arrangements have been made so that the beneficiaries across the country are able to avail the benefits of the scheme. We have made arrangements so that you don't have to run from pillar to post for treatment. Efforts are being made so that everything is done via technology. We are trying to ensure that no beneficiary or needy person is left out.
You don't have to get registered for this scheme. This e-card is all that you need. E-card will have all the required information related to you. You won't be entangled in any kind of paper verification.
Besides, you all must remember this telephone number. I urge all the poor families to remember this one telephone number - 14555. You can call and confirm if your and your family's name has been included in the scheme or not. You can also enquire about the facilities that you can avail for your problems and about the nearest common service centres. Today, there are 3 lakh common Service centres in the country. No one has to travel more than 2-3km to reach the common service centre. You can go and seek information from these common service centres.
Besides these facilities, you will also have two more helping hands: First, ASHA and ANM sisters of your village; and secondly, Pradhan Mantri Arogya Mitras, who will be present in every hospital for your help. These Pradhan Mantri Arogya Mitras will cooperate with you so that you can avail the benefits of this scheme right from the time prior to getting admitted to the hospital till post treatment period. These friends who are dedicated to make the country healthy will provide you the right information.
The Ayushman Bharat Mission strengthens the environment of ‘One India, One treatment’ in true sense. The people of one state that have joined the Ayushman Bharat Mission can also avail the benefits of the scheme in some other state in case of emergency.
Till date, more than 13000 hospitals across the country have joined this mission. In the near future, more hospitals will be part of this mission. Moreover, the well performing hospitals, especially the rural hospitals will get incentives from the government.
Brothers and sisters,
The aim of Ayushman Bharat Mission is not only to provide financial aid but also to develop a system that will ensure best treatment facilities just close to your house.
Today, 10 wellness centres have also been inaugurated here. Now Jharkhand has 40 such centres and the country has about 2000 - 2500 centres. We have set a target of establishing 1.5 lakh wellness centres across the country in the next four years.
Brothers and sisters,
The health and wellness centres are important part of Ayushman Bharat Mission. These centres will not only have treatment and medicines for common diseases but will also have facilities for conducting several free tests. This will help in early detection of serious diseases.
The government is working holistically instead of working in bits and pieces. Every decision and law is interlinked. The government is focusing on both affordable healthcare and preventive healthcare. Yoga, campaigns like Swachh Bharat Mission, making villages Open Defecation Free etc. are aimed at eradicating the root cause of serious diseases. You must have read recently that the possibility of saving the lives of 3 lakh children have increased because of Swachh Bharat Mission. Whether it is the statistics pertaining to saving the lives of newborn babies or the lives of pregnant mothers, the country is striding ahead at a rapid pace to make India healthy.
The government has started schemes like Poshan Mission so that malnutrition can be prevented right at the nascent stage of development of the body. At the same time, relentless efforts are being made to increase the human resources in the medical field. According to an estimate, there will be about 2500 good quality and modern hospitals due to Ayushman Bharat in the coming 3 years. Most of these hospitals will be concentrated in tier-2, tier-3 cities and small towns. As a result, new employment opportunities and opportunities for new profession will open up for middle class families.
Moreover, employment opportunities will also come up in the form of technical expertise, call centre jobs, management, pharmaceutical production, equipment manufacturing along with medical services. There will be a huge demand for paramedical staff and trained doctors. Simultaneously, there will also be new opportunities for start-ups related to the medical field. Lakhs of doctors, nurses and people associated with hospital management will get the opportunity to be associated with it. This means that a great opportunity awaits the country's middle class and lower middle class.
The government is working relentlessly to strengthen the health infrastructure in the country's villages, towns, and tier-1 and tier-2 cities. In the last four years, 14 new AIIMS have been approved across the country. Under the Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana, work is underway to establish at least 1 AIIMS in every state. Also, 82 new government medical colleges are being constructed throughout the country. The government is trying to emphasize that there should be at least one medical college in every three or four Parliamentary constituencies.
Under this effort, today the foundation-stone of two medical colleges have been laid that will be constructed at a cost of more than Rs.600 crores. A new facility of about 400 beds will be added to these medical colleges that are coming up in Koderma and Chaibasa.
Brothers and sisters,
In the last four years, about 25000 new undergraduate and post-graduate seats have been added to the medical colleges in the country. The government is targeting to develop a capacity to produce 1 lakh new doctors in the country in the coming 4-5 years. That is, keeping in mind the requirements of the future, emphasis is being given on developing both infrastructure and human resources.
Deen Dayal Upadhyay ji used to rightly say that just like education, the expenditure on health is not expenditure but an investment. Development of the country and the society is not possible without good quality education and skills. Similarly, sick citizens cannot build an empowered nation.
I am confident that with the help of every person associated with this scheme, with the efforts of Arogya Mitras, ASHA and ANM sisters, doctors, nurses, workers and service providers, we can make this scheme successful and build a healthy nation. I wish that the New India is healthy and empowered and you all are healthy.
With this expectation, I dedicate the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana to 125 crore Indians from the soil of Ranchi and the land of Bhagwan Birsa Munda today.
Thanks a lot!
Victory to Mother India!
Victory to Mother India!
Victory to Mother India!
I will say Ayushman; you will say Bharat.
Thank you so much!