Prime Minister Narendra Modi communicated with the voters of his parliamentary constituency, Varanasi, through a video message. He expressed that representing this city is possible only due to the immense grace of Baba Vishwanath and the blessings of the people of Kashi. Referring to this election as an opportunity to build a new and developed India along with a new Kashi, the Prime Minister urged the residents of Kashi, especially the youth, women, and farmers, to participate in record numbers on June 1.
Chairman and CEO of Microsoft, Satya Nadella met with Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi in New Delhi.
Shri Modi expressed his happiness to know about Microsoft's ambitious expansion and investment plans in India. Both have discussed various aspects of tech, innovation and AI in the meeting.
Responding to the X post of Satya Nadella about the meeting, Shri Modi said;
“It was indeed a delight to meet you, @satyanadella! Glad to know about Microsoft's ambitious expansion and investment plans in India. It was also wonderful discussing various aspects of tech, innovation and AI in our meeting.”
It was indeed a delight to meet you, @satyanadella! Glad to know about Microsoft's ambitious expansion and investment plans in India. It was also wonderful discussing various aspects of tech, innovation and AI in our meeting.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) January 6, 2025