Prime Minister Narendra Modi held a massive roadshow in Bengaluru. Sea of supporters gathered to show their support for the BJP. The entire route was decked with flowers with people chanting 'Bharat Mata Ki Jai', 'Bajrang Bali Ki Jai'.
The Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi today remarked that India was a powerhouse of talent, filled with innumerable inspiring life journeys showcasing innovation and courage. Citing an example of the Green Army, he lauded their pioneering work as insipiring.
Shri Modi in a post on X wrote:
“India is a powerhouse of talent, filled with innumerable inspiring life journeys showcasing innovation and courage.
It is a delight to remain connected with many of them through letters. One such effort is the Green Army, whose pioneering work will leave you very inspired.”
India is a powerhouse of talent, filled with innumerable inspiring life journeys showcasing innovation and courage.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) December 31, 2024
It is a delight to remain connected with many of them through letters. One such effort is the Green Army, whose pioneering work will leave you very inspired.